
Regram from lovely lady @voyageofbran who writes: “Newest Wildthorne strand “Mni Wiconi”

Regram from lovely lady @voyageofbran who writes:

“Newest Wildthorne strand “Mni Wiconi” has arrived in my grateful hands and I couldn’t be more pleased with it. Thank you again Kim! It’s absolutely stunning and layers perfectly with my other strands! It’s such an honor to be able to wear well crafted work filled fill so much love and meaning! ”

I am so grateful to kind friends and spirits like Brandie who have made the choice to choose ethical and conscious adornment. I created the Mni Wiconi “Water is sacred” jewel to help aid the Standing Rock Sioux nation in their preservation of ancestral land and clean water for all people, plants and animals living in the Dakota regions. The big oil industry has since destroyed ceremonial and burial sites of the Sioux over this past weekend, and also used attack dogs and mace against the peaceful protectors including women and children.

Injustice I am saddened to say happens daily in this world and to many people. Change happens when understanding, an open heart, integrity and compassion leads our choices and decisions instead of greed and selfishness. All too often in this world people are motivated to take thoughtlessly from others, without considering the repercussions of their actions. If we would all take a moment to pause and consider not only the words that we speak, (but also type and share) and our inner motivations. I truly believe this planet would be a kinder place.

I give thanks to my wonderful friends here who have helped to donate to the Standing Rock Sioux tribe, as we wait for a deliberation on the 9th, I am preparing and have more jeweled creations to offer to help aid the people. Blessings to you friends, and thank you Brandie for your beautiful and generous heart. #nodapl #mniwiconi #wildthorne #heartcentered #integrity #nativelivesmatter

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