

cw zhongli’s 2nd storyquest spoilers???


“you always did have a great admiration for blacksmiths.”

hello genshin rarepair community please consider kun jun x azdaha thank you!!!!! so much 4 ur time!!!

Uuughhhhhhh I’m so tired why is this day so difficult i wanna sob just come to me wrap me in a blanket and a hug and take me away from here is this too much to ask

So I know I practically never talk about my little pony on this blog but I have a question that I just need to get out. So APPARENTLY the dazzlings/sirens are sisters? Thing is some sources say its canon while others dont state anything, and I genuinely don’t know what to believe now. Now I’m assuming that if them being related is a canon fact, I guess it must be a very onscure fact, cause I’ve been seeing a lot of people shipping them together and while I myself have never cared that much about shipping in the mlp fandom, I seriously don’t know weather to be ok with it or uncomfortable whenever I see someone shipping any of the 3 together, because obviously I’m not actually sure if they’re canonically related. If they are tho, to me it would actually make a lot of sense, given not only does their backstory seem to imply that they’re the only of their kind in equestria, and therefore from the same family, but also because their dynamics give me more sibling energy than anything. I guess as a kid it never hit me that they might be related because a) I never fought with my brother and b) they dont look related (but then again tho, mlp kinda has a history for making their sibling characters not look anything like each other, so even then it’s not far-fetched). But now that I’ve been rewatching everything as a late teen, the Dazzlings being sisters lowkey kinda makes alot of sense to me.
