#he vacuums the floors so i dont have to






Me, yelling at the robot vacuum: god damn it! who made you, why are you so freakishly strong? What the fuck!

Oppy, turning the corner having ripped the fucking wall vent off the wall in the dining room and merrily trundling on her way:

A criminal.

whaaaaaat? oppy is shredded! Our Dop wouldn’t be able to do that afaik and he’s same brand

I maintain there is something wrong with her because it genuinely seems too powerful for something designed to vacuum a floor. Nothing it safe, the other day she pushed the armchair out of the corner and in front of the TV. It’s like living with a mechanical poltergeist. 

My WallE (same type as Oppy) constantly just knocks things out of the way. Benches? Check. Boxes? Check. Dogs? Check.

Above is the fiend
