#helmut zemo fanfiction


You Need Me

Character: Helmut Zemo

Pairing:Helmut Zemo x Fem!Reader (but it can be read like a Gender Neutral!Reader)

Warnings:Zemo comfort Reader. Angst. Support. Crying. Company. Little fluff.

Inspired by: Arms Open / The Script

Author’s Note: Hello! It’s me again. I know that I’ve been missing but university takes me down. Literally. So… I couldn’t write because I haven’t inspiration.

In this case, I came back with my beloved Helmut, but in a different situation: A few months ago, during Christmas last year, I had some family problems and Tumblr was my escape of those moments. A lot of fics that I discovered in those days help me to through about it. Reading amazing stories and trying to write some too.

This is one of those fics that I’ve started to write in these moments but never couldn’t end it.

This is my poor contribution about those fics that maybe, makes feel better to someone else.

Ps1: This was my state a few months ago… So sorry about the sad things in it I’ll be backs with some things more happys next. I promise

So… This fic, I would like to dedicated to @loveofafangirl because her stories always makes me feel better and makes me smile since I discovered her blog a few months ago and both share love for Zemo.

By the way, I hope from the bottom of my heart that this fic likes you and thanks you for takes your time to read all that I write.

Hope all of you are you Ok!! XOXO


So let me do to you what you’ve always done for me and let me be the ground underneath your feet

I can’t unfeel your pain, I can’t undo what’s done, I can’t send back the rain but if I could I would … My love, my arms are open…

I want to tell him about it but I can’t …

I feel like the words get stuck in my throat once more as I hear him mutter something that I can’t quite understand. Perhaps these are words in Sokovian or maybe in a language that I don’t recognize but it is impossible for me to understand.

-Helmut …

-What do you need? Tell me and I’ll have it for you in less than an hour.

His voice sounds so clear amid all the noise in my head that it seems to calm my mind.

I need you here. You are what I need.

-I don’t need anything, Helm.

I feel terrible at the idea of ​​lying him, but I know I will make him feel even worse if he knows that I want him to be by my side despite being hours apart. I want to believe in my own words but with every second that passes, reality takes me away from it.

-I don’t like the way your voice sounds, Liebling.

-We both agree on that - I squeeze the small handkerchief between my fingers while I wish they were Helmut’s hands. I’m left with that thought as I hear him mutter a curse in Sokovian on the other end of the line - Stop cursing or the next time you call I won’t answer.

The only response I get is a snort as I feel the tears start to trickle down my cheeks. If I could make only one wish, it is to have him by my side now.

-Are you sure you don’t need anything from me?

-No. I’m fine - The last word is cut between my lips when I try to contain a sob but I don’t hear a response from him, so I don’t know how much he will have believed my sentence - Will you call me tomorrow?

-Without hesitation, Liebling. Rest.

I let out a sob as I end the call and I’m thankful that he can’t hear me. At the same time I feel the air trying to escape from my lungs, threatening to drown me in my slightest carelessness.

As soon as I realize it, hours, minutes and seconds pass that seem eternal. I lose track of time with my head glued to the pillow in my bed and when I wake up, without being aware of when the dream won the battle, I find myself analyzing whether the idea that the phone has not rung is synonymous with good or bad signal.

I do not know what to think. The clock marks eleven in the morning on a day that I don’t want to travel.

I try to have more than a few sips of tea when the doorbell rings. I walk slowly to the door, waiting for the person on the other side to leave, but the doorbell rings again.

And again.

Damn insistent. I walk with what little energy I have left. I feel discouraged and tired. I can barely breathe easy without the phone ringing.

I open the door and automatically my eyes blur. Is it a trick on my head or is Helmut in front of me?

-Liebling - Zemo’s voice brings me back to reality as I feel his arms surround me, and before I can even think about it, I squeeze his clothes between my hands wrinkling his expensive jacket as if it were a piece of paper, trying to feel that this is not an illusion in my head.

He’s here. He really is here.

He slightly pushes me away and he takes my face with both hands, carefully observing my expressions, which I know reflect my inner state and which I cannot hide. He doesn’t speak because he knows that the pain I feel is palpable in the air.

-Why are you here? - I barely recognize my voice and I hear the air coming out of his lungs in a heavy sigh. I know that although he is with me, he is not calm, much less noticing the state in which I was. Usually I would hear some delicate reproach about my lie, but he just stares at me.

-Are you asking me about it? Because you need me - He caresses my cheek with his thumb as he wipes my tears. His eyes are bright, as if he wants to cry but I know he wants to convey security to me. I enjoy his touch for a minute as I see the vulnerability in his expressions - I can’t listen to you like that and let it go as if nothing happened.

-I didn’t ask you to come.

I know my words sound harsh, but I don’t know how to answer in another way without letting what little strength I have fade from his attentions. I want to try to look strong in front of him, but at the same time I want him to be my support.

- You don’t have to ask me, Liebling. And if you did, I’d ask Samuel for the damn ship just to be by your side as quickly as possible. You know if you need me, you just have to say it. Never doubt about it.

I didn’t know what to answer. I simply put my hands up and straightened his hair, which was tousled. He probably would have run or fell asleep on the plane. Or perhaps, he would have run his hands over him so many times due to his nervousness.

-Forgive my image, darling. It’s that … I ran the two blocks that separated me from you, all because of a damn traffic jam… - He turns to the hallway and I realize again that he is there, next to me.

When he barely turns, I wrap my arms around his neck and pull him close enough so that our bodies are close together. I sigh as I enjoy the warmth that his body gives off, the almost non-existent closeness between them, his arms surrounding me and giving me that security that made me not collapse. Knowing that he was there for me made everything a little easier. I allow myself to feel his cologne for a few seconds and bury my face in his neck, while letting a quiet sigh escape my lips, causing his body to shudder and wrap his arms around me with much more force, making me stay standing on tiptoe.

-I wish to eliminate all the pain in the world just to avoid your suffering, Liebling. Your happiness is my happiness and your suffering is my suffering, you are part of me. You know it, right?

-Yes- I admit without leaving his arms - But you can’t - And I know that it eats away at him right now. It’s the one thing you can’t fix with money or contacts.

- But I want you to know that I would try just to see you smile again - I nod as I feel against my chest as his heartbeat slows down and makes me feel in my comfort zone. In the one where I could only be calm and sure that I could face whatever happened. I can not hold back the tears any longer and I feel them fall down my cheeks, I want to move away and explain him what is happening to me, what is happening, but the words do not leave my lips. The only thing I achieve is that a kind of squeak comes from my lips that makes Helmut hold me even more tightly as if I were going to break me - Shh … Here I am, use me for whatever you need.

- Helm … - I tighten my grip around him even more as I feel his hands caress my back.

-If I am not here for you in these moments, then I do not deserve you.

- I don’t deserve you.

-You deserve the world, Liebling. All the good stuff and nothing more than that. And I appreciate that you let me be by your side - I feel his lips brush my hair, leaving kisses on my head - I know that … I know that the pain you feel now I will not be able to take it away, but I will be by your side until it passes. Are you okay with that?

-Yes, Helm. Always.
