
vaizerka:Two beautiful wives, Aline and Helen ❤️vaizerka:Two beautiful wives, Aline and Helen ❤️


Two beautiful wives, Aline and Helen ❤️

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Aline, seeing Helen making breakfast: Good morning love of my life, my beautiful wife, do you enjoy stealing my shirts every FUCKING morning? like do you feel bad at all? be honest.


On this day, December 1st, 2009 Helen and Aline got married!!!

Happy 10th wedding anniversary to my favorite wives

dailytsc:She remembered the first love note Aline had ever written her. The curves of your lips redailytsc:She remembered the first love note Aline had ever written her. The curves of your lips re


She remembered the first love note Aline had ever written her. The curves of your lips rewrite history. The world is changed because you are made of ivory and gold. Later, she’d found out it was an Oscar Wilde quote, and had said to Aline, smiling, You’ve got a lot of nerve. Aline had looked back at her steadily. “I know. I do.”

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zoya-nazyalensky: YA LIT MEME: [4/8] otps → aline penhallow & helen blackthorn Aline tugged at hzoya-nazyalensky: YA LIT MEME: [4/8] otps → aline penhallow & helen blackthorn Aline tugged at hzoya-nazyalensky: YA LIT MEME: [4/8] otps → aline penhallow & helen blackthorn Aline tugged at hzoya-nazyalensky: YA LIT MEME: [4/8] otps → aline penhallow & helen blackthorn Aline tugged at hzoya-nazyalensky: YA LIT MEME: [4/8] otps → aline penhallow & helen blackthorn Aline tugged at hzoya-nazyalensky: YA LIT MEME: [4/8] otps → aline penhallow & helen blackthorn Aline tugged at hzoya-nazyalensky: YA LIT MEME: [4/8] otps → aline penhallow & helen blackthorn Aline tugged at hzoya-nazyalensky: YA LIT MEME: [4/8] otps → aline penhallow & helen blackthorn Aline tugged at hzoya-nazyalensky: YA LIT MEME: [4/8] otps → aline penhallow & helen blackthorn Aline tugged at h


YA LIT MEME: [4/8] otps → aline penhallow & helen blackthorn

Aline tugged at her skirt. “Do you - want a baby?” Helen scooted close to Aline, pulling her wife’s cold hands into her lap. “My love,” she said. “I do! Of course! It’s just - I still think of us in exile, a little bit. As if we’re waiting for our real life to truly start up again. I know it’s not logical… .”  

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Aline: I own a hundred weapons. I’m a badass who can rip you to shreds. I’m-



helen & aline already talking about and planning their own wedding after like a minute of dating….peak u-haul lesbians. we stan.

Clace, Malec, Heline and Sizzy ❤ The Mortal Instruments


I’m REALLY proud of this fanart I missed drawing the TMI characters/couples so much!! I hope you guys like it just as much as I do! @cassandraclare
