#well damn

vivienvalentino:the shot that gave Captain America: The Winter Soldier (2014) rightsvivienvalentino:the shot that gave Captain America: The Winter Soldier (2014) rights


the shot that gave Captain America: The Winter Soldier (2014) rights

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“At night, in the privacy of my head, your voice was a single television always on in the background.”

Desireé Dallagiacomo, from Sink


I just noticed some real shit on chapter 40.

In this page, you get to see Kazuma helping Yato out in a flashback, when Yato still used to kill.

Yato is lying on the ground, on something that resembles a grave, but now let’s look closer:

He’s covered in blight.

I highly doubt that’s a shadow, plus we get to see Kazuma throwing at him a bucket of purificative water shortly after:

As you can see by the “fwsssh” line, the shiny thing and Yato’s face, the blight is gone. So my question is: why was he blighted in the first place? Maybe a phantom attacked him?

Well, probably. But I don’t think it was an accident. In flashbacks, grown Yato is always shown to be with Hiro in more or less safe places. You get what I’m saying, right?

Yup. I’m pretty sure this man was the cause of this. Some other hint of abuse? Well, probably. He’s shown multiple times to throw phantoms at Yato and Nora, so I wouldn’t doubt he just left Yato injured on the ground until someone saved him (Pure precious Kazuma). Best father 2k17, y'all.


lizzie olsen’s white ass saying that she “fought” to wear a costume/headdress based on wanda’s romani background and literally referring to it as a “gypsy thing” is why exactly yall need to stop supporting white people when they steal roles from romani actors. gadje don’t treat us like an actual people, with our own language and history and traditions. they rarely ever touch on the violence and oppression we experience ESPECIALLY IN EUROPE. we’re a costume to gadje. we’re something cutesy and quirky that they can slip on for halloween or for their shitty marvel shows and then take off because at the end of the day they’re gadje, always white ones at that. meanwhile in europe, actual romani don’t receive aid from local governments during pandemics and are subject to brutal violence from police

like this is a roundabout way of me saying stop supporting the wendysiri show, but like………stop supporting the wendysiri show.


tsukishima kei, 2.3k words, angst

“Tsukishima, you know how to fix these, right?”

He puts his phone face down on the table. His boss places a cardboard box on his desk, pushing off a pile of four stained, yellowed letters. Inside the box are black vertical bars stacked next to each other like piano keys. A few of them have rounded corners, others concave around the edges.

“What are these?”

“VHS tapes,” she says.

He plucks one out and runs a finger over the cassette. The holes on the outer shell have morphed into an irregular shape, its edges covered in a semi-transparent layer akin to dried-up glue. He turns it over. The label renders itself useless.

“Someone came in and said they salvaged this from a—”

“Fire,” he finishes. He takes a deep breath. A whiff of burned plastic piggybacks off of the cold office air.

“So you know how to restore them?”

Through its holes smaller than his cufflinks, he peeks at anything left for him to see. “I can try.”

Keep reading

well damn



I got the Top 4.47% on this English Vocabulary test

I’m in the last 47.33% 

I shouldn’t have taken that test

★★★ Top 0.18%

You are Shakespeare! You can even create new words that will expand the English dictionary.

devpatelism: PEDRO PASCALby Doug Inglish — Augustman magazinedevpatelism: PEDRO PASCALby Doug Inglish — Augustman magazinedevpatelism: PEDRO PASCALby Doug Inglish — Augustman magazinedevpatelism: PEDRO PASCALby Doug Inglish — Augustman magazinedevpatelism: PEDRO PASCALby Doug Inglish — Augustman magazinedevpatelism: PEDRO PASCALby Doug Inglish — Augustman magazine


by Doug Inglish — Augustman magazine

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You like hurt/comfort because you like the idea that someone will comfort you when you are in pain.




me looking at john singer sargents watercolours: Just Fuck Of…


(Adding some of his alligator watercolors to this post)


My HS self was not ready for this.

#ranma 12    #ranma fanart    #well damn    




Ooh God… That booty!!!

Sexy ass Pandabearsworld got me wishin’!



O… M… G!!!!!

OMG!!! @cherihoustons I’d follow her anywhere!



She needs to make a comeback asap!!!




That booty… Mmm!


Amber Nova

Amber is such a beautiful and sexy goddess!!! OMG!!!!!!!!

#amber nova    #no pull out    #sexy af    #bootiful    #thickness    #well damn    #absolutely mindblowing    #i love her    #future wife    #goddess    



This probably one of the best asses on my blog! I see her all the time with a nice pair of shorts up her ass! So be on the look out for more of her and her bubble butt!

Well shit!


#bootiful    #juicy butt    #thickness    #well damn    


Yoo who got this video?

Them aftershocks! Post booty wiggle jiggle!!! Amazing.

#no pull out    #sexy af    #juicy butt    #bootiful    #thickness    #well damn    #absolutely mindblowing    #future wife    #i love her    #candid    #perfection    #amazing    






Have you ever watched a movie too many times and end up coming up with a spontaneous fic about it? Literally just wanted to watch a comfort movie and now I’m two pages deep in an outline that I may or may not have time to write.

I feel this.

Got inspired to write another AU and God damn it I have enough to do already!!!!!

That being said…. What movie was is if I may ask?

Right? Plot ideas always hit at the absolute worst time, especially when you’re already deep in other projects!

It was The Mummy (1999). Not even Star Wars!


I love the Mummy. It’s one of my faves tooo!!! Look at my brain saying “hey mix them together?” and it’s like…. no brain. I have the crime thing and the witch thing…. I don’t need an adventure thing!

Brilliant movie though - I’ve been on a Hobbit and LOTR binge and it’s influencing my Witch au idea.

Just…. will our brains ever FOCUS?

Though if you wanted to discuss said Mummy ideas……….

WHO said the MUMMY??!!

Even just these gifs are making me want to write even more! Oh, noooo!

It’s already turning into a fem!OC x Ardeth Bay fic, too.

I just really enjoy writing in different time settings, and a 1920s setting is a new one for me! Plus adventure and magic? Yeah, this fic is probably gonna happen.

insinirate:whos afraid of the big bad wolf!


whos afraid of the big bad wolf!

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BADASS: Bobby dangling off a roof after saving a heart from a falling helicopterALT
SMARTASS: Bobby quippingALT
GREAT ASS: shot of Bobby's assALT

#the holy trinity [insp]
