#he is the only reason i wake up in the morning


AHH Today was so nice. M stalled to give me some time to set up which was sweet, and he’s was acting so kind. He’s always complimenting me now, ever since a week ago, and it means so much to me. I don’t ever want to be ‘that guy’, but I absolutely cherish his compliments, and he’s always adding to the pile. I don’t know what I did to deserve such praise. 

Someone in my section had messed up their part in their concert music, and after having them try again on their own, he immediately told me to play as an example for for them. He chuckled lightly when I didn’t play a perfect note in a part of the measure, teasing me and telling me that I could have had a better tone, to which I replied with “yeah”, and giggled as well. 

After this, I noticed that he’s been happy to call on me whenever the opportunity is granted. For instance, I was pointing at another student who was raised their hand when M didn’t see them. He looked at me and smiled cheerfully, thinking I had something to contribute with. I then told him I was pointing at the student, and he apologized while laughing. It was cute. 

He’s also been looking at me so much today. I don’t know if it was the outfit I wore or what, but I caught him shooting glances my way multiple times. One prime example of this is, during the after-school rehearsal I had for today, I decided to look over at M. I was curious to see what he was doing as everyone else got their stuff settled. 

His eyes were fixated on me. He had a poker face, but his eyes sparkled a little bit. After meeting his eye for a second, my gaze darted to my right. I then looked back at him, only to see that he was still looking at me. We were just staring until it had been a short two tension-filled seconds and he tore his eyes away quickly. Other times he had looked at me, it was more subtle since he was busy while we played. 

We were at a brass segment of one of our pieces, and after a rep, M had the cutest look on his face. Crinkled eyes, a genuine shy smile, shaking a little bit between giggles. “The tuba sounds really good when it’s played…..” he hinted at me with a more quiet mutter. I mirrored his expression and nodded. I was probably blushing at how adorable he was being. Haha.

That’s basically it!! :)


(For those curious, sectionals did go well!! I didn’t post about it as most of it was M chatting with us and telling us about his personal life; he elaborated on his background and whatnot. He also showed us all a picture of his father. Looking at the image, I can really see M in his dad. I’m so grateful to have him here with me. He was raised well. ❤️)
