#heels on holiday


A selection of some of the excellent food I enjoyed while visiting family in Perth, because apparently, I don’t take photos of anything else

For extra fun, have a video of the forklift outside our hotel backing up

No report on Seoul is complete without mentioning how extra the arrival of a train is (note that I missed the first part, but still)

We also visited the DMZ (border between Korea N and S) which was a fascinating blend of history, hope for reunification, and propaganda. We could use telescopes to look right into North Korea (middle photo) while freezing our noses off (it was -11*C)

We visited a cat cafe and it was beautiful (and not just because the floor was heated)

The #Seoulaesthetic, featuring Christmas lights, an intense library, a frozen pond, incredible cafe decor, and the Lotte World Seoul Sky Tower

A selection of food snaps from Seoul

I spent my week in Seoul going full Koreaboo, chasing down birthday cup holders and being very impressed with the intensity of the fam culture

I was in Singapore for a week, seeing family and eating continuously, and all I have to show for it is the giant Snorlax at the airport
