#heavy periods



Vent about sickness and periods:

Im so sick this is the first cold I’ve had since a little after covid started and my sinuses hurt and are making my nose run and stuffy, I have a headache, my tonsils and throat in general hurt, I keep coughing a lot and hard, plus I’m on my period and I’m having extreme cramps, so it’s not been fun, plus I keep sneezing and blowing snot its so gross lol

Update for those who would like to know, again tw for period and sickness talk:

I’m almost completely better of whatever cold I had, and my period has gotten worse to the point I am losing an ungodly amount of blood daily, I have called my gyno and I have to wait until next week so let’s hope I can make it to then cuz I’ve had this for about 2 weeks

Girl dancing with big pad on.

Girl uses a diaper for her heavy flow!!

Making Periods Better Series: #4HERBS FOR PERIODSThe last installment of this series discusses herbs

Making Periods Better Series: #4


The last installment of this series discusses herbs & how they can impact our hormones, strengthen the uterus, and improve our body’s response to stress.

  • Vitex (chaste tree berry) is the #1 go to herb for periods. Vitex is a very strong herb that improves the body’s absorption of estrogen (taking estrogen out of the blood stream), therefore regulating the estrogen-to-progesterone ratio, essentially increasing progesterone and decreasing estrogen without giving us extra hormones. It is fantastic for regulating irregular menstrual cycles, ideal for folks with PCOS. It can help calm things down after getting off of hormonal birth control.
  • Red Raspberry Leaf - I already mentioned it, but RRL is the most loving of herbs, chock full of nutrients and alkaloids primed for strengthening the uterus. Great for heavy, crampy periods.
  • Adaptogens are a whole class of herb, but they are herbs that decrease the stress response and improve the body’s reaction to stress. They are gentle and deeply soothing. In particular for improving mood, memory & brain function, libido, decreasing PMS & PMDD symptoms, and regulating the cycle are the herbs: Shatavari, Rhodiola, Ashwaghanda, Holy Basil, Eleuthero, and Reishi Mushroom.
  • Evening Primrose Oil is an oil full of healthy fatty acids, which improve symptoms of PMS such as chest tenderness, mood swings, and irritability.
  • Black cohosh is a well respected herb that has been used for generations in regulating menstrual cycles, easing childbirth, and soothing symptoms of menopause. It has estrogen-like isoflavanoids that act almost like taking birth control pills or hormone replacement for people who’ve gone through menopause.
  • Dong Quai is a Chinese herb very well studied that is excellent at bringing back an absent period & regulating cycles.
  • Motherwortis a tender, sweet herb that I love, which relaxes uterine spasm while also stimulating the uterus to work more effectively. 

PLEASE REMEMBER: Herbs are medicine too!! Just because they’re more “natural” doesn’t mean you should take them without careful guidance!

Making Periods Better Series: #1  |  Making Periods Better Series: #2  |  Making Periods Better Series: #3

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