#im tired



And I’m scooped. My project was published in another organism yesterday. Fuck me.

Hey google how to keep up with what’s happening in the world while still being a functional human?

so i was messing around with this picrew and accidentally made huntershipping from an amazing fic called And We Shall Burn by @juulz

silv lookin dapper in a suit-

you ever think about how some people are like. okay. like actually. like on average, bad days vs okay or better days, they come out ok. and they don’t cry every night. and they aren’t sad every day. and they just live like that. wild

Ok, guys, part 2.For the bed, I really wanted to keep that metal inlay at the top, since my inspirat

Ok, guys, part 2.

For the bed, I really wanted to keep that metal inlay at the top, since my inspiration picture had this, too, however, I realized we would not be able to mix and match anyway, as there can only be two recolourable subsets and that second one would, of course, be the bedding. So, no metal… -_-

I also did not include the white recolour, since there was no need to edit Shasta’s (and I forgot to put it into my game… T_T). Please, get it here.

The endtable has the same colours as the dresser/ armoire. An edit of Shasta’s white recolour is included for that one.

The last part will be the mirrors and lamps for this set. I also realized I still have a few more defaults lying around in my DL folder I haven’t shared yet, so I will try and upload those, too. And finish the clothing racks (but those will take time).

As always, please let me know if something doesn’t work the way it should.


Credits: Shastakiss and Goat for the textures, and Shasta again, because I edited her files. ^^;

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I just.. like literally ALL I attract are guys that just wanna fuck and Im tired. I’m tired of hooking up with no fuckin substance, im tired of just giving my surface self to people, it takes me a bit to really open up with my personality BUT I WANT TO ALREADY, I wanna be fuckin comfortable with someone, I’m tired of “the hoe life” but you try and actually meet/get to know people and they just redirect back to your pussy AND IM TIRED.

Shameful wwdits sona? Couldnt be me. Im shameless.

Of course i gotta have a cape ✨

On one hand, Iike having a job, in the sense that it’s a source of income and how it’s a nice regular routine that keeps my mind busy, but also, I absolutely dread it, like, nooo corporate America don’t make me do things!

“Aries and Pisces Duo” (zodiac signs)

Aries: Pisces couldn’t even fight a damn puppy!

Pisces: that’s not true!


Pisces: “ohh sweet baby..”



(Pisces and Aries in a elevator)

Pisces: “Hey, how you doing?”

Aries: (snarls)

Pisces: “ K just shit my pants, cool, awesome-”

I take to you tumblr: story time

So like I was talking to my guy friend and the mention of thighs comes up,, so im tryna explain why I like thighs (in a not gay way) but I had to catch myself cuz like the reason I like thighs is cuz girls

I mean come on, who doesn’t love them soft squishy pillows

im tiredim tired

“Volevo dirti che sono qui, sdraiata sul letto che mi giro da una parte all'altra perché non riesco a prendere sonno, e che sono qui ad ascoltare musica deprimente, e che la colpa è solo tua. È che non faccio altro che pensare a tutti i momenti che abbiamo passato insieme, e che non ne trovo uno negativo, volevo dirti che cerco di trattenere il pianto, ma non ci riesco. Volevo chiederti perché, perché mi hai lasciata qui, da sola, con un grande vuoto che solo tu potresti colmare. Perché te ne sei andato così, quando fino a ieri dicevi di amarmi. Perché mi hai lasciata sola, perché mi hai detto ti amo e allo stesso tempo mi hai detto addio. Perché deve fare così tanto male, perché. Vorrei dirti che ti odio, che sei uno stronzo, ma non ci riesco. È che non hai avuto le palle e il coraggio di affrontare una situazione che sembrava più grande di noi, e non dirmi che lo hai fatto per me, perché è una stronzata. L'unica cosa che sei riuscito a fare è stata quella di distruggermi, hai distrutto tutto quello in cui credevo. Forse non mi amavi più e non hai avuto il coraggio di dirmelo, forse se fossi stato sincero e mi avessi detto di non amarmi ora non starei qua a farmi dieci mila domande e forse avrebbe fatto meno male.”

- Chiara

DTIYS for @schmidte17 on Instagram! I’ve been sick and not able to draw much recently. :(

DTIYS for @schmidte17 on Instagram! 

I’ve been sick and not able to draw much recently. :(

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Here art… Of Mr. Aizawa

Drew this during @winter-mornings stream. And as I’m looking at this I’m realizing my phone likes to compress images. It looks fine in person.
