#he deserves all the love




I am putting a request out there for anyone who wants to write a smutty fanfic involving Dieter Bravo and his SOFT ASS TUMMY

Maybe a storyline about him being insecure and reader making him feel better about himself?

I’ll take anythingthese pics are making meferal

…I got some time.

Unedited and written in ten minutes, so apologies for quality

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Ouchie…my heart for Dieter and his soft tummy


┃┃╱╲ in this

┃╱╱╲╲ house

╱╱╭╮╲╲ we

▔▏┗┛▕▔ love and protect


Damian Desmond

╱╱┏┳┓╭╮┏┳┓ ╲╲

