
Here’s my artwork for @inceptionreversebangI was paired with an amazing @little-specificity! ❤It&rsq

Here’s my artwork for @inceptionreversebang

I was paired with an amazing @little-specificity! ❤
It’s incredible how much they were able to see within this artwork and how great and deep and creepytheir story is!!

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Thank you for 1,000 kudos on Gravity!

A little gift from me based on chapter 2, this lovely piece was commissioned from sweet @mizunoir

[mizunoir’s commission info]


Here it is! My artwork for BoB Friendship Bonanza!My amazing recipient @papersergeant-pencilsoldier​

Here it is! My artwork for BoB Friendship Bonanza!

My amazing recipient @papersergeant-pencilsoldier​ provided me with many amazing prompts and I decided to mash 2 of them: an epistolary ‘fic’ with Gene & Renee after the war + an everyday scene that Gene might have noticed - Dukeman & Perconte & Tab & Trigger teasing the replacements.

It was an incredible experience and I am so very glad I got to be a part of it ;w; ❤

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Preview of my piece for @atlaseasons! It was an incredible experience and a lot of fun coming up wit

Preview of my piece for @atlaseasons! It was an incredible experience and a lot of fun coming up with a season-themed artwork ❤

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