#he got wolf on his back



I just noticed some real shit on chapter 40.

In this page, you get to see Kazuma helping Yato out in a flashback, when Yato still used to kill.

Yato is lying on the ground, on something that resembles a grave, but now let’s look closer:

He’s covered in blight.

I highly doubt that’s a shadow, plus we get to see Kazuma throwing at him a bucket of purificative water shortly after:

As you can see by the “fwsssh” line, the shiny thing and Yato’s face, the blight is gone. So my question is: why was he blighted in the first place? Maybe a phantom attacked him?

Well, probably. But I don’t think it was an accident. In flashbacks, grown Yato is always shown to be with Hiro in more or less safe places. You get what I’m saying, right?

Yup. I’m pretty sure this man was the cause of this. Some other hint of abuse? Well, probably. He’s shown multiple times to throw phantoms at Yato and Nora, so I wouldn’t doubt he just left Yato injured on the ground until someone saved him (Pure precious Kazuma). Best father 2k17, y'all.
