#noragami manga

todorokiv: Yukine 「雪音」» Noragami Chapter 77.todorokiv: Yukine 「雪音」» Noragami Chapter 77.todorokiv: Yukine 「雪音」» Noragami Chapter 77.todorokiv: Yukine 「雪音」» Noragami Chapter 77.


Yukine 「雪音」»Noragami Chapter 77.

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i know that the noragami hiatus has left everyone with all kinds of questions, but i think that we’re forgetting the most important one-

in chapter 1, Yato is clearly shown trying to steal toilet paper from Mutsumi’s school:

buuut in chapter 4 he proudly proclaims:


so what in the WORLD does Yato need toilet paper for!!?!?!?!

i need answers.

dani-san-is-chill: Nora from noragami. I finally got my art program to work so I decided I needed to


Nora from noragami.
I finally got my art program to work so I decided I needed to draw something.

I happend to have recently finished re watching season 1 and 2 of Noragami and i wanted to practice a new art style so here it is.

I think it turned out really good.
Im gonna be drawing some other characters from Noragami soon too.

Don’t re post my art or use it without my permission

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Little reminder I still feel incredibly bad for Mizuchi. That’s all.


So I was working on my Ebisu angst post and I came across two things that I wanna talk about - both sad.

When Yato and Ebisu go into the Underworld, Yato almost stabs Ebisu in the eye that one time cause Ebisu asks him for what reasons he exists in a rather demeaning manner and Yato goes ‘let me stab you in the retina’ and yells:

When I first read this, I naturally assumed the one he wanted to make happy had been his father once upon a time and Ebisu assumed he meant humans in general, but the more I thought about it, the more I realized it probably has a deeper meaning. If we accept that yes, Father is a human, then for Yato he was more than just a father figure to him. He was a human who was praying to him and Yato was fulfilling those prayers as a God. Inherently, Yato was performing his duties and his follower was happy and that made him happy. Yato saw Father as a human with wishes for him, and now he denies those wishes. Yikes, that must hurt his god side a tad bit.

And then Ebisu carries on to say:

This boy is going into the underworld to save the world his own way, for the people relying on him, for the world that he loves so deeply and he doesn’t value his life in the slightest bit. WE KNOW THAT EBISU HAS SUICIDAL TENDENCIES (is that why he constantly pushes himself beyond the limit?). It makes my heart hurt to see him say this. Which leads us to the last point.

Ebisu’s reasoning: Yato values his life = Yato can become a fine god that can make people happy. Which also means - in his reasoning - he doesn’t value his life = he is not a fine god and he can’t make people happy. Ebisu, no. You’re making people so happy, you have no idea. You’re going into the underworld to save humans. You’re a great God!!! It’s so painful that this Ebisu believes he can’t make people happy (which is probably connected to his underlying fear of not being good enough for his own mother to keep around - which I so happen to be basing my angst post on).

Yeah so these are just random thoughts that hit me.


I just noticed some real shit on chapter 40.

In this page, you get to see Kazuma helping Yato out in a flashback, when Yato still used to kill.

Yato is lying on the ground, on something that resembles a grave, but now let’s look closer:

He’s covered in blight.

I highly doubt that’s a shadow, plus we get to see Kazuma throwing at him a bucket of purificative water shortly after:

As you can see by the “fwsssh” line, the shiny thing and Yato’s face, the blight is gone. So my question is: why was he blighted in the first place? Maybe a phantom attacked him?

Well, probably. But I don’t think it was an accident. In flashbacks, grown Yato is always shown to be with Hiro in more or less safe places. You get what I’m saying, right?

Yup. I’m pretty sure this man was the cause of this. Some other hint of abuse? Well, probably. He’s shown multiple times to throw phantoms at Yato and Nora, so I wouldn’t doubt he just left Yato injured on the ground until someone saved him (Pure precious Kazuma). Best father 2k17, y'all.


A collective compiled by me and @kurhapika

lbr every single chapter of this manga is offensive but these are some of the worst ones out of all of them

In chronological order

Afficher davantage

Divine punishment …

… and what is not it

It is a cruel irony that Tajima called his crime “divine punishment

or in Japanese 天罰 - ten batsu - heaven’s justice, heavenly retribution

and then he lived a long and carefree life on the money of his ex-wife.



“Even if you stumble and lose your way I’ll call your name.”

Noragami Chapter 99 - Haru & Yuki



Yato and Nora, Manga Coloring.


Like snow ️




(Mostly about Father because y’all know how I roll.)

Been sitting on some thoughts about Father, Yato, and their relationship and respective childhoods for a long while now.

I didn’t draft this beforehand because I’m not really in the headspace for super structured meta at the moment but I wanted to share some Thoughts™ so please excuse the messiness. First thoughts post of the year!


Thoughts under the cut. ↓ 

Keep reading

love reading your research and Thoughts™, they are always so detailed and structured! :)

But as to the line “Father setting Sakura up for death and having Yato kill her” I can’t help but think about this little nuance in the manga:

when Yato is to reveal Sakura’s true name, there is the frame with father sitting and waiting with a mask in his hand:

Does this mean that Father really wanted to “tame” Sakura as one of his ayakashi pets, and expected Yato would just drop her name away?

When, Sakura was the one who asked Yato to kill her, said it in a low whisper, and Yato granted her wish too hastily:

Therefore, is it likely that Sakura’s death was actually Father’s miscalculation rather than “plan”? v( • _ • ’)v


guys please can anybody read those

I can see ‘Yato-kun’ circled above, below 'Yukine’, to the right something connected to something imperial (宮) (possibly and probably Amaterasu, as she is called 宮様 by the imperial treasures)

どうやって means 'how’, 'by what means’

and i just can’t get the read on the kanji i will mark as ’??’ below douyatte (どうやって)

まず ?? してから - firstly, ??..

and the crossed out line too…


Currently thinking about how Father said that cull the herd was “the only wish he’s been able to wish in his entire life” and yet we see him as a child first and foremost wondering WHY the gods just watch human suffering, when they bear a human face and hands and eyes.


(grabs you by the shoulders)

Yato is the antithesis of Heaven’s callousness and carelessness with human lives.


His internal drive has always to been to make people happy, he MOURNED the unnecessary deaths of people, he is not an embodiment of Father’s superficial desire for destruction but a god who truly cares for humanity and their sorrows, exactly the kind of god that a young Father would have wanted to see!!!!!!

⛩ Nameless god and his divine weapon

  • Hiiro and Yato
drawing smiling babies to get away from the sad mess the story is right now,, 

drawing smiling babies to get away from the sad mess the story is right now,, 

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Fake Noragami anime screencap time!

I just read chapter 99 complete and… you see? (Beware the spoilers)









We didn’t deserved you…

asin-ka:“I’m not bad, I’m just drawn this way”


“I’m not bad, I’m just drawn this way”

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Noragami fans waiting for new chapters Ink, paper, 2011

Noragami fans waiting for new chapters

Ink, paper, 2011

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