#he likes to share


On the way to Vegas with this hottie-The Husband

Since I fell off the face of the earth for a minute, here you go! I’m still alive!

Panties for SALE!!!

You read that correctly, I’ve had enough requests that I will be selling used panties! Message me for details on how to get your own pair!! You get to select style and color, each pair will be worn for minimum 12 hours.

Little game…Two Truths and a Lie with the Wifey

Let’s play a little game. I’m sure you are all familiar with it. I’m going to list three things below, 2 truths and 1 lie. Whom ever to answer correctly with the lie will get a special picture sent to them via Tumblr messages. (That is how you find out if you are correct, can’t give away the answers).

Let’s Play!!!

I lost my virginity at 14.

Hubby is the only dick I have ever sucked.

My husband is the only guy to have ever gone down on me.

Question for all our lovely followers!!!

We have been talking and if I (wifey) set up a premium snap chat where you can get videos and pictures sent right to you, how many would pay and want to join? This could include live action shots even! Let us know your thoughts. Thought process behind this, Tumblr limits what can be shown in videos and doesn’t allow for direct video sharing. This is one way to have more one on one with us , videos and too see the excluvise stuff that can’t be shared on here.
