#hello hello hello


Should I make a tumblr comeback to completely end all productivity I have left in my life?

chikinan:extremely self indulgent, this one [ptreon + twttr+ insta on bio]


extremely self indulgent, this one

[ptreon + twttr+ insta on bio]

Post link


i might not really understand having a scat or piss fetish but if you think that blood isn't something that turns me on you’d be dead wrong


kagami with her hair pushed back >//<

how mad would yall be if i turned into a fnaf blog

because the amount of fics i started purely in a spiral of madness is far too many than id like to be proud of

it’s not that i wanna quite writing for anime, more specifically bnha/mha, i just haven’t really watched any, or absorbed any anime related content in a while. my tastes have shifted, which is fine, and im sure it wouldn’t be hard to get back into the rhythm of things, but, fnaf is something that’s really fueling all my creativity rn so we kinda at a blank spot rn, and a new account certainly doesn’t exist already and there certainly isn’t an ao3 in the works for me to just vent through monty fics.



imagine being able to listen to carry on my wayward son, objectively a fucking banger of a song, without inflicting psychic damage on yourself 

how DARE you keep this in the tags




the funniest development possible in the tumblr ecosystem would be if taika waititi went on to make a gay sherlock show/movie after the copyright expires in 2023

miranda i’m 100% blaming you for this
