#headcanon accepted



I’ve seen a fair amount of fics about Stede who loves dancing, and they are awesome! I love reading them.

However, can I offer you the idea that Stede never liked dancing, since it tends to happen at formal affairs and has very little to do with the affection you feel for your dance partner, and everything to do about the image you have to project. It’s not fun. It’s boring, mentally taxing, and honest to god uncomfortable. Nothing good comes from dancing.

And then he meets Ed and, while reluctant to teach him (Stede can dance alright, he just doesn’t like it, okay?), he still goes for it. I mean, it’s Ed. How can he say no?

In the process of teaching Ed to dance though, the weirdest thing happens.

Stede shows him the moves, and fixes his posture, and holds Ed close. And he finds that he likes it. In fact, he loves dancing with Ed. It’s nothing like the stiff dances that he had to endure at fancy parties, where everyone was watching and everyone, including his dance partner, was judging his every move.

It’s nothing like that with Ed. They’re having fun, stumbling over their feet, laughing. Time passes in a flurry of movement and giggles, and Stede loves every second of it.

Turns out that dancing can be fun if you find the right person for it.



i’m just gonna pretend daft punk was in pacific rim. i’m gonna pretend that they pilot a jaeger called electroma bravo and they blast house music with the kaidonovskys and when stacker shows raliegh around the shatterdome he’s like, “that’s thomas and guy-man. french. they never take their helmets off.”

#i would even believe their jaeger was just called ‘daft punk’ tbh   #just for the image of like Battleaxe Triumph or whatever get into trouble and they call back up like ‘deploy Daft Punk!’   #and it had a like a reuters news tickertape display on the outside scrolling like ‘bonjour’   #and then the beat drops and the punching starts


I think one of the most powerful things about Newt and Alby both leading the Glade is that they’re the only two who could completely decimate an argument simply by saying the arguer’s name in the tone that shakes them down to their core.

Minho and Ben arguing about the maps and Newt shows up and just says “Minho.” Done. Fight over, Newt wins.

Next thing you see is Gally raging about how the builders are screwing up. Alby just walks up and says “Gally.” Gally stops completely. Alby enjoys peace and quiet for twenty minutes.


want to be clear that if i ever talk about a headcanon and then later discuss a headcanon that is directly contradictory to the first one, that’s because headcanons exist in a quantum state where they are all simultaneously true and not true up until the point where i discuss it in detail, in which case that is the one that is true in that instance. schroedinger’s headcanons


It occurred to me on my last readthrough of The Lord of the Rings that one of the reasons I always found Boromir’s death so tragic was because he failed to protect those that he cared for. He attempts to take the ring from Frodo, driving him away, and then is killed in defense of Merry and Pippin. It was all for nothing, his struggle with the darkness and shadow, and his final stand against the Uruk-hai. 

But really, I think that Boromir’s death achieved something very important. I always questioned why the Uruks settled for only taking Merry and Pippin. Surely Saruman knew the composition of the Fellowship, and would have told his captains that there were four hobbits. It stands to reason that they would have simply rounded up all four just to be safe. Yet they only take two, leaving Frodo and Sam to escape. I think the reason is actually quite simple.

The Uruks are selfish, loveless beings. They have no love for each other, or anything else. They would always opt to save their own skin if given the choice. To their eyes, this great man of Gondor was protecting something important, something very valuable, if he was willing to die for its safety. Boromir’s death insured Frodo’s escape, because the Uruks could not fathom anyone giving their life to defend something so trivial as a friend. It was clear to them beyond a shadow of a doubt that these were the hobbits that their master wanted, and they had no need to look farther. Boromir sealed this with his life. He may not have saved Merry and Pippin, but his death was not in vain.





KHR but Mammon is peddling NFTs to everyone

buy mammoncoin on the blockchain

Biggest scam on the planet he even has other Mafia leaders on it

finally, a respectable story arc for Mammon


Me: oh, learning how to draw Yuudias alien hairstyle was pretty easy ☺☺ ! I mean, his bangs and “tufts” are just like …Just like …Luke’s…. And the back strands are like…. Like Yuuga’s….





Obviously at one point in time all their faces were being plastered across the galaxy for assorted bounties, but I like to think that as time goes on post-RotJ, Leia goes and becomes the extremely recognizable President of the New Republic, Luke becomes the still fairly-recognizable Grand Master of the Jedi Order (even if it’s mostly because of the robes/lightsaber), and Han becomes the galactic equivalent of Tony Hawk, who is still extremely famous but absolutely no one realizes it because his Just Some Guy energy is off the charts.

He’ll be out in public and something will prompt him to make an offhand comment about having been in the Rebel Alliance and people will be like “Oh, you were in the Rebellion? That’s so cool. Did you ever know anyone important? Like President Organa-Solo?” and he’ll wearily snap “THAT’S MY WIFE!!”

At least one assassination attempt on Leia’s life has been thwarted because the person planning on slipping something in her drink at an important function started chatting with him as cover not realizing who they were talking to and he sensed something was fishy before they could slip away.

One day he goes to the Jedi Temple to pick up his kids from a training thing and a new-ish Jedi recruit who’s alittle too overzealous about security calls Luke in to make sure he’s the right guy, and when Luke shakes his head and, holding back laughter, very seriously says “No, I’ve never seen that man in my life” Han just looks him dead in the eye and replies “We were alone on Hoth, kid. I should’ve killed you when I had the chance.”

#oh im obsessed#han has the space equivalent of twitter where hes like ‘was in the spaceport with the falcon today#the attendant said ‘oh hey that looks like the ship senator organas always flying around in’ and i was like ‘yes. because it is.’’ just like#tony hawk’s twittervia@harriisonford

Chewbacca is now the most famous Wookie in the galaxy. Fans will come over and try and have long conversations with Chewie, asking “your friend here ” to translate.

The moment Han realizes he’s become 3-PO, the look of horror on his face makes Leia laugh until she cries.

Rage is a hell of an anesthetic . ©you know what? I start liking the idea of Zaeed being SheparRage is a hell of an anesthetic . ©you know what? I start liking the idea of Zaeed being Shepar

Rage is a hell of an anesthetic . ©

you know what? I start liking the idea of Zaeed being Shepard’s father more and more. Even the banter with him - be it during his loyalty mission or on Normandy - looks better from this perspective. Those on Normandy, when he shows-off his possessions - krogan’s helm, assault rifle and all - that’s exactly what a father would do talking to his son or - if that’s a tomboy girl fem!Shepard is - to his daughter. Like those fathers who desperately wanted a boy and encourage their daughters to play football, or learn to shoot, or kick someone’s tender parts lol

During his loyalty mission - the dialogue “You survived a gunshot to the head? - And you survived your ship getting disintegrated. A stubborn enough person can survive just about anything.” That doessound like a “oh damn, we have so much in common!” XD

So yep, that’s it. I headcanon Zaeed being Shep’s dad and being low-key proud of his baby girl growing up to be a tough-to-kill-stubborn-cookie.

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clothes-sharing headcanons for some of my favorite shepard ships

  • tali wears shepard’s N7 hoodie over her suit and cowl sometimes.  between ME2 and ME3, she steals one to wear while shepard’s under house arrest; it helps her miss them a little less
  • whenever they talk on the bridge, shepard steals joker’s hat and starts wearing it around the ship.  sometimes he’s so focused on flying he doesn’t notice for hours afterward
  • one early morning shepard grabs a shirt from the floor and tries to put it on; they don’t realize until they were thoroughly stuck with their arms over their head that the shirt was notmade for humans.  garrus has to help them out of it–as soon as he stops laughing
  • sometimes when she’s cold, jack will take shepard’s clothes from their cabin and wear it over her usual getup.  if anyone comments, she will throw something at them
  • after one-too-many shots on omega, aria finallygives in to shepard’s requests and wears some damn body armor.  to make her feel better, shepard wears aria’s usual outfit around omega for a day.  it works out fine until shepard flexes and the seams burst
badasseryandriversong: Anyway, post-serum Peggy is taller than post-serum Steve and I will die on th


Anyway, post-serum Peggy is taller than post-serum Steve and I will die on this hill


Post link


Headcanon that I think that Sebastian wears blue light glasses since he’s on his computer so much. But specifically those hipster frame glasses emos were obsessed with in 2012


everything about victorian spike makes me insane. spike definitely went to oxford or cambridge. spike knows SO MUCH about ballroom dance. spike studied classical greek and latin and it set off the ear for language that later enabled him to speak fyarl. spike knows about victorian flower language. spike has been to so many inane dinner parties and balls. spike was absolutely that absolute freak during the marriage season and all the moms and governesses had to force the debutantes they were chaperoning to dance with him theyre like look darling he is a handsome man from a well to do family and theyre like mama i need you to understand i cannot listen to a single other one of his poems i will perish. mama he cant even think of a word that rhymes with gleaming.


Ok, I have a controversial opinion. A minor pet peeve turned giant pet peeve because my brain it’s stupid and would not let it rest.

It was not. A leap year.

And not because 1717 cannot be a leap year (it’s ofmd, I would be prepared to believe that a year ending in 7 could be a leap year).


Ed says “for it’s september 2nd and tonight’s a full moon”. And Izzy says “it’s september 1st”. And Lucius adds “he’s right, it’s the 1st. the full moon’s tomorrow”. And Ed’s face is like “OH NO! What the fuck???” And then he says “it’s a leap year”. And there’s murmur, and the only person who validates that “leap year” it’s Stede (who doesn’t know much about sailing and has a tendency to believe things).

Ok so. How does a leap year work. You add a day in February. Let’s say it is a leap year, but Ed didn’t realize it. He thought the full moon would be on the 2nd of september > but the day that would have been the 2nd of september is now the 1st.

So, we have option number one: Ed is keeping track of full moons by counting 29.5 days between one he saw and the next one. He would have guessed the date right, because he would have been counting from the moon in august (after the 29th of february).

Option number two: Ed makes a calendar of the full moons at the beginning of the year, memorizing the dates in which the moon should be full. Even ignoring that he would have realized something was wrong in march, the reaction of the crew would have been “the full moon was yesterday”.

Option number three (increasingly insane and with a number of problems itself): Ed has a calendar with the moon phases signed on it and the person who made it didn’t realize it was a leap year and got the dates wrong. Still has the problem of option number two.

He got the date wrong. He thought it was wednesday but it was actually tuesday. And he mumbled the first thing that came into his mind to not admit “I have made a silly little mistake and now we’re all going to die”. Which, understandable.

But it was not. A leap year.





Legolas pretty quickly gets in the habit of venting about his travelling companions in Elvish, so long as Gandalf & Aragorn aren’t in earshot they’ll never know right?

Then about a week into their journey like

Legolas: *in Elvish, for approximately the 20th time* ugh fucking hobbits, so annoying

Frodo: *also in Elvish, deadpan* yeah we’re the worst



Legolas: ugh fucking hobbits

Merry: Frodo what’d he say

Frodo: I’m not sure he speaks a weird dialect but I think he’s insulting us. I should tell him I can understand Elvish

Merry: I mean you could do that but consider

Merry: you can only tell him ONCE

Frodo: Merry. You’re absolutely right. I’ll wait.

#legolas’ hick accent vs #frodo’s ‘i learned it out of a book’ accent #FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT

Legolas: umm well your accent is horrible


Frodo: :)

Frodo: Hello. My name is Frodo. I am a Hobbit. How are you?

Legolas: y’alld’ve’ff’ve

Frodo, crying: please I can’t understand what you’r saying
