#henry cuellar


I cannot get over the dissonance of neoliberals going: “WE MUST PROTECT ROE AT ANY COST” and then turning around making up every excuse under the sun for Democrats who either worked with anti-abortionists, supported anti-abortionists, or straight up elected them—but then still blaming Susan Sarandon for Roe getting overturned.

And whenever you try talking to these sycophants, and show them actual receipts of when Biden tried to remove the contraception mandate from Obamacare, or when Bined supported the Hyde amendment until June of 2020, or when he voted to allow states to disregard Roe, or when Biden did literally anything over the past 4 decades that materially weakened the pro-choice movement—these liberal sycophants turn into one of those androids on WestWorld. You’re showing them the receipts, and they just keep repeating:

It’s a fucking cult, man.

They don’t want to protect Roe half as much as they want to protect literally anybody with the letter “D” behind their name. Even when that “Democrat” does NOT support Roe v. Wade.

Like JFC, Idk how to say it any clearer: supporting anti-abortion candidates will result with MORE, not less, anti-abortion legislation. This is how we got here. And no, Democrats are not “playing 3-dimensional chess” by courting and supporting anti-abortion candidates; no, Democrats are not helping the pro-choice movement by “strategically helping” anti-abortion candidates. Jesus.
