#heat intolerance




Hey everyone! I was just wondering if any of you had any advice for dealing with heat intolerance. I have a roadtrip to Yellowstone coming up and get really really sick in the hot and I get motion sickness and we’ll be in the car for hours at a time for days at a time I an environment that is much hotter than where I live. I’m kind of scared that I’m going to spend the entire time feeling nauseated

So I struggle with this a lot too and I’d love to hear how some other deal with it!

Personally I wear as little clothing as I can but I also use a metal hollow tube that I fill with ice or some other cold substance and then place between my breasts. It sounds and looks weird but it has saved me so many times. It cools my core super super fast. A wet bandanna also does wonders especially because to reset the cold, you just need to whip it around a little.

I keep forgetting to witch blogs it’s a problem




as temperatures rise be aware that some medication can impact your body’s ability to regulate temperature and increase your risk for heat exhaustion and heat stroke

My abilify has a warning on the packet i get from the pharmacy. Check your labels, carry water, and rest if you start to feel abnormally nauseated, dizzy, tired, cold, hot, dry-skinned, clammy, or short of breath (in shade or shelter if you can)
