


Come on down to HBO War

we got:

Gay War Dads

Gay War Dads 2: Pacific Boogaloo

Gay War Dads 3: Dad Hard With A Vengeance

Gay War Dads 4: The Return of the Gay War Dads

ok I need artist recommendations.

I want to commission a smutty graphic speirton fanart. who are your favourite artists who do smutty smut?


This means that from now and three weeks forward, people can post their fics, arts, gifs or other types of fills for the world to enjoy!

The collection is closed for new prompts, but you can still claim and fill any prompt that speaks to you until March 7th. So if you’re a creator, there is still time to join in the fun!

A quick update on how filling works, and how to make sure it gets promoted; You can fill a post with a fic, a piece of art, a gifset, edit or any other kind of media. Either do it on the AO3 collection by going to the claimed prompt and clicking “Fulfill” and post it there (AO3 allows non-fic posts, but it’s wise to tag it as #fanart or #gif if you’re not doing a fic)


Post it to tumblr or the public website of your choice! If you do this, make sure to notify us running this blog; You can send us a message here, or message the mods on our Discord, and we will reblog and share your post (or a link to your post if you don’t use Tumblr yourself). We have one mod in America and one in Europe, so we will try to cover most of the hours of the day, but depending on when you message us it might take a couple of hours so you know. <3

You can also use the #Love Fest 2022 hashtag, but this can be slightly unreliable due to the way Tumblr sometimes works, so a message with a post link is a wise choice.

More info on how to claim and post your fills can be found here!

LoveFest Collections on AO3

Happy Valentine’s, and happy posting! <3

LoveFest 2022: Last Call for Prompts

Prompting for Band of Boyfriends LoveFest 2022 is almost over! You can still go in and prompt on the collection until February 14th, after which point the collection will close for prompts and open for posting. Posting will then be open until March 7th.

We currently have 40 prompts, of all shapes, ships and sizes, so go in and check if anything speaks to you. Only 13 are claimed, and more than one person can claim any prompt, so go forth and be inspired! We allow any kind of content, not only fics. More info on how posting works and how to inform us of your content so we can reblog/support it, you can find here! 

The 2022 BoB Love Fest AO3 Prompt Collection

Join Us On Discord <3 (16+)

Prompting for the 2022 BoB Love Fest is open!

We want to start off by reminding you that in order to prompt, you only need an AO3 account! Simply go to the collection, press the button that says “sign up” and submit your prompts <3

You can find more information about this event and (if you’re not familiar with how prompts on AO3 work) how to participate here, but the essentials are these:

  • This is a prompt fest, meaning users submit and claim prompts as they like; every user can submit up to ten prompts, and claim and fill whatever number they please.
  • You are free to prompt and claim things even if someone else already has; repetition is not an issue. Maybe you can find a new fandom friend that likes the same things as you?
  • Any kind of media is allowed, meaning fic writers, fan artists, gif makers and any other kind of content creator is welcomed with open and enthusiastic arms.

And the timeline is as follows:

January 24th: The AO3 collection is open for prompts! Every person can submit up to 10 prompts, and they are all live to be seen and claimed.
February 14th: The AO3 collection closes for prompts and opens for posting; from now on, any fills of prompts can go live on any platform.
March 7th: The event is over and the AO3 collection closes.

If you have any questions, send us a message here or join our Band of Brothers Discord server! (Note: Our server is 16+!)

happy prompting, everyone! <3

The 2022 Band of Brothers Lovefest

Hey folks of the Band of Brother fandom!

In celebration of Valentine’s day, we are putting together our SECOND ANNUAL Love Fest prompt event on AO3! Our goal is to create a lovely collection of fics, gifs, art and other splendid Band of Brothers-themed content for Valentine’s day, fuelled by your prompts.

Y’all, it’s year two! We really can’t believe that we get to do this all again with you. And in our excitement, we have decided to not only add a new prompt page and collection, but also open up last year’s prompts for filling. Both collections’ prompts can be claimed and filled, and they will all be listed in the Annual Band of Boyfriends Love Fest collection (navigate to “subcollections” to see every year’s collections!)

We will be sharing all prompts and their fills, be they fic, art, gifs or any other medium, both here as well as on our public Band of Brothers Discord server, to make sure that prompters and creators receive as much attention as they can and deserve (which is a lot).

The only thing you need to participate is an AO3 account, and all kinds of fandom participation is accepted; Fanfic, fan art, gifs, edits and any other types of creation are accepted by us, of any length and size! We welcome prompts that include gen, canon character ships, oc ships (barring that the prompt does not necessitate an artist to know anything outside of canon information), and xreader content.

Check the bottom of this post, under the ‘keep reading’ for information on how to submit prompts and fills. <3 Regardless of what your medium is, promote your work and any favourite prompt you have with the #Bob Love Fest tag, and we will reblog and share it!

The dates on the event are as follows:

January 24th: The AO3 collection is open for prompts! Every person can submit up to 10 prompts, and they are all live to be seen and claimed.
February 14th: The AO3 collection closes for prompts and opens for posting; from now on, any fills of prompts can go live on any platform.
March 7th: The event is over and the AO3 collection closes.

This will give creators a few weeks to find, claim and fill the prompts that they feel spark their lovey hearts, and all of us some time to read and enjoy them! <3

We hope that this will be a fun and inspirational love fest for all of us, and that we as a community will create a lot of lovely things together!

Until Monday, when the event starts, feel free to spread this post and word of the event and we can all hype together. Happy prompting!

/Mods Laura & Maria


1. Prompting

The only thing you need to submit prompts is an AO3 account. Simply go onto our Love Fest Collection over on AO3 and submit your prompts. Every person can submit up to ten prompts, and they can be of any nature, ship and au that you want. Submit your prompt, and it will show up in the collection open for claiming!
If you’re having some trouble figuring out how AO3’s prompt page works, head over to this post and we’ll walk you through it <3
(The collection is currently up, but prompting (called sign-ups on ao3) will not open until January 24th, 01:00 GMT.)

2. Claiming prompts

In order to claim a prompt, you navigate to the ‘Prompts’ section of the AO3 collection, find the prompt you want and press ‘claim’. The prompt has now been claimed! If you accidentally claim a prompt, or don’t think you are able to fulfill it before the timeframe is up, simply press the button to ‘Drop Claim’ and it will be unlisted from your account.
Multiple people are able to claim and fill multiple prompts, and while we do ask you to attempt to first prioritize prompts which no other person has claimed so far, there is no rule that says you must, so go for which ever prompt sparks your interest. <3

As this year we’re opening up the unfilled prompts from 2021, we also highly recommend you check out the 2021 Love Fest collection for any un-filled (or previously filled!) prompts from last year. The claiming and filling process should be the same for that one. As with any prompts, there is absolutely no demand for these prompts to be filled first - we’re just sending everyone this way in the hopes that you may find something that tickles your creative bone! :)

3. Filling prompts

If you are a fic writer, you fill your prompt by pressing the button in the prompt list that says ‘Fulfill’. This will then take you to AO3’s regular posting page, with the prompt included, and you post your work as per usual.

If you are an artist/gif-maker (or some other kind of non-written creator), you can also share your prompt fill on Tumblr.
To do that, simply make your post as per usual, and send a message to the Bob-Events Tumblr with a link to your post and we will reblog it and share it on the platform, as well as over on our BoB discord. After doing this, you can un-claim the prompt on AO3 if you want, or upload your fill there as a pic- or gif fic. The upside to uploading your thing to AO3 anyway is that it’ll give your prompter a little notification in their inbox that their prompt has been filled, which can be neat!

The Band of Brothers 2021 Friendship Bonanza

All the fics, works of art and media are now live!

Happy international friendship day! 25 gorgeous works, all centred around friendship, are now available for all of us to enjoy!

The works have been created as a gift exchange, meaning they’re all based on someone’s individual prompts, but are of course also intended for every fan of BoB to enjoy.

For the first week, fics will be anonymous – so read, kudos, comment and share as you want! On Friday, all authors will be revealed, and we will publish a work masterlist along with prompts here on Tumblr.

Happy Summer of Friendship, everyone! Currahee, good morning/day/evening/night wherever you are, remember to support your local creators and we wish you all the best of summers.


(Ps. If you participated in the event, and you’re not a fic writer, you are excempt from Anon Week! Don’t forget to tag any works you share on AO3 with #FriendshipBonanza21 so that we can find and reblog your wonderful, wonderful work! <3 )

Hello Friendshippers!! This is your reminder that you have 

to turn in your completed work to the Band of Boyfriends Friendship Bonanza Collection!!

If you can’t finish in time, please let us know and we will find you a pinch hitter. 

Link to AO3 Collection is Here!


Friendship Bonanza Prompt List!

International Friendship Day is right around the corner, and our AO3 collection is going out to our authors any minute! That means we are excited to announce the prompt list for the friendship bonanza - which we have hidden under the “keep reading” because it’s ridiculously long. If you’d like to make a “gift” for any of the prompters, you are welcome to, and we just ask that you either post it to the AO3 collection and tag them (but please mark it as a “gift fill”) or post it on Tumblr and tag them AND us so we can share it! Happy Friending

Keep reading

We (it was Laura, we swear, blame her!) made a pretty big OOPS and forgot to include everyone’s DNWs!! We have edited the original post to make sure that the info is out there, and just wanted to let everyone know.

Friendship Bonanza Prompt List!

International Friendship Day is right around the corner, and our AO3 collection is going out to our authors any minute! That means we are excited to announce the prompt list for the friendship bonanza - which we have hidden under the “keep reading” because it’s ridiculously long. If you’d like to make a “gift” for any of the prompters, you are welcome to, and we just ask that you either post it to the AO3 collection and tag them (but please mark it as a “gift fill”) or post it on Tumblr and tag them AND us so we can share it! Happy Friending

Will Accept: Fanfic, Other types of media
Prompt 1: Skip bounces ideas off Easy Company for the letter he wants to send to Faye.
Prompt 2: Easy Company craft a plan to get back at Sobel without getting caught.
Prompt 3: A Yank staff correspondent (Reader or OC) interviews the officers at the Eagle’s Nest.
Prompt 4: Three Musketeers AU with Toye, Luz, Guarnere, and Buck

Will Accept: Fanfic, Fanart, Other types of media
Prompt 1: Speirs being soft (either gif moments from the show, art of your choice, or platonically with a canon character, or paired with an OC!)
Prompt 2: Nixon + “I wish I didn’t care about it” - gifs showing him caring about other characters canonically or fic with platonic friendship or background romance with an OC
Prompt 3: Lipton being Easy’s Mom and Dad. Fanart, a fic of a missing scene, or gifs from the show! (Post-war AU feat. a background romance is also ok too)
Prompt 4: Any happy, smiley moments between Easy boys. Gifs of happy moments, fanart, or a fic of a moment we didn’t see on the show!
DNW: Character/character slash fic, modern AU

Will Accept: Fanfic, Other types of media
Prompt 1: Chuck and Babe are supposed be doing guard duty at Membury airfield. Chuck takes Babe to a pub instead (this genuinely happened by the way).
Prompt 2: It’s Christmas and since Easy is still stuck in Bois Jacques in Belgium, Joe Liebgott decides to share a Hershey bar with Chuck and Tab as a present.
Prompt 3: We all know that Luz and Perconte ended up in a barn to steal eggs, but what happened before that scene? Who even came up with the idea to begin with?
Prompt 4: It’s 1946 and word reaches Bill that Joe Toye is really struggling with the loss of his leg. He decides to show up at Joe’s place unannounced with Babe and together they will do their utmost to make sure that Joe cracks a smile.
Prompt 5: After hearing Joe say that he could use some brass knuckles right before D-Day, Bill finds some for him.

Will Accept: Fanfic
Prompt 1: Joe Liebgott & Floyd Talbert, one is trying to set the other up, or some other banter-y kind of situation
Prompt 2: Johnny Martin & Bull Randleman, any historical AU
Prompt 3: Buck Compton & Joe Toye, do with that what you will
Prompt 4: Shifty Powers & Carwood Lipton, anything wholesome
DNW: Any other characters, angst is okay provided it has a happy ending, no romantic pairings please

Will Accept: Fanfic, Fanart
Prompt 1: Don Malarkey & Skip Muck. Canon-era. Don’s not in love with Skip , he just wants to spend the rest of his life with him. Maybe the two of them talking about their plan for being “together” (as besties) after the war. Maybe some cute “I’ve never told anyone else this before” intimate self-revelations. Maybe Don’s reaction to Winters splitting them into different platoons. Basically I just want any chapter in the epic love story of their friendship.
Prompt 2: Don Malarkey & Skip Muck Post-War Fix-It. Don’s the best man at Skip and Faye’s wedding, wondering how this is going to change things and if anyone will over love him the way Skip loves Faye (bonus points for background Don/Joe [Toye that is]; pining, long-distance flirting, whatever)
Prompt 3: Dick Winters & Harry Welsh. Post-VE Day. Dick is crestfallen after Nix leaves. Harry feels bad for him. He really does. He’s also kind of like “now you know how it feels, don’t ya?” Still, he hates to see his friend suffer. Just a couple of sad, lovelorn bastards being miserable together.
Prompt 4: Dick Winters & Kitty Grogan/Welsh. Post-war or Modern AU (hence you decide if she takes Harry’s name). Would super love these two just doing some GBF things together, shopping, getting coffee, complaining about their husbands and trading gardening tips. Maybe the convo gets a little spicy after dark. Maybe they’ve each got some private dilemma the other helps to solve. Or maybe they just wander around a flea market looking for good deals on Fiestaware.
Prompt 5: Lewis Nixon & Harry Welsh. Post-War. ROADTRIP! (Bonus for background Winnix but it’s not necessary).
DNW: anything sci-fi/fantasy; OCs; xReader; Tab

Will Accept: Fanfic, Fanart, Other types of media
Prompt 1: Historian AU - one character worked at a museum/was a historian before the war and geeks out over a few things while deployed to their friends = any character/s.
Prompt 2: Penmanship - one character has lovely handwriting, but something/s hit them HARD during the war and they write much less pretty; with one of their friends’ support, however, their hand steadies and they heal (lotsa metaphors there I know ) = any character/s.
Prompt 3: Chess - one character teaches the other to play chess = any character/s.
Prompt 4: Bicycle - one character finds a tandem bicycle in Austria and convinces the other to go on a ride with them = any character/s.
Prompt 5: Anything with Bill & Babe, Malarkey & Skip & Penkala, or Dick & Nix, I love their friendship dynamics so much.

Will Accept: Fanfic, Fanart, Other types of media
Prompt 1: mentor/mentee bonding
Prompt 2: shoulder clasps
Prompt 3: overdramatic arguments about non-important subjects
Prompt 4: “getting mistaken as family and not correcting whoever’s mistaken”

Will Accept: Fanfic, Fanart
Prompt 1: gene and renee: diasastrous, chaotic cookie decorating! the rest of the gang can be involved too for extra chaos because who doesn’t love chaos. anyways: gene and renee try to make holiday cookies but something goes awry. too much salt and not enough sugar? distracted and accidentally burn the cookies? luz plays a practical joke and switches out sugar for salt? go crazy!
Prompt 2: gene and renee: stargazing!!! all the stargazing :) just two friends, vibing, talking about life and whatever comes to mind
Prompt 3: can be modern au: chaos in the coffee shop! just the gang’s shenanigans at the local coffee shop. mayhaps there’s an ongoing bet of how long it takes luz to get banned?
DNW: speirs. i mean, i guess he can be like mentioned or featured. but not too much speirs.

Will Accept: Fanfic, Fanart
Prompt 1: Renee & Augusta/Anna: Any backstory about how/if they knew each other before, their different points of view on things. AU where Renee doesn’t die and what they do after the war. Would prefer racism not be the focus of the story, though it can be an element. I like it when there’s queer characters and romance isn’t the focus.
Prompt 2: Winters & Guarnere: Something with them getting to know/respect each other better set early in their relationship, especially between Day of Days and Bastogne. They have such different outlooks, but in the end very similar values, and I’d love to see that explored. Maybe they get stuck together and have to survive?
Prompt 3: Randleman & Garcia: I’d love to see more of Bull mentoring the replacements, especially Garcia, and how their relationship changes as the replacements get combat experience and integrate with the company. Would love to see growing respect for each other. I like it when there’s queer characters and romance isn’t the focus.
Prompt 4: Guarnere & Martin: They have matching tattoos! They got in so much trouble with each other and were so ride or die even post war! Bill went to Martin’s wedding! Pat and Frannie wrote too each other during the war. I would love them getting to know each other, or small moments of affection. Or just write about Pat and Frannie. That’s fun too. Or Bill & Bull & Johnny. Or Bill & Joe Toye. Basically any configuration of this is great!
Prompt 5: Powers & McClung: Basically them chilling in the woods silently understanding each other? Healing through chilling in the woods? Comparing their experiences as country boys on opposite sides of the country? Post war stuff where Shifty’s so badly hurt and Earl’s PTSD? I like it when there’s queer characters and romance isn’t the focus.
DNW: Focus on character death (mention of canon stuff is fine), graphic sexual violence, hopeless endings of utter sadness, character bashing, zombies, AUs that change the setting (turn left AUs fine, AUs that add magic etc fine). PoV characters having strong racist or homophoic views.

Will Accept: Fanfic, Fanart, Other types of media
Prompt 1: Airborne OT5 (Liebgott, Grant, Mcclung, Ramirez, Babe) missing scenes - can be fluffy or angsty (fallout from Chuck getting shot?), dealer’s choice!
Prompt 2: Mortar Trio - Early days at Camp Taccoa
Prompt 3: Dukeman & Perconte & Tab (bonus Trigger?) teasing the replacements
Prompt 4: Renée LeMaire  & Gene Roe- (everybody lives AU) connect postwar (I would die if this was a letter fic, but it absolutely does not have to be!)
DNW: webgott (platonic or romantic background)

Prompter # 11
Will Accept: Fanfic
Prompt 1: Dick, Nix, and Harry being involved in some shenanigans during their downtime in Mourmelon.
Prompt 2: Bill and Babe reminiscing and sharing Philly stories.
Prompt 3: The friendship between Smokey and Lip because I think it deserves more hype :)
DNW: Nothing NSFW

Prompt 1: Dick & Nix: The time they offered to protect Kitty for ice cream and Vat 69.
Prompt 2: Spina/Babe/Gene: College AU?
Prompt 3: Spina & anyone: They show Spina all their booboos
Prompt 4: Mortar Squad: Any au, cannon or modern
Prompt 5: Harry and Moose: Go sheep shopping as a present for Winnix on their new farm.

Will Accept: Fanfic, Fanart
Prompt 1: Any of the Last Patrol OT5 (Chuck, Babe, Lieb, McClung, Ramirez) owning a business together - coffeshop, bar, accounting firm? Don’t care. Can either be a post-war or modern AU setting.
Prompt 2: Skinny Sisk and anyone being bros during the war. Maybe him and Frank deleted scenes in Bastogne fox holes
Prompt 3: Shifty & McClung shenanigans during leave. The cat story is hilarious, and I’m sure there are more, and I just love these two because they are so calm and collected but McClung is a total wild card. I would also take a modern AU of them being besties.
Prompt 4: Shifty and Popeye being best friends after the war maybe? I just imagine them at each other’s weddings being disasters. I would also take the two of them as friends in a modern AU
Prompt 5: Any friendship prompt that gives life to the lesser known characters would be awesome imo.
DNW: Speirs or Lipton as main protagonists.

Prompter # 13
Will Accept: Fanfic, Fanart
Prompt 1: shifty powers and floyd talbert - mermaid/fisher au
Prompt 2: babe heffron x reader - ice hockey/team manager
Prompt 3: dick winters x reader - college au! tutor au
Prompt 4: easy company boarding school au
DNW: pwp/smut

Will Accept: Fanfic, Fanart, Other types of media
Prompt 1: Harry + Nixon - marriage, divorce, and everything in between.
Prompt 2: Shifty + Smokey - Guess we’re not in Kansas anymore - or Mississippi, or Virginia.
Prompt 3: Tab + Grant - Chuck’s really just here to keep Tab out of trouble.
Prompt 4: Bill + Babe - First jump’s the hardest - and while the jump into Holland is easy, what comes after it is not.
Prompt 5: Tipper + Luz -  Tipper’s pretty good at impressions, too.
DNW: Liebgott and Webster (as a unit; individually they’re fine.)

Will Accept: Fanfic
Prompt 1: Any group shenanigans/friendship fluff including Skip, Smokey, Nix, Bull.
Prompt 2: "The guys are stranded on base without pass (or requisitioned to work overtime to meet an important deadline/exams, if modern AU)
Prompt 3: Smokey does his best to cheer his brothers up with his peculiar brand of silly (Valentine) gifts. Extra ❤ if Skip and George offer their help. Chaos and ensemble fluff ensue. (+ playing Cupid/background ships if you like)”
Prompt 4: “Lieb and Hoobs are bored so they decide to troll Web. Since it’s valentine’s day soon they’ll play crack!cupid for fun.
Prompt 5: Web is a shark nerd and Pat has a great shark smile. Infallible logic, right? (Input from the other guys /ensemble shenanigans are welcome)”
DNW: Nothing I can think of, since it’s a friendship fest

Prompter #16
Will Accept: Fanfic, Fanart, Other types of media
Prompt 1: found family taking care of each other (feat. liebgott being happy and content <3) domestic fluff
Prompt 2: anything fluffy coffee shop AU or flower shop or tattoo parlour or bakery or anything along those lines
Prompt 3: university AU but they are the professors!
DNW: webgott, fantasy AUS, omegaverse, mpreg, anything mafia related, not too much angst

Prompter #17
Will Accept: Fanfic, Fanart
Prompt 1: Era switch: take the boys and put them in the Vietnam War. WWI? The Korean War? The American Revolution? Any conflict that you’re comfortable with.
Prompt 2: The Pacific AU? Put the BoB men in the Pacific. How they get there or why they are there is all up to you. Maybe their parachute infantry regiment was simply assigned to the PTO instead of the ETO after training. Maybe Japan didn’t surrender as quickly as they did. Anything.
Prompt 3: Supernatural AUs are my favorite. Preferably I’d love to keep them based in the WWII era, but you can switch it up if you’d like to – I’d be fine with that! Any type of supernatural is cool with me. I’m aware this might be super vague but I really don’t mind whatever you go with :)
Prompt 4: Role-switching scenarios: putting men from within the series in each others’ positions.
DNW: Romantic shipping, characters (Cobb, Sobel, any higher ranking officers above Winters like Sink), modern-day AUs, aged-down AUs (high school/middle school/college with the purpose of aging down = no); a/b/o trope; nsfw (no sexual material; show-level gore okay).

Will Accept: Fanfic, Fanart
Prompt 1: Babe and Julian being best friends. They are snarky, excited, happy and having a good time together. Bonus if their boyfriends are Eugene and Spina, accordingly!
Prompt 2: Baberoe. They’re dating, but they’re dating their own best friends. With romantic feelings taking the back seats, I’d love to see a healthy relationship of two people in love but doing normal platonic things because they’re also each others’ best friends in the whole world!
Prompt 3: Roe and Spina being tired doctor friends, meeting up in between shifts or calls, being tired and exasperated and just having their sandwiches and a moment of god damn peace.
Prompt 4: George Luz and Babe Heffron being best friends. They’d be a disaster, but that disaster that also knows how to step the fuck up if shit gets serious. But mostly they’re a disaster.
Prompt 5: Joe Liebgott and Eugene Roe. They’re roommates, they’re pals, Joe likes smoking weed, playing mario kart and complaining about whatever dipshit he’s gone out with now, Eugene is trying to make it through med school and enjoys the soothing background chatter of Joe blabbering on about this guy’s shirt, or whatever.
DNW: Canon era (Ambiguous era is fine if you don’t like writing/drawing modern!), Carwood Lipton, OCs, xReader stuff

AO3:mizunoir (but I use 49thpersona for reblogging stuff)
Will Accept: Fanfic, Other types of media
Prompt 1: Hogwarts AU! Would be lovely if it would include Babe. I leave it up to the artist if they would like to portray one specific house endeavours or all 4 houses befriending.
Prompt 2: Stargazing, can be set in modern times or in the original timeline. For angsty interpretation it would be nice to read/see some Eugene and Spina bonding.
Prompt 3: Stargazing (original timeline or modern times). For more crack-ish one it could include for example: Luz, Toye, Guarnere, Babe etc. But I leave it absolutely open - include whoever you want!
Boys share their music taste. Bickering and reminiscing of the good times free of war ensues. Can be platonic, can be slightly shippy, AU or modern - up to the artist. Preferably including Babe with Eugene.

Will Accept: Fanfic, Fanart, Other types of media
Prompt 1: Bill & Babe: Bill talks Babe through gay panic about his extremely obvious crush on one John T. Julian, convinces him to ask Julian out, and demands to officiate their wedding (not necessarily in that order)
Prompt 2: Harry & Nix (with bonus Buck?): commiserating about trying to keep Dick out of trouble
Prompt 3: Blanche Nixon & Ann Winters: they know each other because their idiot brothers are “”“"friends”“”“ but they both know what’s up and cover for Dick and Nix at various times throughout their lives
Prompt 4: Kitty Grogan & Franny Guarnere & Pat Martin: they meet because their fellas are on the line together and keep each other sane throughout the war
Prompt 5: Floyd Talbert is everyone’s best buddy
DNW: No mpreg/pregnancy in general, no rape/non-con (dub-con like drunk!sex or sex pollen or hatesex is fine), no modern AUs, no ABO/dynamics, no kidfic.

Prompter #21
Will Accept: Fanfic, Fanart
Prompt 1: Speirs & Shames: These stern, "unlikable” men are just not very social or nice, but they get each other. Outcast gay solidarity.
Prompt 2: Kitty & Nixon/Winters: Nixon and/or Winters gets to meet Harry’s special girl at last. Harry’s made her sound like the romantic lead of a novel and really cool, and they are completely unprepared for the tall, awkward chess club captain.
Prompt 3: Babe & Guarnere: Post-war readjusting of a friendship. Disability, marriage, kids on the way, Babe is gay. You know, the usual.
DNW: xReader, OCs, hopeless angst, AUs, heavy focus on heterosexuality

Will Accept: Fanfic, Fanart
Prompt 1: Dick admires Eugene’s medical skill and always shows interest in learning from him while he’s on the job. Eugene uses it to his advantage, making sure Dick takes care of himself (because shaving doesn’t count) under the guise of ‘teachable moments.’ Any battlefield setting would work.
Prompt 2: Nix and Harry are joined at the hip, two class clowns who wind each other up.  When one gets them into deep trouble, the other one is always there to get them out again.
Prompt 3: Dick Winters is jealous of Ronald Spiers ruthlessness/ability to detach and athletic prowess. Ronald Spiers is jealous of Dick’s empathy and ability to earn loyalty through compassion. Each man agrees to give the other lessons in order to be more well rounded leaders.
DNW: Please no Blithe. Never Blithe. You can leave out Compton too.

AO3:bandofmorons (pseud for sonsofmahal)
Will Accept: Fanfic
Prompt 1: Babe & Lieb friendship!! I don’t have a ton of specifics for this, I just want them being friends and getting into shenanigans but also being supportive of each other… like they’re just guys bein’ dudes but they’re also pretty close ya know! They take care of each other when they need to! Ideally this would be a modern AU, maybe they’re college roommates or something? Prompt 2: But mostly I just want to see them goofing off but also being helpful when shit goes down or something, because that’s what friends are for.
Prompt 3: Some kind of traveling AU with the 5 officers (Winters, Nix, Harry, Lip and Speirs) all as friends and how going on a big trip like that can strain a friendship when something goes wrong or just from people being tired from traveling so much… maybe it’s a cross-county roadtrip, maybe it’s spring break in Europe, maybe they’re going backpacking in New Zealand or something.. I just wanna see how all those 5 boys’ different personalities interact on a big logistical venture!
Prompt 4: I’m not picky about who necessarily but I want to see Webster getting close to & forming a close friendship with someone in Easy! I feel like in the show/fandom he gets a bad rap for being pretentious (which, fair) but I think it would be awesome to see him becoming good friends with someone and feeling more accepted among the company bc of it. This could be a canon-compliant thing or it could be a modern AU where the boys are all friends. Background Webgott would also be cool as long as Lieb is supportive of Web befriending more people.
DNW: explicit sex


The assignments have now been sent out! Hooray!

If you signed up for the event, you should now have an email with instructions, the ID of your match and their prompts! If you haven’t received an email, check your spam folder. If you still can’t find it, send us a message ASAP and we’ll look into it! :)

You can contact us via;

Email ([email protected]),

Tumblr (bob-events)

or Discord (our usernames and tags are mariamegale#9191, dane#1941 and Anthrobrat#7971).

For anyone curious, here is the event timeline!

May 11 - Signups open

May 25 - Signups close

Jun 1 - Assignments go out

June 29-July 1st - Check-in via email

Jul 16 - Default Deadline/AO3 collection opens

Jul 23 - Deadline to turn in works

July 30 - All works go live

August 6 - Author reveals

Currahee, happy Pride Month, and a wonderful summer to you all!

And as always,

Come hang out on our BoB Discord!(16+)

Here it is! My artwork for BoB Friendship Bonanza!My amazing recipient @papersergeant-pencilsoldier​

Here it is! My artwork for BoB Friendship Bonanza!

My amazing recipient @papersergeant-pencilsoldier​ provided me with many amazing prompts and I decided to mash 2 of them: an epistolary ‘fic’ with Gene & Renee after the war + an everyday scene that Gene might have noticed - Dukeman & Perconte & Tab & Trigger teasing the replacements.

It was an incredible experience and I am so very glad I got to be a part of it ;w; ❤

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