#heart of ether pod


Due to some internet issues, Episode 17 of The Heart of Ether is going to be delayed. We’re hoping it will still be coming out this week, ideally this weekend, but we will keep you all posted.

Terribly sorry for all of the delays! Much of our crew is currently managing full-time school/college, work, and a plethora of other life going-ons. We’re working as fast as we can to get the best possible product to you. <3

Reminder that The Heart of Ether is nominated for the 2021 Audio Verse Awards!!

It would mean the world to us if you took the time to go and vote—it only takes about 15 minutes, give or take.

Voting ends October 17th. You can find the link to vote here.

Also, the more shows you vote for, the more your voice counts! Take a moment to familiarize yourself with the list of nominees. Some other lovely shows to consider voting for include but aren’t limited to:

  • Neighbourly
  • Residents of Proserpina Park
  • The Night Post
  • Elevator Pitch
  • Solar Postal Services
  • Spirit Box Radio
  • Dining in the Void

Thank you so much for your support. This community really is incredible. <3

Do you have a favorite animal, by chance?

On top of exciting Patreon developments, we also slid Episode 16, “Lorelei,” into your feeds this morning!

It’s one of our biggest episodes yet. Be sure to check the content warnings.

What was your name, again?

Listen on Spotify.

The transcript can be found here.

Stay safe out there.

[Image ID: A gif of a blue butterfly perked on a metal door knocker, attached to a dirty white door. It is fluttering its wings gently, but not enough to fly. End image ID.]

INCREDIBLY exciting news, folks: You can now support The Heart of Ether on Patreon!

We don’t run ads, so any money we put into the show is either out-of-pocket or from donations. All of our cast & crew is made up of volunteers, and if we can, it would be nice to get to a place where we can compensate them for their work.

If you love what we do here and want to hear more spooky goodness, this is a great way to support us and help make the show the best it can be.

To learn more, you can visit our page here.

If you can’t commit to a monthly donation, you can always leave a one-time tip on our Ko-fi!

We currently have three tiers available, which are as follows:

Daughtler Local - $3/month

Forestry Aid - $5/month

Eccentric Shopkeep - $10/month

(And of course, the incredible graphics for each tier were made by our very own Luka Miller. Send ‘em some love!)

Along with these comes a plethora of perks, some of which are still to come and/or yet to be announced, including:

  • 24-hour early episode access
  • An exclusive role & channel in the community Discord
  • Special bonus content, including high school love letters and field notes
  • Episode commentary (coming with the month, we’re working on it!)
  • Custom line requests for our lovely cast

It’s your support that has brought us this far and allows us to keep making this show, and it’s brought me so much joy and amazing opportunities. From the bottom of my heart, thank you. This will allow us to continue to do what we love and keep making an even better show for you all.

Have a lovely rest of your day!

Good news! Episode 16, “Lorelei,” will be coming out this Friday (Oct. 1st)!

Thank you all so much for your patience in getting this episode out. It’s a beefy one.

Some emoji teasers for you:

In Regards to The Heart of Ether

Hi folks, Val here, speaking personally. There is no good way to apologize for me disappearing off of the face of the earth for a few months; I am deeply sorry regardless, and want to do what I can to make up for lost time.

The Heart of Ether is being canceled indefinitely.

This was not an easy choice—far from it. This show has been my pride and joy, my love, and the team behind it has felt like a family to me. After going through a mental health crisis and being hospitalized, however, I realize I am not in a position to be making executive orders for a large-scale series with an ensemble cast and multiple seasons. It is both unhealthy for me, and unfair to those who support me.

For anyone who donated money to the show in any form, whether a monthly Patreon or a tip on our Ko-fi, I personally am willing to refund you. Please email me at [email protected] or DM this account, and we will work out how to get you your money back (I have been able to keep track of who donated and how much, so if you don’t remember how much you gave, I can tell you). If I do not hear from you or you choose not to seek a refund, all of that money will be divided among the cast and crew depending on the volume of their work—I won’t receive any of it. If any money needs to come out of my own pocket to make sure everyone wronged is accommodated, I am more than willing.

To the cast and crew, and anyone else who has helped with the show, thank you. This production has led me to some of the most talented and incredible people I have ever met. This community is driven and thoughtful like no other, and I cannot be more thankful. The same goes to anyone who has supported the show and my work. The fandom around The Heart of Ether brought me more joy than anything. People like you are the reason I make art, and the support this show received genuinely blew me away during its time.

I will still be writing podcasts and working on audio dramas moving forward. However, it will not be under the Three-Eyed Frog domain, and will be shorter series/projects as I try to prioritize school & work. I would love to bring back The Heart of Ether and its characters someday, so don’t consider this Daughtler’s last goodbye. These characters quite literally feel like my children at this point, and I don’t want to give them up just yet. I simply need time to recover and focus my sights on other things before I return to it—and to be frank, I have absolutely no timeline for that yet, so I don’t want to get anyone’s hopes up.

For now, I highly encourage you to seek out and support the works of everyone on this cast & crew. They’re all highly driven and talented people who deserve the best moving forward, and I hope to still work with many of them on future projects. If anyone involved with HoE would like to use this post to promo, then please, feel free.

Again, I cannot thank you enough for how supportive and encouraging this community has been. I have high hopes for the future. <3

Reblog this post/reply like The Heart of Ether is real.


We’re deeply sorry for the radio silence on our end since the hiatus. This past month, we’ve been focusing on school, work, and mental health, and after some semi-major life events happened, priorities had to be shifted around.

But! We will be coming back strong this December once our schedules open up! I really don’t know how I’ll make it up to y'all for how patient you’ve been, but I’ll certainly try. This show started as something for fun, and we hope it will become fun again after some rest. <3

The Heart of Ether is recruiting a new sound editor (specifically for soundscaping & finalizing episodes)! Unpaid, unless the circumstances change, which we cannot promise. Deadline to apply is Nov. 22nd. More info below!

To tie you all over during our hiatus, we put out our sixth bonus episode yesterday, “Bishop to D8!”

The agents play a game of chess.

The transcript can be found here.

Stay safe out there!

[Image ID: A gif of someone moving a knight on a chess board and taking their opponent’s bishop. End image ID.]

In case you haven’t already heard from our Twitter, The Heart of Ether will be going on a temporary hiatus—no more than six weeks. Circumstances beyond our control brewed a bit of a perfect storm. We need some time to catch our breaths and work ahead.

We’ll be trying to pump out plenty of bonus content for you all, though! Specifically, we’re going to work on getting more Patreon content out. We might even have fun little events on our socials or in the Discord server.

And, to make up for Episode 17’s delay, we have a new bonus episode! Our sixth bonus episode, “Bishop to D8,” is out now for $3 & above patrons, and will be out for everyone tomorrow, Friday the 22nd!

Your patience and understanding is invaluable. We can’t thank you enough. We’ll be back soon. <3
