#hermitcraft fic



Ren was yellow. If this were Third Life, if this were Last Life, Ren being on yellow would mean… Well, it wouldn’t mean nothing, but it would be inconsequential. It would be a game. A traumatic game. A game he would be thrilled by, turn over in his head like a bad dream - or a very guilty good dream - for weeks after the event. He would think about how scary it all was, how scary he was, how scary his friends were, and then he would think about other things. He would live, he would die, he would lose, he would cope. He, eventually, wouldn’t care all that much.

But this wasn’t Last Life. This wasn’t Third Life. This was Hermitcraft.

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i have been absolutely slamming out fic lately because @chrisrin’s hermit archives au gave me brainworms, to the point that i stopped making individual posts for all the fics i was writing in it, so i may as well make a post now for all of the statements i’ve posted so far.

all of these are various types of horror, so check the tags, but i’m quite proud of all of them. no knowledge of tma is necessary to read!

  1. The Statue Garden

Statement of Cleo… last name withheld for privacy-


…um,(nervous chuckle) regarding a book of statuary. Statement taken direct from subject, May first, 2022. Statement begins.

2.Werewolf Games

Statement of… Scott S. Major, regarding a camping trip in the north of England with friends. Original interview transcribed three years ago, September 15th, 2019. Statement begins.

3.End Condition

…so- oh! Okay! It’s recording now? I think it’s recording now. Well, not that it really matters if it’s not. I’ve just got something to get off my chest. I’m not going to file this in the archives- so I suppose that means if you’re hearing this, somebody’s been snooping about! (Laughs)

Statement of me, Scar Goodtimes, archival assistant, regarding… hmm. What do I call it? …Regarding an exceedingly strange medical condition. Statement begins!

4.Elephant’s Foot

So this is a… statement? Given by- okay, so the audio quality on these gets pretty bad at parts. There’s a lot of distortion, so apologies in advance to any future listeners. Point is, I can’t make out the name. I think it starts with a Z? The box they were found in had been in storage since the seventies, so who knows how old they are.
