


Cody: don’t worry, I have a few knives up my sleeves

Obi wan: do you mean cards?

Cody, pulling out a knife: nope

BEHOLD! The cast of As Time Goes By here for you to shame! My favorite fanfics characters are being BEHOLD! The cast of As Time Goes By here for you to shame! My favorite fanfics characters are being BEHOLD! The cast of As Time Goes By here for you to shame! My favorite fanfics characters are being BEHOLD! The cast of As Time Goes By here for you to shame! My favorite fanfics characters are being BEHOLD! The cast of As Time Goes By here for you to shame! My favorite fanfics characters are being BEHOLD! The cast of As Time Goes By here for you to shame! My favorite fanfics characters are being BEHOLD! The cast of As Time Goes By here for you to shame! My favorite fanfics characters are being BEHOLD! The cast of As Time Goes By here for you to shame! My favorite fanfics characters are being BEHOLD! The cast of As Time Goes By here for you to shame! My favorite fanfics characters are being


The cast of As Time Goes By here for you to shame! 

My favorite fanfics characters are being silly. Versions with words on my deviantart, these are the blank slates for all of you to use!


The fic: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/11652038/1/As-Time-Goes-By

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hoiist: @whataboutbugs-art​​‘s boy again. he fell asleep face first and he’s gonna cramp his foot up


@whataboutbugs-art​​‘s boy again. he fell asleep face first and he’s gonna cramp his foot up

more nsfw version below

Keep reading

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@captainbaddecisions is trying to kill me while using my elf man as a weapon, and I think it’s working he’s so pretty thank you again, cap


Personally, I think there should be a battle scene where Nile turns her head really fast and her hair smacks her in the face. Then she goes to put it up but OH NO SHE FORGOT A HAIRTIE SH¡T and Nicky whips one out and she takes it and the battle resumes. But I’m just one person so what do I know…



When you’re on the phone with your girl and the squad is being childish.

My friends

▶… Pidge started counting steps.

Breathe in. One. Breathe out. Two. Breathe in. Three.

on the seventeenth step everything was over.
