#heej vc this is either where we hug or fight



it’s a little bitter sweet for this being the final month. for her, anyways. after this evaluation she was officially on debut prep. the thought was wild to her. it was official. she was debuting. after so many years it felt surreal.

but a part of her was a little sad to be taken away from the girls like this. right when she finally accepted the idea that she would just stick with them until the end, she actually makes it. how’s that for some cosmic karma? she felt like she had so much more to do with the girls. hang out with them more, go out to eat more, anything. it felt like her time with the girls was numbered until she too was too busy with debut and recording to hang out.

her faze was fixated on heejin once again. a familiar sight, she supposes. they had only recently started to connect. it felt like now there would be no time for that at all. after what should have been way too long of staring at someone, chungha finally said something.

“hey, wanna get dinner after training?”


     with yet another start to a new month comes the departure of yet another girl within the project, picked to move up and join the growing crew of girls all waiting for their anticipated official group debut. heejin has long since stopped feeling the sting of rejection, the pressing thoughts of when is it going to be my turn far more rare than they’d been during her first months amongst the other potential next girls. no, now all she feels is acceptance and contentment the peak had been for sua, naturally, but heejin was also surprised she’d felt almost as happy for chungha.

     chungha, who she still didn’t really know despite how they’d been trying to get to know one another when they could. their start had been odd, that was for sure, but heejin no longer felt intimidated whenever she happened to get caught up in staring contests with the older. don’t get her wrong, she was still a bit hesitant, but she wouldn’t deny she still found their relationship funny at times.

     she’s surprised when chungha approaches her, then, the action somewhat unexpected, but she tries not to let her own eyes show too much. it’s still weird, but heejin knows it can’t be weird forever, so when the older voices her offer, heejin takes a moment before answering.

     “uhm, sure. special occasion?
