#harry wells x reader


Imagine telling Harry that you’re trapped between Zoom and reaching the time vault…

“Y/n?” Harrison called over the phone. His heart leaping at the sound of your voice. “Y/n, where are you? We need to get out of here now!”

On the other end, you were running through STAR Labs as fast as your legs could go. You were gathering wires and tools that came your way in an effort to be armed.

“I can’t. He’s coming and you need to get inside the vault now.” Your sentence ending with sharp intakes of air. You could just imagine the look of horror on Harrison’s face and you wished that you weren’t the one to add additional worry.

“What? No, you need to come…” Harrison suddenly heard a sound that made his heart fall to the pit of his stomach – the proximity alarm on the computers and a whoosh on the other end of the phone call.

You gasped and hid behind a wall, pressing your back against its cold surface. The electricity spiked in the air even though Zoom was far away. “He’s here.”

Part 1 - read here | Part 3 - coming soon…

~More imagines here~


Imagine playing a risky game when Zoom attacks Earth-2 Star Labs…

“Henry, lock this place down and evacuate everyone!” Harry demanded, his tension levels rising with the imminent danger. 

Henry, confused and worried, stumbled over his feet. It was going to be mayhem and you knew it. Zoom was quicker than the Flash and there was no room for slight error. 

A lightbulb burst overhead, frightening scientists who fled and you grabbed Harry’s arm. “I can do it faster from the main grid." 

Technically, you were right but Harry shook his head. "Absolutely not.” He turned and started to send instructions to the rest of the team when he felt a tug on his arm.

You placed a hand on his cheek and forced him to look at you. "I’m not asking.“

He didn’t like the idea of you out in the open while Zoom was upon the labs. He was also out of time to argue your stance without endangering all lives. Exhaling heavily, Harry placed a hand over your own and squeezed before passing one parting piece of information.

"Time vault - ten minutes.”

Part 2 - coming soon… | Part 3 - coming soon…

~More imagines here~


Imagine trying to care for Harry after he’s injured…

You frowned while working the bandage onto Harry’s forehead. A simple task if the man had not been talking and gesturing about how he hated being confused with Eobard Thawne and that it was the reason he was kidnapped.

“We’re two different people! How can your Earth not see the difference?”

Without fail, his bandage slipped from your hold again and you huffed. “Harry.” 

Finally, the man paused and you took advantage of his stillness. Taking a small swipe of the antiseptic cream, you smeared it over Harry’s bruise with your thumb before grabbing the bandage and gently sticking it over the injury.

“That should do it.” You told him and stroked his cheek. “By the way, I can see the difference.”

~More imagines here~
