#hera ships it



“I HATE YOU! ” Athena screamed, “CHILL WOMAN! ” Apollo screamed back. “DON’T TOUCH MY LAST RAIL ROAD! ” Athena said, almost in tears. “BUT THAT’S NOT HOW YOU PLAY!!!! ” Artemis stood between them, ready to bang her head on the wall. “IT’S JUST MONOPOLY PLEASE DON’T KILL EACH OTHER! ” Ares flipped the whole game. “WHY THE FUCK WOULD YOU DO THAT!? ” Athena and Apollo yelled at him while Artemis tried to hold them back for dear life. “WHY IN THE WORLD ARE YOU GUYS SCREAMING? ” Hera stormed into the room. “Mamma, we were playing Monopoly and Athena cheated. ” Apollo pouted. “You cheated not me! ” Athena nudged him with her elbow. “You both cheated. ” Ares and Artemis rolled their eyes. “Stop fighting and go out. Maybe go on a date..? ” Hera suggested. And four of them instantly blushed. “See y'all seem to like the idea. ” Hera smirked. “Um… Ok! Let’s just go for coffee! ” Athena tried to cover them up.

Four of them walked down the streets of Greece. “Let’s fine a cafe…? ” Apollo asked. “But I wanna go to the museum. ” Apollo whined. “Let’s go and watch sunset. ” Artemis suggested. “Ok best idea! ” Athena volunteered. So the foursome went to the beach. Sitting on the warm sand as the cool sea touched their feet, warm breeze flew and the sun started setting. The sky started getting dark and dark. A dark orange shade coloured the sky. The sea reflecting the colours of the sun, shining brilliantly. “It’s so pretty. ” Ares giggled, lying down and resting his head on Athena’s lap. Her head resting on Artemis’ shoulder while Apollo had his arms wrapped around Artemis. Four of them, without even realizing were cuddling in the beach. “Its beautiful just like our sunny Apollo! ” Artemis kissed his head as Athena and Ares cheered making Apollo blush deeply. “Stop! ” he stuck his tongue out. “No we won’t. ” Athena smiled. “Oye! Guys! I love you all. ” Ares winked at them. “We love you too. ” Artemis ran her fingers through Ares’ smooth black hair. After sharing some sweet moments, a comfortable silence again fell upon them. Watching the natural beauty and enjoying each other’s warmth.

Back in Olympus;

Hera: My kids are adorable! (≧∇≦)

Zeus: Yeah yeah whatever ┐( ̄ー ̄)┌
