#sound on


Sound on



Unmute !

I just wanna thank the person who put this across my dash cause I’m sad as hell but I still laughed a little

I was adjusting my volume because I thought I had time. Until I got


Blasted through my phone’s speaker at an ungodly volume and dropped my phone and triggered a laughing/coughing fit from fear and amusement

#sound on    #animals    #primates    #gibbons    #siamang    #wild species    #mammals    


Sound on



“You’re not for the streets Pricilla.”


“This is not how you make cookies!”





Man: What’s a matter girl, you had a little bit too much corn?

Pig: *very long disgruntled groan which rises in pitch*

Man: Is that a yeah?

Pig: *shorter groan*

Man: Okay.  Here I come, I gotta get the intoxicated pig… Look at this pig…

Pig: *quiet snort*

Man: Hey!

Pig: *snort*

Man: Are you messed up, girl?  

Pig: *short snort*

Man: Never seen a damn pig… Look at that, that one here’s fine, that one there is fine, this one here is turned belly up 

Pig: *snort snort snort snort*

Man: Hey you

Pig: *snort*

Man: Whoa!  Whoa!  Shit!  [Unintelligible] HOWH!  Come here girl! 

Pig: *grunt grunt grunt*

Man: Holy hell, fuck…I didn’t mean to do that

“Whoa! Woah! Shit The Bed Almighty!” Is my new favorite expletive

and if anyone’s wondering, the man (from Cecilia, Kentucky, USA) had emptied a broken deer feeder full of accidentally fermented corn into a field where no animals were supposed to be. the pigs broke out of their pen, got into the corn, and the one you see here seriously overindulged

they observed her overnight and got Animal Control to do a check-up on her. she’s fine

so yes, you you can enjoy the video without worrying about Drunk Pig


Appreciation video for one of my favorite X-Files episodes, The Field Where I Died. The story of two souls destined to find each other in every life.

“We have come together in this life, this time, only to meet in passing. It is so heartbreaking to wait.”

The beautiful song in this episode is “Dim Memories” by Mark Snow. The poem Mulder speaks is part of Robert Browning’s poemParacelsus(1835).

was that you?

For extra fun, have a video of the forklift outside our hotel backing up

I am hen, hear me roar 


i thought they were gonna use the tubes to make music, but it ended up being way better than i ever could’ve imagined



Turned on TikTok today and got a video from Spiders Georg. Amazing.

#christ    #spiders georg    #tiktok    #sound on    

A very important announcement  

via@thesassyducks​ instagram

#ducks of tumblr    #musician    #animals    #drumming    #sound on    #thesassyducks    #sassy ducks    

Thump thump [Sound on] 

via@thesassyducks​ on instagram

#ducks of tumblr    #animals    #wholesome    #baby ducks    #baby duck    #cute ducks    #sound on    #thesassyducks    #sassy ducks    

Happiness is a Gosling recognising you, and running excitedly towards you. His name is Sam btw 


#ducks of tumblr    #gosling    #goslings    #animals    #wholesome    #sound on    #thesassyducks    #sassy ducks    

“Give me back my water” [Sound on]

via@thesassyducks​ instagram page
credit:dunkin ducks

#ducks of tumblr    #animals    #wholesome    #thesassyducks    #sassy ducks    #baby duck    #baby ducks    #call ducks    #sound on    




I’ve always wanted ti go to Canada for the views



kill kill bite bite kill kill bite

He steak too big for he gotdang him.

#sound on    

Dawn chorus, in the bluebell wood twilight before the sun came up. Sound on.
