#hearts refuge


Bruno Madrigal X Fem-Reader – Heart’s Refuge - Chapter 18

Take It Slow

A/N – So here is the smut chapter. It is purely optional, you won’t miss out on the story if you skip this one.

Warnings – NSFW / SMUT.

Rating – M

Taglist: @reverse-iak@mythicalpansexual@skylermoyer@kiaoizz@meganrosanna@insanitybyanothername@sweatyroadcowboyjudge@abbygraceasd@smikys-stuff@coffee-cupps@morishitoshi@waifu4lifeu@lukaerith-morningstar@cactiwallflower@littlemoistcarrot@milkshake4800@beanie-beebo@fluffy-canada-pancakes

Male Version Here

You grabbed Bruno’s nightshirt, bunching the material in clenched hands so that he was forced to rest over you, where you kissed him yet again. Bruno needed very little convincing as he draped over you, hoping that the moment would never end. He wished the two of you could have stayed in his room forever so that he might relish the feeling of you falling in love with him for eternity.

Though he knew that the kiss must eventually end, he was not prepared for where it led next as you slipped your hand inside his shirt hooking it around his neck. Bruno’s heart raced for though it was only a small step forward, you had yet to be so intimate with him. The clothes you both wore had always been the barrier between the unknown, and just by slipping your hand underneath the fabric, you had posed an interesting question; where was this going?

While Bruno mentally questioned everything, you thought little past your impulses, the exact opposite of him. You broke the kiss to allow your lips to travel lower, pecking Bruno’s jaw, his chin, and finally his neck, effectively mapping new territory; you wanted to know every part of him and your lips seemed to take the lead in cartography.

While your lips were on Bruno’s neck, you felt him swallow anxiously, and you paused, looking into his eyes which were fixed unwaveringly on your own, an expression of untamed fear in them.

Mentally, you chastised yourself for forgetting about Bruno’s past. He had been alone for ten years, and you probably should have discussed the topic of sex before diving in so casually.

“Do you want me to stop?” You asked quietly.

Bruno took a minute before pushing himself up so he was sitting, bringing his knees to his chest.


“I- I’ve never done this before,” He admitted sheepishly, avoiding eye contact. “Nobody ever liked me enough to- I- I don’t know what I’m doing.”

Moving slowly so you wouldn’t scare him, you maneuvered yourself so you were hugging Bruno, your arm around his back, “That’s okay. You waited for me, now I’ll wait for you. We don’t have to do anything you don’t want to. I’m sorry if I rushed you.”

“No!” Bruno exclaimed adamantly, then in a quieter undertone, he added, “I want to do this, I just… I don’t want to disappoint you.”

You placed a hand on Bruno’s cheek, turning his head so he had to look at you, “You could never disappoint me. I meant it when I said I love you.”

He swallowed and nodded, his curls bouncing slightly with the motion.

“Okay… If you feel uncomfortable at any point, we can stop, alright?” You said, before the two of you did anything further.

“Yes,” Bruno agreed, leaning back towards you for another kiss.

The two of you stayed like that for a while, making out against the headboard before you lowered yourself onto the bed, drawing Bruno down with you.

You opted to let him take the lead for although he was inexperienced, it allowed him to set the pace you were both to follow.

It took him a while to do anything more than kiss you, but the two of you had the whole night and eventually, Bruno’s hands started slowly travelling your body, until they landed shakily at the hem of your shirt. His eyes flicked up to yours, begging your permission and you nodded encouragingly, arching your back to make it easier for him to remove your shirt.

“Dios mío,” He breathed, taking you in.

You bit the inside of your lip, holding in a small laugh when Bruno’s hand went to his head, subconsciously knocking on wood for luck.

His hand hovered over your bare chest, almost trembling in anticipation.

“It’s okay,” You reassured him, reaching up to trace your thumb lightly across his cheek.

Taking the plunge, Bruno cupped your breast in his hand, and though it was a little bit of an overreaction, you made sure to moan loudly, emboldening him somewhat.

He pinched your nipple lightly between his thumb and forefinger, toying with it.

“Oh yeah, just like that. That’s so good,” You praised him.

At your praise, Bruno flushed red, his blush colouring his neck, cheeks, and the tips of his ears. It wasn’t so much what you were saying as the reaction it caused in him. His erection pressed against his pants and in your close proximity, he knew you felt it against your thigh, though you had the good graces not to mention it. Bruno briefly wondered whether he ought to readjust himself so you wouldn’t feel it, but then he reconsidered and since he knew that he would sleep with you tonight, he had to force himself not to feel embarrassed, though that alone was a challenge in itself.

When it became clear that Bruno was becoming a prisoner to his own thoughts, you took control of the situation, making out with him and slowly guiding him down until you were atop him, pressing your chest against him.

You tried to imagine how he must be feeling, overwhelmed by the possibility of everything that he could do, and unsure of which route to pursue. For the first time, it was best to keep things simple while the two of you explored each other’s comfort zones.

You trailed kisses down his jawline once again, travelling even lower this time, giving one extra kiss for each button of his shirt you undid, exposing his chest.

Bruno watched you intensely, afraid that you might find him repulsive or as a let-down to whatever you had built up in your head. Straddling Bruno’s waist, where his erection was firm against your ass, you dragged your hands down his chest, feeling the muscles that had developed from years of climbing behind the walls of the Casita.

“Beautiful,” You complimented, admiring the hair that travelled from his chest down to his navel until it disappeared beneath his pants.

“(Y/N),” Bruno choked out, a desperate need building within him the longer you pressed against his erection. “I think- I- I’m ready now.”

“You sure?” You asked, hoping he wasn’t rushing into anything based on your desires.

“Yes,” He grunted as you shifted against him.

You moved so you could free yourself of your pyjama bottoms, and after seeing you nude, Bruno built up the courage to remove his own pants, though he couldn’t help feeling somewhat ugly as his erection was released, revealing his need for you.

You waited for one final look of approval from Bruno before slowly seating yourself atop him. Bruno groaned wantonly with every slow inch you took, his hands automatically reaching for your hips.

Slowly, you rocked your hips, using an old trick you had heard of to spell your name. Bruno could do little more than whimper though he kept his eyes trained on you the entire time. Meanwhile, you did everything you could to praise him, finding that he responded well when you did.

You briefly wondered when the last time was that Bruno was properly praised for anything; considering his past, you understood his need for validation and played on that, giving him everything he could want, both physically, and mentally.

“Oh yeah,” You breathed when he dared to move with you, bucking into you. “Just like that. Bruno, that’s so damn good. Just like that.”

Building up momentum, Bruno started jerking into you, his movements becoming more erratic as he came close to his finish.

You had one small moment of fear and regret as he came inside you, but you didn’t linger on the thought. If Julieta’s food could heal in ways which you desired, you were certain it could act somewhat like a morning-after pill, or rather you hoped that it would.

In the meantime, you were too busy chasing a high, your own orgasm hitting not long after Bruno’s.

“Oh God,” You choked out, finding yourself exhausted in the best way.

Although you wished to linger in the afterglow of sex, you knew that it was your job to take care of Bruno since it was his first time. Taking a minute to catch your breath and disengage from Bruno, you grabbed some things to clean yourselves up, and once everything was taken care of, you slipped into bed beside him.

“Was everything okay for you?” You asked, ensuring that he was alright.

“That was wonderful,” He sighed dreamily, drawing you against his bare chest. “You are wonderful. I love you, mi Corazón.”

Despite knowing very little Spanish, you knew what that meant. You were Bruno’s heart, and though that title might have intimidated you before, you were now glad to be charged with it.

“And you are mi Vida,” You replied; if you were his heart, then he was your life.

Bruno sniffled and you didn’t have to look up to know that he was crying. You let him have his tears, knowing that they weren’t ones of sadness, but of profound love. He had always assumed that he was destined to be alone, but despite everything, you were there with him. Bruno’s strong arms encircled you, offering protection in their grip.

He held you long after you had fallen asleep, listening to your breathing, a question forming in his mind. Though it wasn’t something that could ideally wait, Bruno didn’t wish to wake you, and eventually, he too fell asleep. He really hoped you would stay for the morning, because if you did, he could ask you then, and even more importantly, he wanted to know what it was like to wake up next to the person he loved most in the world.

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Bruno Madrigal X Fem-Reader – Heart’s Refuge - Chapter 18

Take It Slow

A/N – So here is the smut chapter. It is purely optional, you won’t miss out on the story if you skip this one.

Warnings – NSFW / SMUT.

Rating – M

Taglist: @reverse-iak@mythicalpansexual@skylermoyer@kiaoizz@meganrosanna@insanitybyanothername@sweatyroadcowboyjudge@abbygraceasd@smikys-stuff@coffee-cupps@morishitoshi@waifu4lifeu@lukaerith-morningstar@cactiwallflower@littlemoistcarrot@milkshake4800@beanie-beebo@fluffy-canada-pancakes

Male Version Here

You grabbed Bruno’s nightshirt, bunching the material in clenched hands so that he was forced to rest over you, where you kissed him yet again. Bruno needed very little convincing as he draped over you, hoping that the moment would never end. He wished the two of you could have stayed in his room forever so that he might relish the feeling of you falling in love with him for eternity.

Though he knew that the kiss must eventually end, he was not prepared for where it led next as you slipped your hand inside his shirt hooking it around his neck. Bruno’s heart raced for though it was only a small step forward, you had yet to be so intimate with him. The clothes you both wore had always been the barrier between the unknown, and just by slipping your hand underneath the fabric, you had posed an interesting question; where was this going?

While Bruno mentally questioned everything, you thought little past your impulses, the exact opposite of him. You broke the kiss to allow your lips to travel lower, pecking Bruno’s jaw, his chin, and finally his neck, effectively mapping new territory; you wanted to know every part of him and your lips seemed to take the lead in cartography.

While your lips were on Bruno’s neck, you felt him swallow anxiously, and you paused, looking into his eyes which were fixed unwaveringly on your own, an expression of untamed fear in them.

Mentally, you chastised yourself for forgetting about Bruno’s past. He had been alone for ten years, and you probably should have discussed the topic of sex before diving in so casually.

“Do you want me to stop?” You asked quietly.

Bruno took a minute before pushing himself up so he was sitting, bringing his knees to his chest.


“I- I’ve never done this before,” He admitted sheepishly, avoiding eye contact. “Nobody ever liked me enough to- I- I don’t know what I’m doing.”

Moving slowly so you wouldn’t scare him, you maneuvered yourself so you were hugging Bruno, your arm around his back, “That’s okay. You waited for me, now I’ll wait for you. We don’t have to do anything you don’t want to. I’m sorry if I rushed you.”

“No!” Bruno exclaimed adamantly, then in a quieter undertone, he added, “I want to do this, I just… I don’t want to disappoint you.”

You placed a hand on Bruno’s cheek, turning his head so he had to look at you, “You could never disappoint me. I meant it when I said I love you.”

He swallowed and nodded, his curls bouncing slightly with the motion.

“Okay… If you feel uncomfortable at any point, we can stop, alright?” You said, before the two of you did anything further.

“Yes,” Bruno agreed, leaning back towards you for another kiss.

The two of you stayed like that for a while, making out against the headboard before you lowered yourself onto the bed, drawing Bruno down with you.

You opted to let him take the lead for although he was inexperienced, it allowed him to set the pace you were both to follow.

It took him a while to do anything more than kiss you, but the two of you had the whole night and eventually, Bruno’s hands started slowly travelling your body, until they landed shakily at the hem of your shirt. His eyes flicked up to yours, begging your permission and you nodded encouragingly, arching your back to make it easier for him to remove your shirt.

“Dios mío,” He breathed, taking you in.

You bit the inside of your lip, holding in a small laugh when Bruno’s hand went to his head, subconsciously knocking on wood for luck.

His hand hovered over your bare chest, almost trembling in anticipation.

“It’s okay,” You reassured him, reaching up to trace your thumb lightly across his cheek.

Taking the plunge, Bruno cupped your breast in his hand, and though it was a little bit of an overreaction, you made sure to moan loudly, emboldening him somewhat.

He pinched your nipple lightly between his thumb and forefinger, toying with it.

“Oh yeah, just like that. That’s so good,” You praised him.

At your praise, Bruno flushed red, his blush colouring his neck, cheeks, and the tips of his ears. It wasn’t so much what you were saying as the reaction it caused in him. His erection pressed against his pants and in your close proximity, he knew you felt it against your thigh, though you had the good graces not to mention it. Bruno briefly wondered whether he ought to readjust himself so you wouldn’t feel it, but then he reconsidered and since he knew that he would sleep with you tonight, he had to force himself not to feel embarrassed, though that alone was a challenge in itself.

When it became clear that Bruno was becoming a prisoner to his own thoughts, you took control of the situation, making out with him and slowly guiding him down until you were atop him, pressing your chest against him.

You tried to imagine how he must be feeling, overwhelmed by the possibility of everything that he could do, and unsure of which route to pursue. For the first time, it was best to keep things simple while the two of you explored each other’s comfort zones.

You trailed kisses down his jawline once again, travelling even lower this time, giving one extra kiss for each button of his shirt you undid, exposing his chest.

Bruno watched you intensely, afraid that you might find him repulsive or as a let-down to whatever you had built up in your head. Straddling Bruno’s waist, where his erection was firm against your ass, you dragged your hands down his chest, feeling the muscles that had developed from years of climbing behind the walls of the Casita.

“Beautiful,” You complimented, admiring the hair that travelled from his chest down to his navel until it disappeared beneath his pants.

“(Y/N),” Bruno choked out, a desperate need building within him the longer you pressed against his erection. “I think- I- I’m ready now.”

“You sure?” You asked, hoping he wasn’t rushing into anything based on your desires.

“Yes,” He grunted as you shifted against him.

You moved so you could free yourself of your pyjama bottoms, and after seeing you nude, Bruno built up the courage to remove his own pants, though he couldn’t help feeling somewhat ugly as his erection was released, revealing his need for you.

You waited for one final look of approval from Bruno before slowly seating yourself atop him. Bruno groaned wantonly with every slow inch you took, his hands automatically reaching for your hips.

Slowly, you rocked your hips, using an old trick you had heard of to spell your name. Bruno could do little more than whimper though he kept his eyes trained on you the entire time. Meanwhile, you did everything you could to praise him, finding that he responded well when you did.

You briefly wondered when the last time was that Bruno was properly praised for anything; considering his past, you understood his need for validation and played on that, giving him everything he could want, both physically, and mentally.

“Oh yeah,” You breathed when he dared to move with you, bucking into you. “Just like that. Bruno, that’s so damn good. Just like that.”

Building up momentum, Bruno started jerking into you, his movements becoming more erratic as he came close to his finish.

You had one small moment of fear and regret as he came inside you, but you didn’t linger on the thought. If Julieta’s food could heal in ways which you desired, you were certain it could act somewhat like a morning-after pill, or rather you hoped that it would.

In the meantime, you were too busy chasing a high, your own orgasm hitting not long after Bruno’s.

“Oh God,” You choked out, finding yourself exhausted in the best way.

Although you wished to linger in the afterglow of sex, you knew that it was your job to take care of Bruno since it was his first time. Taking a minute to catch your breath and disengage from Bruno, you grabbed some things to clean yourselves up, and once everything was taken care of, you slipped into bed beside him.

“Was everything okay for you?” You asked, ensuring that he was alright.

“That was wonderful,” He sighed dreamily, drawing you against his bare chest. “You are wonderful. I love you, mi Corazón.”

Despite knowing very little Spanish, you knew what that meant. You were Bruno’s heart, and though that title might have intimidated you before, you were now glad to be charged with it.

“And you are mi Vida,” You replied; if you were his heart, then he was your life.

Bruno sniffled and you didn’t have to look up to know that he was crying. You let him have his tears, knowing that they weren’t ones of sadness, but of profound love. He had always assumed that he was destined to be alone, but despite everything, you were there with him. Bruno’s strong arms encircled you, offering protection in their grip.

He held you long after you had fallen asleep, listening to your breathing, a question forming in his mind. Though it wasn’t something that could ideally wait, Bruno didn’t wish to wake you, and eventually, he too fell asleep. He really hoped you would stay for the morning, because if you did, he could ask you then, and even more importantly, he wanted to know what it was like to wake up next to the person he loved most in the world.

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Bruno Madrigal X Male-Reader – Heart’s Refuge - Chapter 18

Take It Slow

A/N – So here is the smut chapter. It is purely optional, you won’t miss out on the story if you skip this one.

Warnings – NSFW / SMUT.

Rating – M

Taglist: @mobuaddiction@tangled-cl0wn-core@constant-state-of-self-discovery

Female Version Here

You grabbed Bruno’s nightshirt, bunching the material in clenched hands so that he was forced to rest over you, where you kissed him yet again. Bruno needed very little convincing as he draped over you, hoping that the moment would never end. He wished the two of you could have stayed in his room forever so that he might relish the feeling of you falling in love with him for eternity.

Though he knew that the kiss must eventually end, he was not prepared for where it led next as you slipped your hand inside his shirt hooking it around his neck. Bruno’s heart raced for though it was only a small step forward, you had yet to be so intimate with him. The clothes you both wore had always been the barrier between the unknown, and just by slipping your hand underneath the fabric, you had posed an interesting question; where was this going?

While Bruno mentally questioned everything, you thought little past your impulses, the exact opposite of him. You broke the kiss to allow your lips to travel lower, pecking Bruno’s jaw, his chin, and finally his neck, effectively mapping new territory; you wanted to know every part of him and your lips seemed to take the lead in cartography.

While your lips were on Bruno’s neck, you felt him swallow anxiously, and you paused, looking into his eyes which were fixed unwaveringly on your own, an expression of untamed fear in them.

Mentally, you chastised yourself for forgetting about Bruno’s past. He had been alone for ten years, and you probably should have discussed the topic of sex before diving in so casually.

“Do you want me to stop?” You asked quietly.

Bruno took a minute before pushing himself up so he was sitting, bringing his knees to his chest.


“I- I’ve never done this before,” He admitted sheepishly, avoiding eye contact. “Nobody ever liked me enough to- I- I don’t know what I’m doing.”

Moving slowly so you wouldn’t scare him, you maneuvered yourself so you were hugging Bruno, your arm around his back, “That’s okay. You waited for me, now I’ll wait for you. We don’t have to do anything you don’t want to. I’m sorry if I rushed you.”

“No!” Bruno exclaimed adamantly, then in a quieter undertone, he added, “I want to do this, I just… I don’t want to disappoint you.”

You placed a hand on Bruno’s cheek, turning his head so he had to look at you, “You could never disappoint me. I meant it when I said I love you.”

He swallowed and nodded, his curls bouncing slightly with the motion.

“Okay… If you feel uncomfortable at any point, we can stop, alright?” You said, before the two of you did anything further.

“Yes,” Bruno agreed, leaning back towards you for another kiss.

The two of you stayed like that for a while, making out against the headboard before you lowered yourself onto the bed, drawing Bruno down with you.

You opted to let him take the lead for although he was inexperienced, it allowed him to set the pace you were both to follow.

It took him a while to do anything more than kiss you, but the two of you had the whole night and eventually, Bruno’s hands started slowly travelling your body, until they landed shakily at the hem of your shirt. His eyes flicked up to yours, begging your permission and you nodded encouragingly, arching your back to make it easier for him to remove your shirt.

“Dios mío,” He breathed, taking you in.

You bit the inside of your lip, holding in a small laugh when Bruno’s hand went to his head, subconsciously knocking on wood for luck.

His hand hovered over your bare chest, almost trembling in anticipation.

“It’s okay,” You reassured him, reaching up to trace your thumb lightly across his cheek.

Taking the plunge, Bruno cupped your peck in his hand, and though it was a little bit of an overreaction, you made sure to moan loudly, emboldening him somewhat.

He pinched your nipple lightly between his thumb and forefinger, toying with it.

“Oh yeah, just like that. That’s so good,” You praised him.

At your praise, Bruno flushed red, his blush colouring his neck, cheeks, and the tips of his ears. It wasn’t so much what you were saying as the reaction it caused in him. His erection pressed against his pants and in your close proximity, he knew you felt it against your thigh, though you had the good graces not to mention it. Bruno briefly wondered whether he ought to readjust himself so you wouldn’t feel it, but then he reconsidered and since he knew that he would sleep with you tonight, he had to force himself not to feel embarrassed, though that alone was a challenge in itself.

When it became clear that Bruno was becoming a prisoner to his own thoughts, you took control of the situation, making out with him and slowly guiding him down until you were atop him, pressing your chest against him.

You tried to imagine how he must be feeling, overwhelmed by the possibility of everything that he could do, and unsure of which route to pursue. For the first time, it was best to keep things simple while the two of you explored each other’s comfort zones.

You trailed kisses down his jawline once again, travelling even lower this time, giving one extra kiss for each button of his shirt you undid, exposing his chest.

Bruno watched you intensely, afraid that you might find him repulsive or as a let-down to whatever you had built up in your head. Straddling Bruno’s waist, where his erection was firm against your ass, you dragged your hands down his chest, feeling the muscles that had developed from years of climbing behind the walls of the Casita. Meanwhile, your own erection was forming, pressing upon him.

“Beautiful,” You complimented, admiring the hair that travelled from his chest down to his navel until it disappeared beneath his pants.

“(Y/N),” Bruno choked out, a desperate need building within him the longer you pressed against his erection. “I think- I- I’m ready now.”

“You sure?” You asked, hoping he wasn’t rushing into anything based on your desires.

“Yes,” He grunted as you shifted against him.

You moved so you could free yourself of your pyjama bottoms, and after seeing you nude, Bruno built up the courage to remove his own pants, though he couldn’t help feeling somewhat ugly as his erection was released, revealing his need for you.

You, on the other hand, were completely unashamed of your own hard-on, hoping that he might admire it as much as you admired his.

You waited for one final look of approval from Bruno before slowly seating yourself atop him. Bruno groaned wantonly with every slow inch you took, his hands automatically reaching for your hips.

Slowly, you rocked your hips, using an old trick you had heard of to spell your name. Bruno could do little more than whimper though he kept his eyes trained on you the entire time. Meanwhile, you did everything you could to praise him, finding that he responded well when you did.

You briefly wondered when the last time was that Bruno was properly praised for anything; considering his past, you understood his need for validation and played on that, giving him everything he could want, both physically, and mentally.

“Oh yeah,” You breathed when he dared to move with you, bucking into you. “Just like that. Bruno, that’s so damn good. Just like that.”

Building up momentum, Bruno started jerking into you, his movements becoming more erratic as he came close to his finish. You stroked your own cock, giving yourself a handjob while your rode Bruno, chasing a high, your orgasm hitting not long after Bruno came.

“Oh God,” You choked out, finding yourself exhausted in the best way.

Although you wished to linger in the afterglow of sex, you knew that it was your job to take care of Bruno since it was his first time. Taking a minute to catch your breath and disengage from Bruno, you grabbed some things to clean yourselves up, and once everything was taken care of, you slipped into bed beside him.

“Was everything okay for you?” You asked, ensuring that he was alright.

“That was wonderful,” He sighed dreamily, drawing you against his bare chest. “You are wonderful. I love you, mi Corazón.”

Despite knowing very little Spanish, you knew what that meant. You were Bruno’s heart, and though that title might have intimidated you before, you were now glad to be charged with it.

“And you are mi Vida,” You replied; if you were his heart, then he was your life.

Bruno sniffled and you didn’t have to look up to know that he was crying. You let him have his tears, knowing that they weren’t ones of sadness, but of profound love. He had always assumed that he was destined to be alone, but despite everything, you were there with him. Bruno’s strong arms encircled you, offering protection in their grip.

He held you long after you had fallen asleep, listening to your breathing, a question forming in his mind. Though it wasn’t something that could ideally wait, Bruno didn’t wish to wake you, and eventually, he too fell asleep. He really hoped you would stay for the morning, because if you did, he could ask you then, and even more importantly, he wanted to know what it was like to wake up next to the person he loved most in the world.

Like my work? Buy me a Ko-Fi.

Also, I’ll be honest, I’m asexual and a lass, so if there’s something unsatisfactory about this male reader version, just tell me and I’ll fix it, okay?

Bruno Madrigal X Male-Reader – Heart’s Refuge - Chapter 18

Take It Slow

A/N – So here is the smut chapter. It is purely optional, you won’t miss out on the story if you skip this one.

Warnings – NSFW / SMUT.

Rating – M

Taglist: @mobuaddiction@tangled-cl0wn-core@constant-state-of-self-discovery

Female Version Here

You grabbed Bruno’s nightshirt, bunching the material in clenched hands so that he was forced to rest over you, where you kissed him yet again. Bruno needed very little convincing as he draped over you, hoping that the moment would never end. He wished the two of you could have stayed in his room forever so that he might relish the feeling of you falling in love with him for eternity.

Though he knew that the kiss must eventually end, he was not prepared for where it led next as you slipped your hand inside his shirt hooking it around his neck. Bruno’s heart raced for though it was only a small step forward, you had yet to be so intimate with him. The clothes you both wore had always been the barrier between the unknown, and just by slipping your hand underneath the fabric, you had posed an interesting question; where was this going?

While Bruno mentally questioned everything, you thought little past your impulses, the exact opposite of him. You broke the kiss to allow your lips to travel lower, pecking Bruno’s jaw, his chin, and finally his neck, effectively mapping new territory; you wanted to know every part of him and your lips seemed to take the lead in cartography.

While your lips were on Bruno’s neck, you felt him swallow anxiously, and you paused, looking into his eyes which were fixed unwaveringly on your own, an expression of untamed fear in them.

Mentally, you chastised yourself for forgetting about Bruno’s past. He had been alone for ten years, and you probably should have discussed the topic of sex before diving in so casually.

“Do you want me to stop?” You asked quietly.

Bruno took a minute before pushing himself up so he was sitting, bringing his knees to his chest.


“I- I’ve never done this before,” He admitted sheepishly, avoiding eye contact. “Nobody ever liked me enough to- I- I don’t know what I’m doing.”

Moving slowly so you wouldn’t scare him, you maneuvered yourself so you were hugging Bruno, your arm around his back, “That’s okay. You waited for me, now I’ll wait for you. We don’t have to do anything you don’t want to. I’m sorry if I rushed you.”

“No!” Bruno exclaimed adamantly, then in a quieter undertone, he added, “I want to do this, I just… I don’t want to disappoint you.”

You placed a hand on Bruno’s cheek, turning his head so he had to look at you, “You could never disappoint me. I meant it when I said I love you.”

He swallowed and nodded, his curls bouncing slightly with the motion.

“Okay… If you feel uncomfortable at any point, we can stop, alright?” You said, before the two of you did anything further.

“Yes,” Bruno agreed, leaning back towards you for another kiss.

The two of you stayed like that for a while, making out against the headboard before you lowered yourself onto the bed, drawing Bruno down with you.

You opted to let him take the lead for although he was inexperienced, it allowed him to set the pace you were both to follow.

It took him a while to do anything more than kiss you, but the two of you had the whole night and eventually, Bruno’s hands started slowly travelling your body, until they landed shakily at the hem of your shirt. His eyes flicked up to yours, begging your permission and you nodded encouragingly, arching your back to make it easier for him to remove your shirt.

“Dios mío,” He breathed, taking you in.

You bit the inside of your lip, holding in a small laugh when Bruno’s hand went to his head, subconsciously knocking on wood for luck.

His hand hovered over your bare chest, almost trembling in anticipation.

“It’s okay,” You reassured him, reaching up to trace your thumb lightly across his cheek.

Taking the plunge, Bruno cupped your peck in his hand, and though it was a little bit of an overreaction, you made sure to moan loudly, emboldening him somewhat.

He pinched your nipple lightly between his thumb and forefinger, toying with it.

“Oh yeah, just like that. That’s so good,” You praised him.

At your praise, Bruno flushed red, his blush colouring his neck, cheeks, and the tips of his ears. It wasn’t so much what you were saying as the reaction it caused in him. His erection pressed against his pants and in your close proximity, he knew you felt it against your thigh, though you had the good graces not to mention it. Bruno briefly wondered whether he ought to readjust himself so you wouldn’t feel it, but then he reconsidered and since he knew that he would sleep with you tonight, he had to force himself not to feel embarrassed, though that alone was a challenge in itself.

When it became clear that Bruno was becoming a prisoner to his own thoughts, you took control of the situation, making out with him and slowly guiding him down until you were atop him, pressing your chest against him.

You tried to imagine how he must be feeling, overwhelmed by the possibility of everything that he could do, and unsure of which route to pursue. For the first time, it was best to keep things simple while the two of you explored each other’s comfort zones.

You trailed kisses down his jawline once again, travelling even lower this time, giving one extra kiss for each button of his shirt you undid, exposing his chest.

Bruno watched you intensely, afraid that you might find him repulsive or as a let-down to whatever you had built up in your head. Straddling Bruno’s waist, where his erection was firm against your ass, you dragged your hands down his chest, feeling the muscles that had developed from years of climbing behind the walls of the Casita. Meanwhile, your own erection was forming, pressing upon him.

“Beautiful,” You complimented, admiring the hair that travelled from his chest down to his navel until it disappeared beneath his pants.

“(Y/N),” Bruno choked out, a desperate need building within him the longer you pressed against his erection. “I think- I- I’m ready now.”

“You sure?” You asked, hoping he wasn’t rushing into anything based on your desires.

“Yes,” He grunted as you shifted against him.

You moved so you could free yourself of your pyjama bottoms, and after seeing you nude, Bruno built up the courage to remove his own pants, though he couldn’t help feeling somewhat ugly as his erection was released, revealing his need for you.

You, on the other hand, were completely unashamed of your own hard-on, hoping that he might admire it as much as you admired his.

You waited for one final look of approval from Bruno before slowly seating yourself atop him. Bruno groaned wantonly with every slow inch you took, his hands automatically reaching for your hips.

Slowly, you rocked your hips, using an old trick you had heard of to spell your name. Bruno could do little more than whimper though he kept his eyes trained on you the entire time. Meanwhile, you did everything you could to praise him, finding that he responded well when you did.

You briefly wondered when the last time was that Bruno was properly praised for anything; considering his past, you understood his need for validation and played on that, giving him everything he could want, both physically, and mentally.

“Oh yeah,” You breathed when he dared to move with you, bucking into you. “Just like that. Bruno, that’s so damn good. Just like that.”

Building up momentum, Bruno started jerking into you, his movements becoming more erratic as he came close to his finish. You stroked your own cock, giving yourself a handjob while your rode Bruno, chasing a high, your orgasm hitting not long after Bruno came.

“Oh God,” You choked out, finding yourself exhausted in the best way.

Although you wished to linger in the afterglow of sex, you knew that it was your job to take care of Bruno since it was his first time. Taking a minute to catch your breath and disengage from Bruno, you grabbed some things to clean yourselves up, and once everything was taken care of, you slipped into bed beside him.

“Was everything okay for you?” You asked, ensuring that he was alright.

“That was wonderful,” He sighed dreamily, drawing you against his bare chest. “You are wonderful. I love you, mi Corazón.”

Despite knowing very little Spanish, you knew what that meant. You were Bruno’s heart, and though that title might have intimidated you before, you were now glad to be charged with it.

“And you are mi Vida,” You replied; if you were his heart, then he was your life.

Bruno sniffled and you didn’t have to look up to know that he was crying. You let him have his tears, knowing that they weren’t ones of sadness, but of profound love. He had always assumed that he was destined to be alone, but despite everything, you were there with him. Bruno’s strong arms encircled you, offering protection in their grip.

He held you long after you had fallen asleep, listening to your breathing, a question forming in his mind. Though it wasn’t something that could ideally wait, Bruno didn’t wish to wake you, and eventually, he too fell asleep. He really hoped you would stay for the morning, because if you did, he could ask you then, and even more importantly, he wanted to know what it was like to wake up next to the person he loved most in the world.

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Also, I’ll be honest, I’m asexual and a lass, so if there’s something unsatisfactory about this male reader version, just tell me and I’ll fix it, okay?

Bruno Madrigal X Male-Reader – Heart’s Refuge - Chapter 17

Figuring Out Feelings

A/N – Okay, so the next chapter is going to be smut, so I’m splitting it so the people who wish to avoid it can just skip to chapter 19 whenever I write that. Oh, and also, thank you for all the birthday wishes, and also, I’m feeling much better ^_^

Warnings – None.

Rating – T


Female Version Here

You awoke feeling somewhat disoriented, and it took you a minute before you remembered where you were. You glanced down, finding Bruno’s arm draped over your waist, keeping the nightmares at bay. Careful not to wake Bruno, you rolled over, facing him.

Like you, Bruno was laid on his side. His face was a mess of curls, a small amount of drool making his hair stick to his chin. You reached out and gently moved his hair so it wasn’t sticking to him. You felt lucky, seeing Bruno like this, peacefully slumbering without a worry in the world. Although he was somewhat happy when awake, you knew that he suffered from the sadness of his years in isolation; nothing could wipe away such melancholy, nothing except for sleep, and the wonder of dreams.

There was another advantage of Bruno sleeping while you were awake; it gave you time to decipher your feelings about him, without getting distracted by his soulful eyes or heartfelt sentiments.

The simple fact of the matter was that he was in love with you, and you hadn’t been able to return his feelings so fully. Bruno was damaged, and liable to easily fall in love with the first person that tried to understand him, but you? Well, it was hard to say.

He was your friend, and you definitely had feelings for him, but you weren’t head over heels yet, and you were glad for that, mainly because it would complicate things even more if you were. All the same, watching him now, you knew it wouldn’t be long before you were in the same place that he was, emotionally speaking. After a nightmare, you had run to him; granted, it was a horrific nightmare, but you knew that if you really had to, you could have faced it alone.

“Bruno,” You whispered to yourself. “I’m falling in love with you.”

Once again, you were glad that Bruno was asleep because you didn’t think that you would have the courage to tell him when he was awake.

Sighing, you realised that it would do you no good to be found coming out of Bruno’s room so early in the morning. Disentangling yourself from him, you got out of the bed, and padded across the room.

You hesitated before leaving, looking at the few of Bruno’s pet rats who were awake and scampering about in their little play area.

“Please don’t tell Antonio about this, okay? I need this to be our little secret.”

You weren’t sure if the rats could understand you, or whether they could only understand Antonio, but you hoped they wouldn’t tell him about you spending the night with Bruno; it would only complicate matters more. Resignedly, you let yourself out and headed back to the nursery. Although you missed the warmth of Bruno’s hold, you felt safe in the knowledge that nobody would suspect you of anything when they saw you coming out of your own room an hour later.

“G’morning,” Bruno yawned tiredly, still half asleep as he spoke.

He stretched, reaching out for you, blearily opening his eyes when you weren’t there.


Over the past ten years, Bruno had had few comforts to relish in. He should have known that the comfort of waking up next to someone he loved was too much to ask for. Forcing himself up with a feeling of overwhelming loneliness, Bruno took the time to feed his rats; they had always been there for him, and hopefully always would be.

“Will he ever love me?” Bruno asked his rats despondently.

A few squeaked eagerly in response, mostly because he was holding food that they were desperately reaching out for.

“Yeah,” Bruno said bleakly. “Only time will tell, right?”

If Bruno had only known that only an hour before, you had stated the inevitability of you falling in love with him, he would have been the happiest man alive. As it was however, all Bruno knew was that you had spent the night with him, and then left without a word. Granted, the two of you were only sleeping in the same bed, but Bruno had thought that meant progress; you running away seemed to be the opposite of that.

Still, there was a lot about you that Bruno didn’t understand yet; maybe if he could figure you out, the two of you would grow closer.

On your daily excursion around town, Bruno had to wait for a proper chance to speak with you. The villagers of Encanto no longer feared you as they used to, and a great many of them had started to value your conversation; an opinion from the outsider who seemed to be so well-travelled was always guaranteed to be interesting.

They asked your opinions on new music, clothing, and buildings. Although you were always sure to compliment the vibrant culture around you, you also had a few interesting tidbits of information for everyone to hear.

Because of the information you shared, inspiration had spread throughout the town. A stonemason was working on a carving of a gargoyle, which he had heard adorned the French cathedral, Notre Dame. Some of the local tailors were working on new suits, inspired by the clothing you had shown them in a magazine you had picked up on your travels and forgotten to throw away. One of the local bands was interested to recreate some music you knew, allowing them to grow their repertoire of genres. Although the town was proud of its Columbian heritage and wouldn’t trade it for anything, they were eager to embrace small parts of the other cultures that you told them about.

However, after the villagers had had their fill of you, you and Bruno were finally alone by the lake you had discovered previously.

Although Bruno could now speak with you, he was careful not to mention anything about your relationship, in case Dolores heard him. He hated dancing around your relationship, wishing that he could do the things other couples did. He wanted to hold your hand on walks, randomly kiss your cheek whenever the mood took him, talk about the future and what it held for the two of you. Yet, he understood how fragile things were, and all the complications that could arise if other people knew about the two of you; if your love was a house of cards, he would not be the one to blow it over.

“So, I was wondering, is everything okay with you? Last night was… something new,” Bruno approached the subject carefully, tiptoeing around it.

Sat down on the lake bank, you ran your hands over the surrounding moss, thankful that Bruno was talking in code, even if it did make things harder.

“I had a nightmare,” You admitted, feeling calmer than you had the night before. “I hope that you didn’t mind my visit.”

“No, it was fine, I’m glad that you can… confide in me?” Bruno said, keeping up the act; he had never been too worried about his niece’s gift before, but now it was becoming a real pain.

Ideally, he should have waited till the two of you were in his room before speaking about this, but he had wanted answers immediately, and if it meant a little bit of acting, so be it.

“I just thought that you might have stayed longer,” He murmured, unable to keep the sadness out of his voice.

You sidled up to Bruno, resting your hand over his and giving it a reassuring squeeze.

“I wanted to,” You mouthed silently.

The idea of you wanting to spend the night cheered Bruno up, and a smile finally reached his lips.

You reached out to him and tucked a stray lock of hair behind his ear. Then, pressing your lips against his cheek, you gave him a chaste kiss.

The two of you spent one more intimate moment locked in each other’s gaze before reverting to more innocent poses so that if anyone did wander by, they wouldn’t suspect anything amiss between the two of you. The conversation turned light and the two of you stayed out, for a while, before finally returning to the house where you parted ways to get cleaned up for the evening meal.

Over the following weeks, you and Bruno spent most days in a similar pattern, though you occasionally deviated from it to spend time with someone else, or to have a rest from company altogether. If anyone noticed your closeness, they assumed that the two of you were just good friends, understanding that Bruno was the first person to come to your aid.

You supposed that everyone else would find it normal for the town oddball and the outsider to become fast friends; there had been a few passing comments about it, after all.

Whenever you could, you snuck out of your room and into Bruno’s to spend the night with him. It had become such a common occurrence by now that he stayed up, waiting for you with open arms; in doing so, he felt like he could pretend that you were in a normal relationship and that the two of you were getting ready for bed together. Unfortunately, he had yet to wake up to find you there, as you tried to hide any inkling of your relationship from the other Madrigals.

It was on such a night that you were in Bruno’s room, wrapped in his arms while he idly traced patterns onto your arms.

You sighed dreamily, making Bruno smile.

“What are you thinking about?” He asked. It had become a habit for Bruno to ask you that question; you were a puzzle that he delighted in finding answers from.

You rolled over so you were facing him and caressed his cheek, drawing his lips to yours.

“That isn’t an answer,” Bruno smirked after you parted.

“Isn’t it? I thought it was very clear,” You mused, pretending to lapse into thought.

“You make me wish my gift was mind-reading.”

“Where would be the fun in that?” You smiled, then after a minute, you added, “You really want to know what I’m thinking?”

Bruno rested his hand on your waist, gazing at you, “Yes.”

“Do you want the truth or something beautiful?” You breathed, soothed by his hold.


You swallowed your anxiety, looking Bruno in the eyes earnestly, “I love you.”

Bruno’s breath caught in his throat. Though he had longed to hear those words from you for longer than he could say, he hadn’t expected to hear them so soon. His eyes pricked with tears, and he half-laughed and cried simultaneously.

Pulling you against him, Bruno pressed a kiss into your neck.

“You love me?” He finally managed to choke out.

“Bruno Madrigal, I love you,” You quietly exclaimed, though the words seemed to echo around the room.

Pressing his forehead against yours, Bruno repeated the sentiment, “(Y/N) (L/N), I love you too.”

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Bruno Madrigal X Male-Reader – Heart’s Refuge - Chapter 17

Figuring Out Feelings

A/N – Okay, so the next chapter is going to be smut, so I’m splitting it so the people who wish to avoid it can just skip to chapter 19 whenever I write that. Oh, and also, thank you for all the birthday wishes, and also, I’m feeling much better ^_^

Warnings – None.

Rating – T


Female Version Here

You awoke feeling somewhat disoriented, and it took you a minute before you remembered where you were. You glanced down, finding Bruno’s arm draped over your waist, keeping the nightmares at bay. Careful not to wake Bruno, you rolled over, facing him.

Like you, Bruno was laid on his side. His face was a mess of curls, a small amount of drool making his hair stick to his chin. You reached out and gently moved his hair so it wasn’t sticking to him. You felt lucky, seeing Bruno like this, peacefully slumbering without a worry in the world. Although he was somewhat happy when awake, you knew that he suffered from the sadness of his years in isolation; nothing could wipe away such melancholy, nothing except for sleep, and the wonder of dreams.

There was another advantage of Bruno sleeping while you were awake; it gave you time to decipher your feelings about him, without getting distracted by his soulful eyes or heartfelt sentiments.

The simple fact of the matter was that he was in love with you, and you hadn’t been able to return his feelings so fully. Bruno was damaged, and liable to easily fall in love with the first person that tried to understand him, but you? Well, it was hard to say.

He was your friend, and you definitely had feelings for him, but you weren’t head over heels yet, and you were glad for that, mainly because it would complicate things even more if you were. All the same, watching him now, you knew it wouldn’t be long before you were in the same place that he was, emotionally speaking. After a nightmare, you had run to him; granted, it was a horrific nightmare, but you knew that if you really had to, you could have faced it alone.

“Bruno,” You whispered to yourself. “I’m falling in love with you.”

Once again, you were glad that Bruno was asleep because you didn’t think that you would have the courage to tell him when he was awake.

Sighing, you realised that it would do you no good to be found coming out of Bruno’s room so early in the morning. Disentangling yourself from him, you got out of the bed, and padded across the room.

You hesitated before leaving, looking at the few of Bruno’s pet rats who were awake and scampering about in their little play area.

“Please don’t tell Antonio about this, okay? I need this to be our little secret.”

You weren’t sure if the rats could understand you, or whether they could only understand Antonio, but you hoped they wouldn’t tell him about you spending the night with Bruno; it would only complicate matters more. Resignedly, you let yourself out and headed back to the nursery. Although you missed the warmth of Bruno’s hold, you felt safe in the knowledge that nobody would suspect you of anything when they saw you coming out of your own room an hour later.

“G’morning,” Bruno yawned tiredly, still half asleep as he spoke.

He stretched, reaching out for you, blearily opening his eyes when you weren’t there.


Over the past ten years, Bruno had had few comforts to relish in. He should have known that the comfort of waking up next to someone he loved was too much to ask for. Forcing himself up with a feeling of overwhelming loneliness, Bruno took the time to feed his rats; they had always been there for him, and hopefully always would be.

“Will he ever love me?” Bruno asked his rats despondently.

A few squeaked eagerly in response, mostly because he was holding food that they were desperately reaching out for.

“Yeah,” Bruno said bleakly. “Only time will tell, right?”

If Bruno had only known that only an hour before, you had stated the inevitability of you falling in love with him, he would have been the happiest man alive. As it was however, all Bruno knew was that you had spent the night with him, and then left without a word. Granted, the two of you were only sleeping in the same bed, but Bruno had thought that meant progress; you running away seemed to be the opposite of that.

Still, there was a lot about you that Bruno didn’t understand yet; maybe if he could figure you out, the two of you would grow closer.

On your daily excursion around town, Bruno had to wait for a proper chance to speak with you. The villagers of Encanto no longer feared you as they used to, and a great many of them had started to value your conversation; an opinion from the outsider who seemed to be so well-travelled was always guaranteed to be interesting.

They asked your opinions on new music, clothing, and buildings. Although you were always sure to compliment the vibrant culture around you, you also had a few interesting tidbits of information for everyone to hear.

Because of the information you shared, inspiration had spread throughout the town. A stonemason was working on a carving of a gargoyle, which he had heard adorned the French cathedral, Notre Dame. Some of the local tailors were working on new suits, inspired by the clothing you had shown them in a magazine you had picked up on your travels and forgotten to throw away. One of the local bands was interested to recreate some music you knew, allowing them to grow their repertoire of genres. Although the town was proud of its Columbian heritage and wouldn’t trade it for anything, they were eager to embrace small parts of the other cultures that you told them about.

However, after the villagers had had their fill of you, you and Bruno were finally alone by the lake you had discovered previously.

Although Bruno could now speak with you, he was careful not to mention anything about your relationship, in case Dolores heard him. He hated dancing around your relationship, wishing that he could do the things other couples did. He wanted to hold your hand on walks, randomly kiss your cheek whenever the mood took him, talk about the future and what it held for the two of you. Yet, he understood how fragile things were, and all the complications that could arise if other people knew about the two of you; if your love was a house of cards, he would not be the one to blow it over.

“So, I was wondering, is everything okay with you? Last night was… something new,” Bruno approached the subject carefully, tiptoeing around it.

Sat down on the lake bank, you ran your hands over the surrounding moss, thankful that Bruno was talking in code, even if it did make things harder.

“I had a nightmare,” You admitted, feeling calmer than you had the night before. “I hope that you didn’t mind my visit.”

“No, it was fine, I’m glad that you can… confide in me?” Bruno said, keeping up the act; he had never been too worried about his niece’s gift before, but now it was becoming a real pain.

Ideally, he should have waited till the two of you were in his room before speaking about this, but he had wanted answers immediately, and if it meant a little bit of acting, so be it.

“I just thought that you might have stayed longer,” He murmured, unable to keep the sadness out of his voice.

You sidled up to Bruno, resting your hand over his and giving it a reassuring squeeze.

“I wanted to,” You mouthed silently.

The idea of you wanting to spend the night cheered Bruno up, and a smile finally reached his lips.

You reached out to him and tucked a stray lock of hair behind his ear. Then, pressing your lips against his cheek, you gave him a chaste kiss.

The two of you spent one more intimate moment locked in each other’s gaze before reverting to more innocent poses so that if anyone did wander by, they wouldn’t suspect anything amiss between the two of you. The conversation turned light and the two of you stayed out, for a while, before finally returning to the house where you parted ways to get cleaned up for the evening meal.

Over the following weeks, you and Bruno spent most days in a similar pattern, though you occasionally deviated from it to spend time with someone else, or to have a rest from company altogether. If anyone noticed your closeness, they assumed that the two of you were just good friends, understanding that Bruno was the first person to come to your aid.

You supposed that everyone else would find it normal for the town oddball and the outsider to become fast friends; there had been a few passing comments about it, after all.

Whenever you could, you snuck out of your room and into Bruno’s to spend the night with him. It had become such a common occurrence by now that he stayed up, waiting for you with open arms; in doing so, he felt like he could pretend that you were in a normal relationship and that the two of you were getting ready for bed together. Unfortunately, he had yet to wake up to find you there, as you tried to hide any inkling of your relationship from the other Madrigals.

It was on such a night that you were in Bruno’s room, wrapped in his arms while he idly traced patterns onto your arms.

You sighed dreamily, making Bruno smile.

“What are you thinking about?” He asked. It had become a habit for Bruno to ask you that question; you were a puzzle that he delighted in finding answers from.

You rolled over so you were facing him and caressed his cheek, drawing his lips to yours.

“That isn’t an answer,” Bruno smirked after you parted.

“Isn’t it? I thought it was very clear,” You mused, pretending to lapse into thought.

“You make me wish my gift was mind-reading.”

“Where would be the fun in that?” You smiled, then after a minute, you added, “You really want to know what I’m thinking?”

Bruno rested his hand on your waist, gazing at you, “Yes.”

“Do you want the truth or something beautiful?” You breathed, soothed by his hold.


You swallowed your anxiety, looking Bruno in the eyes earnestly, “I love you.”

Bruno’s breath caught in his throat. Though he had longed to hear those words from you for longer than he could say, he hadn’t expected to hear them so soon. His eyes pricked with tears, and he half-laughed and cried simultaneously.

Pulling you against him, Bruno pressed a kiss into your neck.

“You love me?” He finally managed to choke out.

“Bruno Madrigal, I love you,” You quietly exclaimed, though the words seemed to echo around the room.

Pressing his forehead against yours, Bruno repeated the sentiment, “(Y/N) (L/N), I love you too.”

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Bruno Madrigal X Fem-Reader – Heart’s Refuge - Chapter 17

Figuring Out Feelings

A/N – Okay, so the next chapter is going to be smut, so I’m splitting it so the people who wish to avoid it can just skip to chapter 19 whenever I write that. Oh, and also, thank you for all the birthday wishes, and also, I’m feeling much better ^_^

Warnings – None.

Rating – T


Male Version Here

You awoke feeling somewhat disoriented, and it took you a minute before you remembered where you were. You glanced down, finding Bruno’s arm draped over your waist, keeping the nightmares at bay. Careful not to wake Bruno, you rolled over, facing him.

Like you, Bruno was laid on his side. His face was a mess of curls, a small amount of drool making his hair stick to his chin. You reached out and gently moved his hair so it wasn’t sticking to him. You felt lucky, seeing Bruno like this, peacefully slumbering without a worry in the world. Although he was somewhat happy when awake, you knew that he suffered from the sadness of his years in isolation; nothing could wipe away such melancholy, nothing except for sleep, and the wonder of dreams.

There was another advantage of Bruno sleeping while you were awake; it gave you time to decipher your feelings about him, without getting distracted by his soulful eyes or heartfelt sentiments.

The simple fact of the matter was that he was in love with you, and you hadn’t been able to return his feelings so fully. Bruno was damaged, and liable to easily fall in love with the first person that tried to understand him, but you? Well, it was hard to say.

He was your friend, and you definitely had feelings for him, but you weren’t head over heels yet, and you were glad for that, mainly because it would complicate things even more if you were. All the same, watching him now, you knew it wouldn’t be long before you were in the same place that he was, emotionally speaking. After a nightmare, you had run to him; granted, it was a horrific nightmare, but you knew that if you really had to, you could have faced it alone.

“Bruno,” You whispered to yourself. “I’m falling in love with you.”

Once again, you were glad that Bruno was asleep because you didn’t think that you would have the courage to tell him when he was awake.

Sighing, you realised that it would do you no good to be found coming out of Bruno’s room so early in the morning. Disentangling yourself from him, you got out of the bed, and padded across the room.

You hesitated before leaving, looking at the few of Bruno’s pet rats who were awake and scampering about in their little play area.

“Please don’t tell Antonio about this, okay? I need this to be our little secret.”

You weren’t sure if the rats could understand you, or whether they could only understand Antonio, but you hoped they wouldn’t tell him about you spending the night with Bruno; it would only complicate matters more. Resignedly, you let yourself out and headed back to the nursery. Although you missed the warmth of Bruno’s hold, you felt safe in the knowledge that nobody would suspect you of anything when they saw you coming out of your own room an hour later.

“G’morning,” Bruno yawned tiredly, still half asleep as he spoke. 
He stretched, reaching out for you, blearily opening his eyes when you weren’t there. 


Over the past ten years, Bruno had had few comforts to relish in. He should have known that the comfort of waking up next to someone he loved was too much to ask for. Forcing himself up with a feeling of overwhelming loneliness, Bruno took the time to feed his rats; they had always been there for him, and hopefully always would be. 

“Will she ever love me?” Bruno asked his rats despondently.

A few squeaked eagerly in response, mostly because he was holding food that they were desperately reaching out for. 

“Yeah,” Bruno said bleakly. “Only time will tell, right?” 

If Bruno had only known that only an hour before, you had stated the inevitability of you falling in love with him, he would have been the happiest man alive.

As it was however, all Bruno knew was that you had spent the night with him, and then left without a word. Granted, the two of you were only sleeping in the same bed, but Bruno had thought that meant progress; you running away seemed to be the opposite of that.

Still, there was a lot about you that Bruno didn’t understand yet; maybe if he could figure you out, the two of you would grow closer.

On your daily excursion around town, Bruno had to wait for a proper chance to speak with you. The villagers of Encanto no longer feared you as they used to, and a great many of them had started to value your conversation; an opinion from the outsider who seemed to be so well-travelled was always guaranteed to be interesting.

They asked your opinions on new music, clothing, and buildings. Although you were always sure to compliment the vibrant culture around you, you also had a few interesting tidbits of information for everyone to hear.

Because of the information you shared, inspiration had spread throughout the town. A stonemason was working on a carving of a gargoyle, which he had heard adorned the French cathedral, Notre Dame. Some of the local tailors were working on new suits, inspired by the clothing you had shown them in a magazine you had picked up on your travels and forgotten to throw away. One of the local bands was interested to recreate some music you knew, allowing them to grow their repertoire of genres. Although the town was proud of its Columbian heritage and wouldn’t trade it for anything, they were eager to embrace small parts of the other cultures that you told them about.

However, after the villagers had had their fill of you, you and Bruno were finally alone by the lake you had discovered previously.

Although Bruno could now speak with you, he was careful not to mention anything about your relationship, in case Dolores heard him. He hated dancing around your relationship, wishing that he could do the things other couples did. He wanted to hold your hand on walks, randomly kiss your cheek whenever the mood took him, talk about the future and what it held for the two of you. Yet, he understood how fragile things were, and all the complications that could arise if other people knew about the two of you; if your love was a house of cards, he would not be the one to blow it over.

“So, I was wondering, is everything okay with you? Last night was… something new,” Bruno approached the subject carefully, tiptoeing around it.

Sat down on the lake bank, you ran your hands over the surrounding moss, thankful that Bruno was talking in code, even if it did make things harder.

“I had a nightmare,” You admitted, feeling calmer than you had the night before. “I hope that you didn’t mind my visit.”

“No, it was fine, I’m glad that you can… confide in me?” Bruno said, keeping up the act; he had never been too worried about his niece’s gift before, but now it was becoming a real pain.

Ideally, he should have waited till the two of you were in his room before speaking about this, but he had wanted answers immediately, and if it meant a little bit of acting, so be it.

“I just thought that you might have stayed longer,” He murmured, unable to keep the sadness out of his voice.

You sidled up to Bruno, resting your hand over his and giving it a reassuring squeeze.

“I wanted to,” You mouthed silently.

The idea of you wanting to spend the night cheered Bruno up, and a smile finally reached his lips.

You reached out to him and tucked a stray lock of hair behind his ear. Then, pressing your lips against his cheek, you gave him a chaste kiss.

The two of you spent one more intimate moment locked in each other’s gaze before reverting to more innocent poses so that if anyone did wander by, they wouldn’t suspect anything amiss between the two of you. The conversation turned light and the two of you stayed out, for a while, before finally returning to the house where you parted ways to get cleaned up for the evening meal.

Over the following weeks, you and Bruno spent most days in a similar pattern, though you occasionally deviated from it to spend time with someone else, or to have a rest from company altogether. If anyone noticed your closeness, they assumed that the two of you were just good friends, understanding that Bruno was the first person to come to your aid.

You supposed that everyone else would find it normal for the town oddball and the outsider to become fast friends; there had been a few passing comments about it, after all.

Whenever you could, you snuck out of your room and into Bruno’s to spend the night with him. It had become such a common occurrence by now that he stayed up, waiting for you with open arms; in doing so, he felt like he could pretend that you were in a normal relationship and that the two of you were getting ready for bed together. Unfortunately, he had yet to wake up to find you there, as you tried to hide any inkling of your relationship from the other Madrigals.

It was on such a night that you were in Bruno’s room, wrapped in his arms while he idly traced patterns onto your arms.

You sighed dreamily, making Bruno smile.

“What are you thinking about?” He asked. It had become a habit for Bruno to ask you that question; you were a puzzle that he delighted in finding answers from.

You rolled over so you were facing him and caressed his cheek, drawing his lips to yours.

“That isn’t an answer,” Bruno smirked after you parted.

“Isn’t it? I thought it was very clear,” You mused, pretending to lapse into thought.

“You make me wish my gift was mind-reading.”

“Where would be the fun in that?” You smiled, then after a minute, you added, “You really want to know what I’m thinking?”

Bruno rested his hand on your waist, gazing at you, “Yes.”

“Do you want the truth or something beautiful?” You breathed, soothed by his hold.


You swallowed your anxiety, looking Bruno in the eyes earnestly, “I love you.”

Bruno’s breath caught in his throat. Though he had longed to hear those words from you for longer than he could say, he hadn’t expected to hear them so soon. His eyes pricked with tears, and he half-laughed and cried simultaneously.

Pulling you against him, Bruno pressed a kiss into your neck.

“You love me?” He finally managed to choke out.

“Bruno Madrigal, I love you,” You quietly exclaimed, though the words seemed to echo around the room.

Pressing his forehead against yours, Bruno repeated the sentiment, “(Y/N) (L/N), I love you too.”

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Bruno Madrigal X Fem-Reader – Heart’s Refuge - Chapter 17

Figuring Out Feelings

A/N – Okay, so the next chapter is going to be smut, so I’m splitting it so the people who wish to avoid it can just skip to chapter 19 whenever I write that. Oh, and also, thank you for all the birthday wishes, and also, I’m feeling much better ^_^

Warnings – None.

Rating – T


Male Version Here

You awoke feeling somewhat disoriented, and it took you a minute before you remembered where you were. You glanced down, finding Bruno’s arm draped over your waist, keeping the nightmares at bay. Careful not to wake Bruno, you rolled over, facing him.

Like you, Bruno was laid on his side. His face was a mess of curls, a small amount of drool making his hair stick to his chin. You reached out and gently moved his hair so it wasn’t sticking to him. You felt lucky, seeing Bruno like this, peacefully slumbering without a worry in the world. Although he was somewhat happy when awake, you knew that he suffered from the sadness of his years in isolation; nothing could wipe away such melancholy, nothing except for sleep, and the wonder of dreams.

There was another advantage of Bruno sleeping while you were awake; it gave you time to decipher your feelings about him, without getting distracted by his soulful eyes or heartfelt sentiments.

The simple fact of the matter was that he was in love with you, and you hadn’t been able to return his feelings so fully. Bruno was damaged, and liable to easily fall in love with the first person that tried to understand him, but you? Well, it was hard to say.

He was your friend, and you definitely had feelings for him, but you weren’t head over heels yet, and you were glad for that, mainly because it would complicate things even more if you were. All the same, watching him now, you knew it wouldn’t be long before you were in the same place that he was, emotionally speaking. After a nightmare, you had run to him; granted, it was a horrific nightmare, but you knew that if you really had to, you could have faced it alone.

“Bruno,” You whispered to yourself. “I’m falling in love with you.”

Once again, you were glad that Bruno was asleep because you didn’t think that you would have the courage to tell him when he was awake.

Sighing, you realised that it would do you no good to be found coming out of Bruno’s room so early in the morning. Disentangling yourself from him, you got out of the bed, and padded across the room.

You hesitated before leaving, looking at the few of Bruno’s pet rats who were awake and scampering about in their little play area.

“Please don’t tell Antonio about this, okay? I need this to be our little secret.”

You weren’t sure if the rats could understand you, or whether they could only understand Antonio, but you hoped they wouldn’t tell him about you spending the night with Bruno; it would only complicate matters more. Resignedly, you let yourself out and headed back to the nursery. Although you missed the warmth of Bruno’s hold, you felt safe in the knowledge that nobody would suspect you of anything when they saw you coming out of your own room an hour later.

“G’morning,” Bruno yawned tiredly, still half asleep as he spoke. 
He stretched, reaching out for you, blearily opening his eyes when you weren’t there. 


Over the past ten years, Bruno had had few comforts to relish in. He should have known that the comfort of waking up next to someone he loved was too much to ask for. Forcing himself up with a feeling of overwhelming loneliness, Bruno took the time to feed his rats; they had always been there for him, and hopefully always would be. 

“Will she ever love me?” Bruno asked his rats despondently.

A few squeaked eagerly in response, mostly because he was holding food that they were desperately reaching out for. 

“Yeah,” Bruno said bleakly. “Only time will tell, right?” 

If Bruno had only known that only an hour before, you had stated the inevitability of you falling in love with him, he would have been the happiest man alive.

As it was however, all Bruno knew was that you had spent the night with him, and then left without a word. Granted, the two of you were only sleeping in the same bed, but Bruno had thought that meant progress; you running away seemed to be the opposite of that.

Still, there was a lot about you that Bruno didn’t understand yet; maybe if he could figure you out, the two of you would grow closer.

On your daily excursion around town, Bruno had to wait for a proper chance to speak with you. The villagers of Encanto no longer feared you as they used to, and a great many of them had started to value your conversation; an opinion from the outsider who seemed to be so well-travelled was always guaranteed to be interesting.

They asked your opinions on new music, clothing, and buildings. Although you were always sure to compliment the vibrant culture around you, you also had a few interesting tidbits of information for everyone to hear.

Because of the information you shared, inspiration had spread throughout the town. A stonemason was working on a carving of a gargoyle, which he had heard adorned the French cathedral, Notre Dame. Some of the local tailors were working on new suits, inspired by the clothing you had shown them in a magazine you had picked up on your travels and forgotten to throw away. One of the local bands was interested to recreate some music you knew, allowing them to grow their repertoire of genres. Although the town was proud of its Columbian heritage and wouldn’t trade it for anything, they were eager to embrace small parts of the other cultures that you told them about.

However, after the villagers had had their fill of you, you and Bruno were finally alone by the lake you had discovered previously.

Although Bruno could now speak with you, he was careful not to mention anything about your relationship, in case Dolores heard him. He hated dancing around your relationship, wishing that he could do the things other couples did. He wanted to hold your hand on walks, randomly kiss your cheek whenever the mood took him, talk about the future and what it held for the two of you. Yet, he understood how fragile things were, and all the complications that could arise if other people knew about the two of you; if your love was a house of cards, he would not be the one to blow it over.

“So, I was wondering, is everything okay with you? Last night was… something new,” Bruno approached the subject carefully, tiptoeing around it.

Sat down on the lake bank, you ran your hands over the surrounding moss, thankful that Bruno was talking in code, even if it did make things harder.

“I had a nightmare,” You admitted, feeling calmer than you had the night before. “I hope that you didn’t mind my visit.”

“No, it was fine, I’m glad that you can… confide in me?” Bruno said, keeping up the act; he had never been too worried about his niece’s gift before, but now it was becoming a real pain.

Ideally, he should have waited till the two of you were in his room before speaking about this, but he had wanted answers immediately, and if it meant a little bit of acting, so be it.

“I just thought that you might have stayed longer,” He murmured, unable to keep the sadness out of his voice.

You sidled up to Bruno, resting your hand over his and giving it a reassuring squeeze.

“I wanted to,” You mouthed silently.

The idea of you wanting to spend the night cheered Bruno up, and a smile finally reached his lips.

You reached out to him and tucked a stray lock of hair behind his ear. Then, pressing your lips against his cheek, you gave him a chaste kiss.

The two of you spent one more intimate moment locked in each other’s gaze before reverting to more innocent poses so that if anyone did wander by, they wouldn’t suspect anything amiss between the two of you. The conversation turned light and the two of you stayed out, for a while, before finally returning to the house where you parted ways to get cleaned up for the evening meal.

Over the following weeks, you and Bruno spent most days in a similar pattern, though you occasionally deviated from it to spend time with someone else, or to have a rest from company altogether. If anyone noticed your closeness, they assumed that the two of you were just good friends, understanding that Bruno was the first person to come to your aid.

You supposed that everyone else would find it normal for the town oddball and the outsider to become fast friends; there had been a few passing comments about it, after all.

Whenever you could, you snuck out of your room and into Bruno’s to spend the night with him. It had become such a common occurrence by now that he stayed up, waiting for you with open arms; in doing so, he felt like he could pretend that you were in a normal relationship and that the two of you were getting ready for bed together. Unfortunately, he had yet to wake up to find you there, as you tried to hide any inkling of your relationship from the other Madrigals.

It was on such a night that you were in Bruno’s room, wrapped in his arms while he idly traced patterns onto your arms.

You sighed dreamily, making Bruno smile.

“What are you thinking about?” He asked. It had become a habit for Bruno to ask you that question; you were a puzzle that he delighted in finding answers from.

You rolled over so you were facing him and caressed his cheek, drawing his lips to yours.

“That isn’t an answer,” Bruno smirked after you parted.

“Isn’t it? I thought it was very clear,” You mused, pretending to lapse into thought.

“You make me wish my gift was mind-reading.”

“Where would be the fun in that?” You smiled, then after a minute, you added, “You really want to know what I’m thinking?”

Bruno rested his hand on your waist, gazing at you, “Yes.”

“Do you want the truth or something beautiful?” You breathed, soothed by his hold.


You swallowed your anxiety, looking Bruno in the eyes earnestly, “I love you.”

Bruno’s breath caught in his throat. Though he had longed to hear those words from you for longer than he could say, he hadn’t expected to hear them so soon. His eyes pricked with tears, and he half-laughed and cried simultaneously.

Pulling you against him, Bruno pressed a kiss into your neck.

“You love me?” He finally managed to choke out.

“Bruno Madrigal, I love you,” You quietly exclaimed, though the words seemed to echo around the room.

Pressing his forehead against yours, Bruno repeated the sentiment, “(Y/N) (L/N), I love you too.”

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