#helping ukraine


Dear friends, I know that our hearts are united in prayers for the people of Ukraine. Please join me at your altar, shrine or sacred space to chant for peace. Many devotional chants are mantras, single words or phrases repeated over and over. Mantras are truly indestructible positive energies, meaning that they remain in the universe indefinitely for the greater good of all. One of the most simple and powerful mantras we can chant is “Om Shanti.” “Om Shanti” is an ancient Sanskrit invocation for peace and is usually chanted three times to become “Om Shanti Shanti Shanti.”

Like many mantras, this one begins with “Om.” The word “Om” is believed to constitute the primal sound from which the universe constantly emanates. Chanting “Om” attunes us to the eternal oneness of all that is, unifying body, mind and spirit. The word “shanti” means a deep and profound level of peace. The meaning of “Om Shanti Shanti Shanti” is “Om, peace, peace, peace” – “peace of mind, peace in speech, and peace in the body.” It is also believed to harmonize the three lokas or cosmic realms: heaven, earth and the underworld.

When pronouncing “Om Shanti,” the “Om” should be allowed to resonate throughout the body including the cavities in the head. The “a” in the word “shanti” should be long and drawn-out like in the word “father.” The “a” is two beats long. The “t” in the word “shanti” should be pronounced pressing the tongue against the teeth; this sounds different than the English version of “t”. Breathe in through the nose and voice the sounds as you exhale through the mouth. When chanted with love, devotion and sincerity, the positive effects are greatly accentuated. Send that positive energy like a beam of light to the people of Ukraine. Imagine that light enveloping and protecting them. Click here to listen to the mantra pronunciation and performance. Here are 22 meaningful ways we can help Ukraine.

 Hello, friends. We are happy to see how many wonderful people support us in such a difficult hour.  Hello, friends. We are happy to see how many wonderful people support us in such a difficult hour.

Hello, friends. We are happy to see how many wonderful people support us in such a difficult hour. We are from Ukraine, and as once before, this is a reason for pride for us. But unfortunately, we regularly face war and pain. Although we are just a small studio from Ukraine, we try our best to help the people around us. And we ask you, dear friends, to also help the victims of this war. Dima is our friend, and he suffered severely in this war, literally miraculously escaping from the besieged Mariupol. I recently wrote about how I tried to cheer him up with a grey knight miniature. Now Dima needs prosthetics. Dima lost his legs because of the war. I ask you if you have the opportunity to help.

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Unbroken - a symbol of the heroes of Mariupol. The symbol of the Ukrainian soldiers that they do notUnbroken - a symbol of the heroes of Mariupol. The symbol of the Ukrainian soldiers that they do notUnbroken - a symbol of the heroes of Mariupol. The symbol of the Ukrainian soldiers that they do notUnbroken - a symbol of the heroes of Mariupol. The symbol of the Ukrainian soldiers that they do notUnbroken - a symbol of the heroes of Mariupol. The symbol of the Ukrainian soldiers that they do notUnbroken - a symbol of the heroes of Mariupol. The symbol of the Ukrainian soldiers that they do notUnbroken - a symbol of the heroes of Mariupol. The symbol of the Ukrainian soldiers that they do notUnbroken - a symbol of the heroes of Mariupol. The symbol of the Ukrainian soldiers that they do not

Unbroken - a symbol of the heroes of Mariupol. The symbol of the Ukrainian soldiers that they do not give up to the last and continue to wage war against the outnumbered Russian invaders.
Unbroken - a symbol of my friend who miraculously escaped from the besieged Mariupol. Who lost his home, his mother and his own legs, but did not break. There is little I can do to help him, but I can paint a miniature for him to represent his spirit. Earlier, before the war in Ukraine, Dmitry collected Gray Knights, and I shared with him my secrets of painting miniatures. Now this army has turned to ashes, like most of the houses in Mariupol. This miniature is insignificant, but this is what I can do for a friend to cheer him up in a difficult hour.

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 Dear friends. Now the army of Ukraine needs finances to protect our country from Russian aggressors

Dear friends. Now the army of Ukraine needs finances to protect our country from Russian aggressors and invaders. We do not ask for money for ourselves. As you can see, even under martial law, we continue to work intensively until we run out of paint or other options. We ask all sympathizers to participate in raising funds for the Ukrainian army. This is a shield not only for Ukraine, but also for the Eastern countries of Europe. Help Ukraine survive, and then your homes and relatives will be safe. Ukraine stands!
You can send financial assistance using the link below, choosing the currency that is convenient for you.

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