#the flash imagine


Imagine telling Harry that you’re trapped between Zoom and reaching the time vault…

“Y/n?” Harrison called over the phone. His heart leaping at the sound of your voice. “Y/n, where are you? We need to get out of here now!”

On the other end, you were running through STAR Labs as fast as your legs could go. You were gathering wires and tools that came your way in an effort to be armed.

“I can’t. He’s coming and you need to get inside the vault now.” Your sentence ending with sharp intakes of air. You could just imagine the look of horror on Harrison’s face and you wished that you weren’t the one to add additional worry.

“What? No, you need to come…” Harrison suddenly heard a sound that made his heart fall to the pit of his stomach – the proximity alarm on the computers and a whoosh on the other end of the phone call.

You gasped and hid behind a wall, pressing your back against its cold surface. The electricity spiked in the air even though Zoom was far away. “He’s here.”

Part 1 - read here | Part 3 - coming soon…

~More imagines here~


Imagine playing a risky game when Zoom attacks Earth-2 Star Labs…

“Henry, lock this place down and evacuate everyone!” Harry demanded, his tension levels rising with the imminent danger. 

Henry, confused and worried, stumbled over his feet. It was going to be mayhem and you knew it. Zoom was quicker than the Flash and there was no room for slight error. 

A lightbulb burst overhead, frightening scientists who fled and you grabbed Harry’s arm. “I can do it faster from the main grid." 

Technically, you were right but Harry shook his head. "Absolutely not.” He turned and started to send instructions to the rest of the team when he felt a tug on his arm.

You placed a hand on his cheek and forced him to look at you. "I’m not asking.“

He didn’t like the idea of you out in the open while Zoom was upon the labs. He was also out of time to argue your stance without endangering all lives. Exhaling heavily, Harry placed a hand over your own and squeezed before passing one parting piece of information.

"Time vault - ten minutes.”

Part 2 - coming soon… | Part 3 - coming soon…

~More imagines here~


Imagine trying to care for Harry after he’s injured…

You frowned while working the bandage onto Harry’s forehead. A simple task if the man had not been talking and gesturing about how he hated being confused with Eobard Thawne and that it was the reason he was kidnapped.

“We’re two different people! How can your Earth not see the difference?”

Without fail, his bandage slipped from your hold again and you huffed. “Harry.” 

Finally, the man paused and you took advantage of his stillness. Taking a small swipe of the antiseptic cream, you smeared it over Harry’s bruise with your thumb before grabbing the bandage and gently sticking it over the injury.

“That should do it.” You told him and stroked his cheek. “By the way, I can see the difference.”

~More imagines here~



Requested by:@weirdnewbie

Fandom: The Flash

Relationship: Barry x Platonic!Reader

Prompt: Just got a strike of idea. For the Flash, maybe the reader is a metahuman and she controls nature and she’s just really mellow and the team try and get her to help them but she refuses every time. Is that okay? If there’s no pairing? You could have her be friends with someone on the team if you’d like.

Word Count: 329

“Hey Joe,” you smiled at the older man as you passed his desk. It was lunch time and you were meeting your best friend, Barry. 

“Y/n,” he smiled as he stood up to give you a hug. As you pulled away you handed him a brown paper bag with his lunch and a coffee from the tray you were holding. “Aha this is why you’re my favorite,” you shook your head before heading up to Barry’s office. 

You were one of Joe’s honorary kids, seeing as you have been best friends with Barry since before his mom died. You saw Barry sitting in his chair, he was going through some more files. 

“Hey, Bartholomew,”  he scowled before looking up at you.

 “You know you are the only person in my life who insists on calling me that.” You smiled placing the brown bag down. 

“I’ve earned the right to.”

“How so,” Barry raised his eyebrow at you.

“Coffee,” you replied as you placed his cup on the desk before taking a seat in a rolling chair. “How’s Star Labs?” You kicked your feet up onto his desk. You saw Barry roll his eyes as you dug into the sandwich you made. 

“The offer is still up there-” 


“No,Y/N,” he commanded “hear me out.” You sighed and stared at him for a second. 

“Okay,” you whispered.

“We need you,” you shook your head. 

“No,Barry. I told you I’m not using my powers. It was a mistake.” 


“No,” you yelled as you stood “Barry, the man who runs that lab made me this way.”

“He’s,” he paused standing in front of you “he’s willing to help you.”

“I’m going to go,” you gathered your purse and walked towards the door.

“Y/N,” Barry called causing you to turn. 

“I’m sorry Barry, but I can’t be near that man. Who messed up my life.” You turned around again and headed down the stairs to go home.

read part 2


Barry Allen x female reader

Word Count: 1967

Fluff for this Valentine dayTuesday

Summary: (Y/N) has received a love letter. The problem, she doesn’t know who sent it. The other problem, she is already in love with someone else


Within seconds you stole my attention
Skin so perfect, a golden complexion
More than beautiful girl, you’re a work of art
Oh, my, I cannot believe my eyes
Oh, my, pinch me, am I dreamin’, am I?
Oh, my, did you fall from the skies?

I can’t see your wings, but girl, you’re an angel
Oh, my, my angel
You’re so out of this world, you’re hiding your halo
Oh, oh, my angel
Oh, my, my angel
Won’t you be mine? My angel
I can’t see your wings, but girl, you’re an angel
Oh, my angel

Your heart melted once more when you read those words for what seemed the millionth time today.
“You are reading that thing again?” Caitlin asked
“Yeah” you sighed dreamfully “I can’t help it. Every time I use the phone I have, no, need to read it”
“It’s a shame you don’t know who sent it” she commented while sipping her coffee.
“I’m kind of bumped about it too. I mean, they could have written an initial or,  I don’t know, something at least!” You said exasperated.
Since the letter arrived on Valentines day, attached to a bouquet of flowers with no remitent, you had been thinking of who the person might be. However, no one seemed to fit in the description. And to be honest, you were a little bit scared to reveal the identity, since your heart already belonged to another person.

Barry Allen, his name already causing a tickling feeling in your stomach.
And speaking of the devil…
“Hey Bar, how is it going?” You greeted him when you saw his exhausted face
“Julian. I swear-” he sighed exasperated
“I better get you a coffee” Caitlin offered since she was about to leave.
“Thank you” replied Barry with his face still buried in his hands.
“Why don’t you ignore him? You have tried to be friends with him
If he doesn’t want to, why waste time?” You reasoned
“I’ve tried! But his always on my ass. ‘Mr. Allen have you done this, have you done that. Your break its at one o'clock, not at 12:59” he mocked him
Caitlin handed him his coffee “Don’t think about it. Relax for a little, (Y/N) can stay with you, right?” She suggested.
It’d have been kind of awkward if you had been left alone with your crush. But he wasn’t only your crush, he was one of your best friends too (which made the whole ‘crush’ thing more complicated)
After Caitlin left, you had a few minutes of silence before Allen broke it
“What about you, something exciting in your life lately?”
You could have told him about the letter, though it didn’t seem right, so you just used the plain answer of ‘Nop’.
“Really? Because I’ve been catching you on your phone more frequently than usual. New fanfic?” He asked
Your checks turned red and you hit his shoulder playfully
“Okay, okay I just wanted to know what’s been up with you lately, angel” he smiled with his hands up in surrender.
“There’s nothing wrong” you lied “just living la vida
“I bet you are” he muttered before taking another sip of his cup
“Hey look what time is it” you said looking at your phone “I need to get back to the office. And you sir” you enphazised the last part “you need to get back before Julian kicks your ass for being late, again”
“Yeah, yeah”
Together you made your way to the door, and after saying your farewells, you took your respective paths.
While you walked down the familiar streets, you couldn’t help but feel that something was different. Not with the place, but something had happened. Something you cannot quite put your finger on.
This thoughts still roamed in your mind while you worked.
What is it, what is it.
You had gone through every detail of your day, but still couldn’t find anything of importance.
You had woken up, coffee, went to work… the usual… you had had lunch with Cait, then Barry. He just took a coffee, maybe that was what was bothering you. I mean, he needs to take like 100000 calories a day, a coffee for lunch seems poor. And then you’ve just gone back to work. Uhm… maybe it was something Cait said… You didn’t recall any exciting news… maybe the talk with Barry… nah, nothing new… wait… Oh my god!
‘Okay, okay I just wanted to know what’s been up with you lately, angel’
Could you be making this up? I mean, no one calls you ‘angel’ but…
“The letter” you finished your thoughts “Oh my Chuck! Barry wrote the letter!” You said outloud, which made a few heads turn to your direction.
You were freaking out. Had your crush really send you the most heartfilled letter you have ever read? Does Barry have a crush on you too?! Your brain was making plots, tryung to explain everything. Your face was flushed, your breath fast, and if you hadn’t been siting on a chair, you would have probably fall, since your legs were weak and shaking as fast as your hands.
‘I need to see him, or else I’m going to burst’ with your mind racing, you made your way to your boss office, to say that an urgency had come up, and that you needed to leave. But not to worry, you’d do the hours you are gone, tomorrow.
After she seemed satisfied, you left in a rush.
Your legs were walking fast as you traced on your mind the shortest route to the CCPD.
You were out of breath when you reached your destination.
“Miss, can I help you?” The lady on the desk asked
You were kind of lost, not knowing who had talked to you untill your eyes settled on the woman on the counter.
“Yeah, yeah” you came closer, your hands tight on the strap of your bag “I’m looking for Barry Allen, forensic scientist”
“And you are…?”
Of course, you face palmed internally, who would call a scientist, at the police station, on work hours. Unless you were a police officer or something, it was stupid.
“I-I’m a… friend”
“Well, I’m sorry, but you can catch up with him after his shift is done” the woman replied
You lost your words. Now that your mind wasn’t in a rush, reality crushed your plans. And the worst, the question of  'What if this is a mistake?’, made your heart break in a million pieces.
“(Y/N)! what are you doing here?”
You looked to the owner of the hand that was on your shoulder
“Joe! I mean, Detective!”
“Don’t worry Karen, she’s with me” he reasurred the lady. He gesture you to follow him, which you did, to a place where you could talk “So, what are you doing here kid?”
“I was looking for Barry” you replied a little nervous “its kind of important”
“It must be to make you come all the way down here” he smiled “come on, his lab is upstairs. If anyone asks, you are with me”
“Thank you Joe” you breathed before turning away. Suddenly, your feet stopped and you went back to him “Joe, can I ask you something?” with a nod of his head you understood he was listening “do you know if…” come on, now you have yo say it “Barry…is fond of me, in some kind of…way?” You cringed at your own words
Detective West looked at you “Well, you too are best friends” come on you know what I mean… “but I guess that if you are looking for a different answer, you might as well ask him yourself” his eyes were focused on something behind you.
Turning around, you spotted the handsome young man himself carrying a folder
“Hey (Y/N), they told me you were looking for me”
You didn’t know what to do.
This is really happening now…
Nop, okay maybe another time, bye!

“Yeah, but now that I think about it… You know what, it’s nothing, forget it. I better go”
Oh come on! Don’t be a chicken! Woman up!
Taking a deep breath, you spined and made your way to a confused Barry
“No. Actually, I wanted to talk to you” your bipolarity kind of scared Barry, who gave the papers to the Capitan before leading you to the stairs to the street.
“So…” he was in front of you, his back resting on the wall in a casual way.
“Well I… I know you did it” it will be better if you are as clear as possible.
“Did what?” He asked, and you knew he wasn’t taking this seriously until you answered
“The letter. You wrote it”
His whole expression change. His laid figure, stiffen. His soft eyes, wide in fear, and he shuttered
“I don’t know- the what?”
His acting skills are not that good for someone who has to hide their identity  from the world.
You smug expression made  his rambling stop, hiding his face in his hands while letting out and exasperated breath, expecting the worst.
However you completely understood his situation.
“Bar” you pulled his hand away, tugging them so that he would look at you “I don’t know what you are thinking I’m going to do, but I know that if your dont explain me everything… well, you could miss something”
He laughed bitterly “What is there to say (Y/N)? I like you. I like you a lot. And I didn’t have the guts to tell you on person. But then I saw how sad you sometimes were about not having someone special. I mean, I tried to let you know how beautiful and amazing you are, but you would say 'It doesnt work like that Bar, it has to be… someone’ ” he mocked you “So I thought, why not be that someone? I could tell you how magnificent you were without having to show my identity. And god, I still don’t regret it. Watching you so happy over such little thing. You smiled more, did you know that?”
You were frozen. You had dreamed about this moment for years, but now that it had come, you found yourself not being able to respond.
“You don’t need to say anything (Y/N). I understand this might be akward for you-”
“Its not that” you cut him off “I-I..Its just that…” you took a deep breath “I like you too. A lot actually”
After you confessed, the air seemed more tense and awkward. You didn’t know what to do, you just stared at your shoes with your face flushed.
You felt Barry moving, maybe he was going back to work.
Luckily, you were wrong.
He pressed his body against you, his hands finding their way to your hips. Then he started to push you gently against the wall, though the friction never ceased.
When you head bumped lightly against the brick, he touched your forehead with his.
You could feel his hot breath, his sculpted body, his soft eyes laying dangerously on your lips.
Why hadn’t he done anything was yet a mystery. So you decided you’ll have to take action.
With your cold hands, you brought his face closer, to be able to connect his lips with yours.
He let out a moan of happiness, which made you giggle and break the kiss, though he was fast to reconnect your lips.
“Would you like to go on a date with me?” He asked after a few minutes.
You smiled opening you eyes and leaning more on his touch.
“I would love to”

“Allen, next time you decide to leave so that you can make out with your girlfriend, remember that you are at work”
However, even Julian’s comments couldn’t ruin that day.

Barry Allen x reader 

Angst and fluff

Word count: 890 

A/N: Happy 2017!

“Happy new year!” Everyone cheered as the clocked signaled 0:0
You turned your head to kiss the lips of the one who was holding you tight by the hips
“Happy new year baby” you whispered, your foreheads together.
“Happy new year” he replied
You couldn’t help but giggle, feeling blissful at that moment.
All the people around you were loudly chatting and celebrating the new year. However, you just felt his grip, his hot breath on your nose as he leaned down again to reconnect your lips.
This kiss felt more intimate, more loving. It wasn’t a ‘happy new year’ it was an 'I love you’.
You turned your body completely, wrapping your arms around his neck to pull him closer.
“Guys quit the PDA! For God’s sake, it’s disgusting!” Cisco demand made you laugh, opening your eyes just to see that Barry was already looking at you.
“I love you” he mouthed
You smiled before leaving one last chaste kiss on his lips.
On your tiptoes, you whispered on his ear “Me too” before joining Iris and Wally on the couch.

“I can’t believe that” you commented while laughing about some tale of Cisco.
He kept going while your eyes wandered around the room
“Hey guys, have you seen Barry?” You cut him off
A chorus of 'No’s replied you
You weren’t the overprotective kind of girlfriend, but you knew this holiday had been kind of tuff for your beloved speedster. Specially since he was so eager on not telling you why.

You started registering the West household, your feet hurting every minute you spend walking on those heels.
When you had reached the second floor, your heels were on your hands.
“Why haven’t I looked in here before?” You moaned as you came into view of your boyfriend’s old bedroom.
“Barry?” You asked poking your head on the room.
Once you saw his slumped figure, you came in.
“Baby what happened?” You asked as you plopped yourself  next to him on the bed.
He rested his head on you shoulders, not giving you a verbal answer, but enough to let you know that he needed you.
You wrapped your arms around him, letting his head drop on your chest.
“Barry I know this past few days have been hard. And I can’t help you unless you tell me what is worrying you” you said in the softest voice while you traced random patterns on his back
“I just-” he started, then he stopped for few seconds, in order to grasp everything he needed to tell you “I don’t know (Y/N)” he sighed, his eyes looking up to meet yours “I’ve just been thinking about this Christmas, this New Years… since I was a kid I always dreamed of spending the holidays with my dad. Even though he wasn’t… here, he could be, you know? Now that he’s passed away, I’ve come to realise that I’m never going to have that” you saw a silent tear running down his cheek as he laughed bitterly “if it wasn’t one thing, it had to be the other”
You were silent, your heart breaking at every word. He missed his dad. After all, it was his first Christmas and New years without him.
You didn’t know what to say, so you just hold him and kissed the top of his head while his tears stained your dress.
“I-I- Barry I love you, and I know that the pain that you are going through is worse than what you are able to put in words. It seemed that you were finally dealing with your father’s death, when the wound opens again. I know baby, it’s hard” you were choking on your tears now, the fact that he needed you so much now put a pressure on you, you weren’t even sure you could handle “But you must remember that you have this family, this friends, that love you endlessly. You have me Bar. I’m here with you, you can always count on me. And we can go through this together, because the worse you can do right now is to fight this alone”
Your cheeks were wet, your head rested on top of his as you mumbled those last words.
“I love you Bar”
His arms were wrapped around your waist, in a way it looked like he was scared of you leaving.
He finally looked at you, his eyes recalling on your hot face.
With a shaky hand, he put a strand of hair you hadn’t even noticed, behind your ear.
Now that you could see him face to face, you noticed his red puffy eyes, his runny nose and pink cheeks.
“You always know what to say, uh” he said, his lips curving a little on the edge.
You couldn’t help but smile at his response. You had been scared that your speech wasn’t good enough, that you couldn’t take care of your boyfriend. But that first try of an smile proved you wrong.    
“I love you Bar”
“Stay?” he asked in a whisper
So that’s how you spend your first night of this new year, in each other’s arms, because after a few minutes of silence, he said
“I love you” before closing his eyes, doing the same yourself few moments later.

I could meme this but I’m going to say that you can just tell that his face in this picture ju

I could meme this but I’m going to say that you can just tell that his face in this picture just says “no.” And because I can.
Imagine: when Grant sees you with another guy while filming the flash (you=single)

Post link

Request: Yes / No  could i request a barry allen smut? with a anti-hero reader? they two dont really get along, until barry gets enough and decides to put the reader ing place?:) (also if you coukd include somewhat od him grabbing the readers face and forcing them to look at him??) Anon

Requests are closed <3 Have a nice day/night

Barry Allen x Fem!Reader 

Word count: 2154

Warnings: SMUT!

Y/N: Your Name 


If you want to be on the tag list for anything (My series fics, specific character fics, or just all of them) All you have to do is send me an ask and I will add you! 


If you enjoy my work, you could also show support by buying me a coffee! 

(Not my photo, credit to whoever made it!)

Ever since the particle accelerator exploded, many people have gained powers. I was one of the lucky ones, well depending on who you asked. I gained the power to control people with just my voice. All I had to do was say ‘I suggest’ then tell them exactly what I want them to do. It was incredibly useful and I knew that I could do some good with this new power. Once I saw what The Flash did I knew I could do a better job, so I took it upon myself to be the city’s better hero. Eventually he and his team took notice of me and The Flash reluctantly asked me to join their team. I got along with everyone, except for Barry, pretty well. Barry and I tend to butt heads a lot, we each had a different definition for justice. He thought hurting people was wrong and I didn’t see an issue with hurting people that deserved it. Whenever I went out with Barry on a mission, we’d always come back fighting. Such as now… 

“I can’t believe you did that! What is wrong with you!?” Barry shouted as he ran into the room, without his costume on. I rolled my eyes and hopped on the desk, crossing my legs. 

“What? It was just a little suggestion.” I shrugged. 

“Barry, you two got the metta, why don’t you both just relax a little?” Caitlyn asked, trying to defuse the situation. 

“Relax? Y/N almost killed innocent people!” He said in disbelief. I rolled my eyes again and picked at my nails. 

“I didn’t though, it was just a little fire!” I said. 

“A little fire? You told the guy to basically burn down the building! There were still people on the floors above us!” He shouted. 

“No one got hurt! The guy freaked out and gave himself up, like Caitlyn said, we got him!” I said. 

“It doesn’t matter! You are so damn reckless! I should just have metta-dampeners on you at all times! You’re a danger to everyone!” He said and I glared at him. 

“I suggest you bite your tongue.” I said and he instantly did as I told. 

“Ow! Y/N!” He growled and I smiled innocently at him. 

“Something wrong, Barry?” I asked, batting my lashes slightly. 

“That’s it!” He shouted. The next thing I knew I was in one of the pipeline cells with Barry smirking at me with his arms crossed. 

“What the fuck, Barry!” I shouted and his smirk grew. 

“Something wrong, Y/N?” He repeated, batting his lashes just as I did. 

“I suggest you let me out of here!” I growled and his smirk only grew more. 

“And I suggest you think about how dangerous you are.” He said and ran off. 

“Barry!” I shouted, but he was definitely too far to hear me now. 

*Two Hours Later*

I’ve been stuck in the stupid cell for hours now! I can’t believe Barry actually left me in a damn cell! He really thinks I’m a danger? How could I be a danger when I can literally make whoever I want do what I want! If anything, I’m a better hero than him! The door started sliding open to reveal the light into the small cell. Barry stood there with a small smirk and I narrowed my eyes at him. 

“Think about your actions?” He asked with a condescending smile. 

“Let me out of here Barry!” I shouted, standing up. 

“I said, did you think about your actions?” He asked again and I groaned. 

“Yeah and I thought about how I’m a better hero than you are!” I said and his eyes darkened. He opened the cell and stepped inside. 

“You fucking brat!” he growled and grabbed my hair. With his free arm, he pushed me down so I was kneeling. He pulled my hair, making me look up at him with wide eyes. 

“I wanted to be nice, but you’re testing my patience.” He said, quickly undoing his pants and unbuckling his belt. He pushed them down along with his boxers and his cock sprang free. I felt a heat between my legs, but also felt confused. His cock was big, almost two inches in diameter. I opened my mouth to protest, but before I could even make a sound Barry shoved my face onto his cock, choking me with it. The head hit the back of my throat, making me gag. I tried to pull my head away, but his hand intertwined with my hair and made it impossible for me to move. He slowly and deeply fucked my mouth, just barely giving me enough time to breath. 

“Oh God, your mouth feels amazing.” He hissed, pushing me even deeper onto his cock. I gasped for air, only to be pushed back down. 

“Maybe you just need to be punished.” He said, tweaking one of my erect nipples, causing me to moan around him. 

“See, good heros, receive pleasure…” He pulled and rolled my nippled between his fingers. I felt my thighs slick with my juices and I tried to clamp my legs shut. 

“Bad heros, get punished.” He suddenly punched the same nipple and held his fingers tight until I yelped in pain. His thick cock prevented most of the nice from escaping. 

“But I find that to be a successful hero, sometimes you need a bit of both.” He said as he started to play with my abused nipples, rolling them between his fingers excruciatingly slow. My nerves were set on fire. I could barely form a coherent thought as Barry worked my body perfectly. He squeezed my breast harshly, making a deep moan escape my throat. I felt an orgsm start building inside me with each passing second. The mixture of his cock in my mouth and my nipples being abused was making my senses overload with pleasure. I closed my eyes, trying to concentrate on the pleasure that ran through my body in waves. He gently, but sternly smacked my face. 

“Don’t close your eyes yet, baby, this is just the beginning. By the time I’m done with you, you’ll be nothing but a begging little slut that constantly needs her pussy stuffed to stay sane.” He said. 

He pulled me away from his throbbing cock. Tears were running down my cheeks, my mouth sore from being open for so long and my hair was still firmly in his hands. He roughly wiped away the saliva around my mouth and wrapped his hand around my throat, just tight enough to remind me that he could choke me. 

“You’re gonna be such a good girl for me now, aren’t you?” He asked and I laughed slightly. His hand tightened around my throat and I instantly stopped. 

“I suggest-” Barry tightened his grip again and lifted me up by my throat. He spun me around and bent me at the waist. With his free hand, he secures both my hands behind my back. Electricity shot down my spine as I tried to struggle out of his grip, but it was no use. I was completely under his control. He has both my wrist wrapped in one hand and with the other he slowly traces a finger up my inner thigh. I bit my lip to keep myself from moaning too loudly. He takes his time, exploring every inch of my thighs and ass. He roams his hand around the curve of my ass only to find just skin. I cured myself for not wearing panties with my skirt today. 

“No panties? Such a dirty little slut.” He said, darkly. His fingers brushed against my wet folds, causing me to whimper. He continued to run his fingers up and down my pussy, teasing. I whined and struggled against his grip, my wetness trailing down my thighs. 

“Barry…” I moaned as he slowly eased his fingers inside, vibrating them as he went. His fingers were thicker than I thought and they were stretching me out. My mind went blank as pleasure shot through each nerve, spreading like fire. His fingers explored every inch, all while vibrating gently. He brushed against my g-spot, causing me to jerk. 

“There it is.” He chuckled darkly as he pressed his body down, making it impossible for me to move. 

“You really thought you could just tell people what to do all the time with no consequences? You’re gonna learn how it feels, Y/N.” He said, taking his fingers out from my dripping pussy and shoving them into my mouth. 

“Whether you like it or not.” He added. My eyes rolled to the back of my head as I swirled my tongue around his fingers. A blush spread through my cheeks as I ran my tongue along the length of his fingers. A small part of me wanted to use my power to make Barry do just as I wanted, but I could hardly form a thought as I felt his cock against my pussy. 

“Please Barry…” I quietly begged as he pulled his fingers out of my mouth. I wiggled my ass against his cock and he groaned. He pressed the tip in slowly, my pussy clenching instinctively. 

“This is where the fun begins.” He whispered in my ear as he eases back and pushes back in torturously slow. My pussy was stretched beyond what I was used to. My mine was internally screaming that he was too big, but with his body against mine and his hands gripping my waist and hair, I was helpless. 

“Can you take it?” He asked. His grasp on my hair loosening and I turned to look at Barry’s face. He looked concerned and I paused for a moment. I nodded my head against the wall. 

“Good girl.” He whispered. He continued to push inside me slowly until he was completely inside. I gasped as his cock filled every inch of my pussy. I tried to wriggle so I could adjust to his size, but Barry held me in place. He slowly pulled out until only the tip remained inside and thrust back in deeply. I moaned loudly into the wall as he continued his rhythm, fucking me slowly but deeply. My mind was completely empty as the pleasure flowed through my body. 

“Feel me stretching you out? Such a dirty little slut.” He hissed as my pussy tried to adjust to him.
“Since you’re such a slut, I’ll treat you like one.” He said as his grip tightened on my hips. 

“There are rules to being a good girl.” He slowly pulled out and slammed into me, causing me to yelp. 

“Good girls don’t talk.” He began to pick up the pace, making me breathless. 

“They beg, and only on command.” He said, drilling into my throbbing pussy. He covered my mouth, my screams muffled by his hand. I felt my orgasm coming closer and closer. He was pounding me fast and deeply, but not enough to send me over the edge. I whined and whimpered into his hand, weakly struggling against his body. I was so close! 

“Beg, baby.” He ordered.

“Please Barry, please let me cum!” I moaned. Barry smacked my ass before thrusting into me suddenly. 

“You need to do better than that, slut. I have no problem finishing myself. After tonight, you’re mine and after I’m done you’re gonna be such a good girl.” He said, thrusting even deeper. 

“Please, please, please, Barry, please let me cum! I promise I’ll be good! I need it so badly.” I babbled mindlessly. 

“Oh good girl, keep going, baby.” He said. As I moaned my pleas for my release, Barry’s rhythm started to get unpredictable. I couldn’t take it anymore, I was gonna explode. 

“Come on baby, cum for me.” He said and started vibrating his dick harshly. I screamed as the pleasure washed over my body. My pussy involuntarily clenched around Barry’s cock. He moaned as he came inside me. I felt his cock throb as my legs shook from the powerful orgasm. He slowly pulled out of me, his cum seeping out of my pussy and running slowly down my thighs. Barry ran off and came back a few seconds later and I was suddenly clean with my skirt back in its place. Barry placed his forehead on mine and smirked at me. 

“I think you’ve learned your lesson now.” He said and I smirked back at him. 

“Maybe I have, maybe I haven’t. Guess you’ll just have to find out next mission.” I said and pecked his lips. His eyes widened slightly as I pushed my way past him. 

“Oh and Barry?” I called, turning my head slightly to look back at him. 

“Yeah?” He asked. 

“I suggest you don’t lock me in the pipeline again.” I said and he nodded instantly then glared at me. I smiled at him and walked off.

Tag list: @les-bio-lie@tashy-bear@hollie-blogs-blog1@schisbro87@lover-of-books-and-teas@nerdygaloresposts@teenwolfbitches28@genius2050@drw0301bieber@lady-of-lies@ravenmoore14@ravenempress101@cillianchamp@rowanthomasknapp@rachelxwayne@liz-owl

“You’re not alone.”

Pairing: Barry Allen x Reader

Summary: Barry is always going to be there for her no matter what.

Warnings: none


“Move..” Y/N pushed Barry out of her way to the trash can to empty its contents. Barry pulled her hair back and gently rubbed circles on her lower back, encouraging her to get it all out. Groaning, she straightened her posture and wiped her mouth using the sleeve of her jumper, hating the fact that her friend saw her throw up the bacon and eggs she had for breakfast.

“You okay?” The speedster could clearly see that she’s barely able to keep a straight face and that bothered him. Barry rolled the chair over and eased her to sit down, slowly pushing the trash can closer to her in case she needed to throw up again.

“This is the fourth day I’ve seen you like this. What’s going on, are you sick?” 

“No, no, it’s probably just what I ate today.” She tried to brush him off but he saw through her lies and he wasn’t dropping it until she told him what’s going on.

“You are aware that I can tell when you’re lying to me right?” 

“Screw you Allen.” Barry smirked as she reached into her bag in search of something to show him. She retrieved a small envelope and handed it over to him. Y/N anxiously chewed on her bottom lip as she waited to see his reaction to the photos in his possession. His furrowed eyebrows shot up in surprise once the realization set in.

“You’re pregnant?!” 

“Shhhh!” Y/N panicked, looking around to make sure that it’s only them in the cortex at the moment. Barry was excited about his friend’s pregnancy but his excitement dimmed a bit seeing that she wasn’t as excited as he was about all this.

“You’re not excited, why are you not excited?” 

“Barry, I am terrified about this pregnancy.” Barry pulled the other chair to sit in front of her and took her hands in his. Y/N tightened her grip on his hand trying her best to not get too emotional about her predicament.

“Hey, hey…talk to me." 

"I can’t do this on my own. I’m not even sure if I’m going to be a good mom, hell I don’t even know if I’m ready for this. Bar I got knocked up by a one night stand who doesn’t want anything to do with me or this baby.” Barry wiped away her tears with the pad of his thumb, his blood boiled in his veins upon hearing that the man neglected his responsibility and he wanted nothing more than to run over to the man’s house to kick his ass.

“Breathe with me, in and out.” Y/N followed his lead to get her to calm down, she was having a hard time breathing as she panicked over the thoughts of how badly things could go wrong.

“If you do decide to keep it I know you’re going to be an incredible mother and who said that you’re gonna do this alone? I’m here and I’m not going to leave you to do this alone. Plus you’ve got Cisco, Caitlin, Iris and Joe to help out from time to time." 

"I don’t even know if I want to keep it and I have limited time to decide on thatoption." 

"Whatever you decide, you have my support but do what you think is best.”

“Thank you, Bar.”

Barry kissed her cheek and pulled her in for a hug, smiling as she nuzzled her nose into the crook of his neck. There was nothing in this world that he wouldn’t do for her because he knew that she’d be there for him no matter what. 

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