#hell i go through periods of sex repulsion myseld


Since I’m tired of DMing people all the time about this, gonna make a post about it.

Aromanticism is not a subset of asexuality. You can be aro and not ace. My blog, while for all aros, has a special focus on aros who aren’t ace.

Tagging posts explicitly about aromanticism and not asexuality as asexuality/asexual/ace/etc, especially while not tagging them as aromanticism/aromantic/aro/etc, contributes to aro erasure and the idea that aromantics are inherently asexual, and is incredibly tone deaf when you consider the audience of this blog.

Using my my posts about aromanticism, especially when most of my posts are targeted towards nonace aros, to talk about asexuality without making meaningful additions, is derailing. For example: Using a general post about amatonormativity to share your experiences is one thing and probably okay. Using a post telling bisexual aros that they don’t need to feel bad for their sexual attraction and that they aren’t feeding into stereotypes by living as their authentic selves to talk about your troubled dating experience as a biromantic ace and how frustrated you are with the expectations of sex people have of bi folks is another and very tone deaf. Don’t get me wrong, that is a genuine issue and one you should absolutely talk about, but maybe not on that post.

Please stop doing this. It’s fine if you as an ace relate to a post, but please be mindful about how you’re engaging with aro content. Please stop centering yourselves around our discussions. Your struggles and issues are valid and many of them overlap, but please please PLEASE be careful that you are actually relating to us or boosting our voices rather than speaking over us.

TL;DR - Aro is not the same as ace. Stop tagging aro content as ace. Stop derailing posts about aromanticism, especially those by nonace aros, to talk about asexuality. Please be mindful of how you engage with aro content.
