#hearth witches


Looking for new folks to follow!

Merry meet! I have recently noticed that many of the blogs I have followed over the last year or so have either stagnated, or have been reblogging or posting things of a similar theme and I would like to be able to give those that follow me a little more variety when I cannot create original content. If you post original content related to:




Green witches, hearth witches, elemental witches

Educational witches or circle teaching

Gardening + nature related

Irish and Celtic mythology

Or similar topics, please reblog or like and I will try to get back to you! Thank you for reading, and blessed be~

Merry meet! I have recently noticed that many of the blogs I have followed over the last year or so have either stagnated, or have been reblogging or posting things of a similar theme and I would like to be able to give those that follow me a little more variety when I cannot create original content. If you post original content related to:




Green witches, hearth witches, elemental witches

Educational witches or circle teaching

Gardening + nature related

Irish and Celtic mythology

Or similar topics, please reblog or like and I will try to get back to you! Thank you for reading, and blessed be~
