#hi neighbour


Taglist:@rainyisamazing57,@abbyvectr12,@idkbro213​,@Thebadbleep,@williamjzanders​,@iluvandrewgarfield​. (If your user is crossed out, it means I can’t tag you)

Summary: Was it cliche to have feelings for your neighbour?

Requested: No

Word Count: 4.9k

Warning(s)?: F!Reader, fluff, a little angst, SMUTTY SMUT SMUT, unprotected sex, MINORS DNI!, friends-to-lovers!, A little swearing I think (maybe), not proof read sorry

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Hi Neighbour

Peter had made his way like usual, over to the post box at the front of the units, grab his mail and any advertisements for both you and himself before going out to get his morning coffee before heading onto campus. He’d move in only a few months ago, deciding to do what his Aunt had wanted for him, and secretly he did as well but was worried he couldn’t balance College life and his… other life.

Every morning, he’d meet you at the door to the class you both shared, then went your seperate ways after as you were an english Major and he wasn’t. If he was honest, he only took this elective because you were there, he did look for others but once he saw you at the stand, going though the pamphlets those months ago, suddenly every other elective seemed boring.

It didn’t take long for feelings to develop, even after making a promise to himself that he wasn’t going to date in college, especially seeing as he didn’t have time for a relationship, studying and working was tiring him out enough.

You, however, took a little to warm up to him. You noticed his absence quite a bit, it wasn’t till you both shared an assignment together that you really began to get to know him. He was the smart, shy yet sometimes cheeky young adult that you were growing to admire everyday. It only started around a month ago, where you could feel your stomach drop when you couldn’t see his presence in class or the block of units you both lived in. Your smile would fade when he would hurriedly leave you mid conversation, not really giving any explanation. At first, you thought he had met someone and you were happy for him, of course you were. Maybe.

Was it selfish to want some more time with him? For him to hang out more and maybe even go to the movies- wait, you stopped yourself and mentally slapped your forehead. You were sounding like a jealous girlfriend!

“Hey y/n! Thought I’d missed you” Peter’s voice snapped you away from your thoughts. The smile crept across your lips as you spun around and beamed up at him, despite the sun blurring half your vision. Peter beamed back and reached his hand out to you to hand you your favourite beverage from the little cafe across campus, he had it memorised by now and you would be lying if your heart didn’t flutter each time.

“Oh, they had those cute little muffins as well, they weren’t sold out today” You wanted to squeal as he also handed you your favourite muffin. The cafe was very popular for their muffins and if you didn’t get their pretty much when the store opened, it was hard to get your hands on the crumby goodness.

“Oh my god, I love you” You took a mouthful and moaned at the warmth delicious taste enter your mouth. You probably looked absolutely ridiculous but Peter just laughed, finding it very adorable how obsessed you were over them.

Peter stared at the corner of your mouth which cause you to gulp, growing nervous as more and more people began walking into the classroom as you both just stood outside. you shyly laughed and ducked your head away from him.

“Sorry, not very lady like” You apologised and hurriedly wiped at your mouth and your cheeks, wanting to get any crumbs or evidence of muffin on your face. How embarrassing!

“You don’t need to apologise, wait… you’ve still got a-”

“Hey neighbour!” Peter was cut off by a new voice, Kevin’s. Kevin was your next door neighbour and a friend of yours, however Peter didn’t like him very much for reasons you weren’t sure of. Peter visibly shrunk away a little, glancing away from you now.

“Hey Kev” You smiled at him, wrapping your arms around his shoulders as he lent down for a hug in greeting. He was a touchy guy but it was only ever friendly so you didn’t mind, besides he did give really nice hugs. He pulled away slowly and didn’t attempt to stay back, slightly intruding in your personal space. He turned to Peter and nodded his head in greeting, giving him a look without you realising before slowly stepping away and into the classroom.

“I’ll save you a seat” Kevin said before walking away. You nodded your head and turned back to Peter, wondering what he was going to say before that encounter.

“We should get inside” Peter said and walked right past you before you could even open your mouth. It wasn’t the first time he’s acted like this, even after asking he’d give you a very vague response so you stopped. Maybe he was just as nervous about the midterm like you were.


Your warm apartment greeted you once you entered, unfortunately you didn’t get home till 8 as your manager had ask you to stay back a couple of hours to cover someone’s shift at the bookstore. You tossed your keys into the bowl and shrugged off your jacket as you walked over to the fridge and reached for a bottle of wine. You decided to quickly take a shower and jump into your pj’s before pouring the glass of wine and popping a quick meal into the microwave. Microwave dinners were popular when you had late shifts as you were usually too drained to be bothered to cook an actual meal.

Once you found yourself in your tiny living room, you had turned on the tv for some background noise as you began going over the material for the next upcoming assignment. You sipped at the red wine from time to time and got halfway through the glass before the doorbell rang, disturbing your peace. You eyes darted to the clock to see it was almost quarter to 9.

“Coming!” You called out as it rang again shortly after. You hurriedly rose up and rushed over, fixing your wet hair to the side and adjusted the pyjama shorts so they were respectfully covering your ass again.

“I think you forgot to turn your tv down… again” Kevin joked as you opened the door, surprising you slightly as he was only wearing sweats and was shirtless. You’ve seen him like that plenty of times and yes, he was attractive but to you… there wasn’t anything there. So you met his eyes and smiled sheepishly.

“I know, I keep forgetting how thin these walls are” You replied, leaning against your front door. His eyes followed your movements and he didn’t bother hiding the fact that his eyes trailed down to your legs and back up to you. Your arms crossed over your chest, concealing yourself a little as you felt nervous underneath the gaze. Your eyes darted over to the door across the hall, the one belonging to no other than Peter Parker. You could see from the window that all the lights were off, meaning he wasn’t home yet. He usually stayed out late and your thoughts grew more and more, maybe he really was seeing someone….

“Earth to Y/N, how does that sound?” Your eyes snapped back to Kevins’s. Shit, you totally spaced again, you really had to stop doing that it was rude.

“I’m sorry Kevin, long day and long shift so I’m beat, what did you say again?” You could have sworn you saw him grow slightly nervous but his normal confident grin was back within seconds. He stuffed his hands in his pocket and nodded his head towards your living room.

“I said can I come in, I’m actually a little stuck on the assignment myself and wanted to pick your smart brain for help” He lent against the door now as well, growing slightly closer towards you.

“You really should be asking Peter for help, He’s the smart one” You hand pointed over towards his empty apartment. Kevin’s eyes trailed along then quickly landed back on you.

“No offence to Peter but… he’s nowhere near as brilliant as you are” You nodded your head in response, growing shy. It was always uncomfortable when Kevin made those comments but you knew he did it because he knows how shy you are and wants to bring you out of your shell. He means well.

“You’re such a liar Kevin, but yeah, come on in and I’ll help for a little, if I can” You tried laughing awkwardly and Kevin beamed, stepping past you and into your apartment. He had been over plenty of times but for some reason this was… different. Just before you closed the door your eyes darted over towards the empty unit, though you saw a hooded figure walk over to the door and pull out a set of keys.

“Is everything alright, Peter?” You called out, sensing something was off. Why would he be wearing a hoodie when it was humid out, was he getting sick?

Peter’s eyes snapped to your direction and his lips parted. He saw your mesmerising eyes first and those full lips that looked so kissable. Then his eyes trailed down slightly but he quickly averted them, not wanting you to catch his longing stare.

“Uhh yeah… just had a bit of car trouble that’s all” Your eyes crinkled in confusion, his car had been at the shop for 2 days and you hadn’t seen him with it since.

“Oh okay… well… I may watch a movie later so… if you’re not too busy or tired you can laugh and throw popcorn at the screen with me?” You wanted to slap yourself yet again for how awkward and hopeful you sounded. Peter laughed and you could see him shake his head, though it seemed as if it was more to himself rather than you.

“I’ll think about it, I-” Peter’s words fell short as his eyes darted into your apartment, spotting the familiar set of blonde locks standing now behind you, completely shirtless. He could feel jealous begin to churn in his stomach. He had successfully unlocked the door and slightly open it while talking with you absentmindedly so his hand clutched the door so hard that he could feel the wooden splinters dig into his palm. His face turned to stone as he glared over at Kevin he just looked smugly back at him in triumph.

Peter knew Kevin liked you, so much so that he even threatened Peter to keep his distance as you were going to be his and shouldn’t have been even communicating with a nobody like himself. He was a bully and he should have stood up for himself but… when he saw how happy you were to have him in your life what could he do about it? Especially seeing as he was only ever doting and sweet on you.

Peter’s mind were conjuring numerous scenarios, all very inappropriate and hurtful that he dropped his gaze from yours and Kevin’s. Of course, he should have expected this, it was just a matter of time before Kevin made his move and you’d swoon at his feet.

He was an idiot.

“I’ll poor us some more wine and we can get back to it” Kevin said a little loudly to you, glancing over at Peter before walking into your kitchen leaving you slightly confused. Your eyes followed Kevin before turning to Peter once more across the hall. You smiled shyly and shrugged, moving bits of wet strands of hair away from your eyes.

“Y-yeah, you should go back, d-d-on’t want to keep you” Peter stuttered out, feeling his heart beat faster and faster that it began to hurt. Was this what experience a heartache felt like? The feeling of it speeding up so fast that it was going to just stop and plummet at any second and with it dragging every ounce of happiness.

“You’re never keeping me, Peter” You lent your head back, letting the strands of hair fall in front of your face as you smiled with a blush. Peter could feel his heart pick up again but this time for a completely different reason. He was close to walking right over, finally wrapping his arms around you and placing a gentle, sweet kiss to those lips he has dreamt about for months.

“You should get back to Kevin” Peter was good at that, crushing his own self-esteem and any chance he could ever have with possibly dating you. He inwardly cursed to himself for being like this. You lent your head off the door and sighed in defeat.

“Okay, say hi to the mystery girl for me” You smiled, despite your heart breaking inside as you closed the door after yourself. Peter eyes furrowed in confusion, he glanced around at either side of him before he stepped into his own apartment, closing the door behind him.

Peter wasn’t sure how long he had spent in his kitchen, drinking the same cup of water as he stared out the window over to your flat. No, he wasn’t a stalker or a pervert he was just… looking out for you. Peter cringed to himself, even though your curtains had been drawn and only light could be seen from inside.

This was none of his business who you were with, he needed to get over it. But he couldn’t shake what you had said to him… ‘say hi to the mystery girl for me?’ Who in the hell could you be referring to? His Aunt? Though there was nothing mysterious about her and with the way you said it, it almost sounded as if you were hinting at something else altogether.

His eyes widened as his brain clicked. You thought he was seeing someone, or at least actively going out and with that he he fisted his hands and bought them to his face. He stopped his mid panic once he heard your door across the hallway. Spidy senses.

“Kevin you basically knew all the answers, it’s late, I’ll see you tomorrow” Peter heard your voice. He went to his door and began to pace, his fist over his mouth as he had an inner debate with himself.

“I know, maybe I just wanted to spend some time with you” Peter rolled his eyes at Kevin’s advances. Please make him go away… please make him go away…

“Have you noticed anything strange with Peter lately?” Peter could hear your hushed voice, and he instinctively listened in closer.

“Yeah who hasn’t? look… he’s a little… you know” Peter rolled his eyes yet again.

“Peter seems distant, more then usual… l… I don’t know what to do” He hated how dejected you sounded. He wanted to go over there and tell you everything, he has wanted to a million times before but he could never go through with it. He couldn’t risk placing you in danger.

“You wanna know what I think?” Peter could hear the shuffling of feet and he was close to ripping his door open, tearing it from it’s hinges.

“I think you’re way too good for him, I think… he clutches onto you when you deserve better.. I hate to say this but he’s dragging you down… Look, let’s not talk about this, you and me, I’ll take you to a nice dinner and a movie and I’ll help you with Peter” That was it, Peter was absolutely boiling with anger at this moment. He swung the door open so harshly that the bang against the wall cause you to jump in fright. Your eyes glanced over to Peter and you could see how red his face looked. He was visibly pissed off.

“Peter, are you okay?” You asked, eyes glossing over with worry for him as he just glared at Kevin. He couldn’t have possibly heard that… did he?

“Kevin, I think you should go” You mumbled quietly to Kevin, feeling guilty. You didn’t agree with Kevin, not one bit and you were about to speak up but by the look on Peter’s face, it was too late.

“Y/N, I don’t care that he heard, you agree with me… he-” You abruptly cut Kevin off.

“Kevin, stop. Please, I’ll see you tomorrow” Kevin didn’t push anymore, he sighed and clicked his tongue, giving one last look over to Peter before making his way back to his apartment next door. His eyes lingered on yours before he closed the door.

You were about to start speaking but you saw movement out of the corner of your eye. You saw Peter walk his way around the balcony and over to you, as the gardens in the middle were in the way.

“Peter…. I-”

“Inside” It wasn’t rude but Peter just walked around you and inside your apartment, waiting for you to follow. You couldn’t control the shaking of your hands, and the beads of sweat forming across your forehead.

“He was out of line Peter, Kevin can be… Kevin and I want you to know that-”

“I don’t care about that… I do but… is that what you think?” You sighed, glancing over towards him. The raw hurt and vulnerability stood out on his face and you wanted to so badly to make it go away. your feet brought you closer to him without even realising, the front door closing softly behind you.

“No, of course not Peter, never. I… look you’re my best friend and… Yeah sometimes I worry about you, you’re out a lot, get back really late sometimes and even when I see you the next day you have fresh bruises. What’s going on Peter? I’m worried” You crossed your arms over your chest as you looked at him with worry.

“I wish I could tell you but… I can’t, I’m sorry” He shrugged his shoulder as he stuffed his hands into his pockets, his hoodie falling slighter lower at this gesture. You hadn’t meant to admire him at this moment but you did, he was absolutely handsome and you wanted him to be more, much more than your friend.

“It’s okay… I just… want you to know that I’m here for you” Your voice dropped to a mere whisper as you found yourself closer to Peter, only mere inches now. Peter glanced down and into your eyes, though they occasionally drifted from your lips and back into your eyes.

“Okay…” Peter muttered, sniffling slightly as he took a step back and slowly began removing his hoodie completely from his body. A small gasp left your body as you spotted bruises over his… wait. Your eyes widened once you saw the familiar red and blue suit. You’ve seen that all over town… Peter Parker was… no.

“Oh my god… Peter” Peter didn’t want to see the disappointment in your eyes so he looked away, anywhere but you.

“You need to take it off… those wound are going to get infected if I don’t clean them” You knew this was huge for Peter, to share that with you and you were almost left speechless. He wouldn’t look at you and all you decided to do was focus on his wounds, questions could wait.

“W-what?” Peter stumbled in shock. You looked at him as he finally glanced back at you as you nodded your head, signalling him to remove the clothing.

“I-I… I only have… my umm…”

“Oh, wait, I think I still have the shirt and track pants you left from when you crashed, hang on, I’ll be back” You knew exactly where they were, you wore his shirt to beds. Only because it was comfortable you told yourself, definitely not because it was the closest you would probably ever get to him.

Once you came back you handed the clothes to him and he left for the bathroom. You took the time to inwardly scream. Peter was fricking Spider-man! What in the…

“Look… seriously… you don’t have to, all I need is to sleep it off or something” You shook your head and grabbed your first aid kit from under the sink in the kitchen. You decided to grab another glass and pour some wine out for Peter before you started dabbing at his wounds with a cloth an alcohol. He hissed here and there and took sips of his drink but left his eyes firmly on you as you carefully tended to him. It only took a few minutes and by the time you were done, Peter had finished his glass of wine.

“Are you and Kevin… you know” Peter found himself asking when you were packing up the kit. You poured yourself another glass of wine and walked back over with a confused look on your face.

“Me and Kevin, what… no! Why would you think that?” You scoffed halfheartedly.

“I see the way he looks at you… it’s obvious what he wants” Peter said softly, looking at you then back to the ground. You sighed and walked over towards him and stood in front once again, placing your glass onto the coffee table.

“Kevin’s just a friend… he’s… I don’t like him like that… I don’t because I’m in love with someone else…” You hadn’t meant to let the last part slip but you did.

“Really?” Peter hated that the hope slipped through his tone. He was over the moon to hear that it wasn’t Kevin but slightly afraid it was someone else, some other than him. The soft noise of the tv in the background was the only thing that could be heard, though it had be turned down due to earlier evening events.

Peter rose to his feet and stood closer to you, bringing his hand up to caress your cheek, moving a few strands of hair. Your breathing slowly began to go faster, lips becoming dry as Peter bent down to your level, slowly connecting his mouth to yours. It was soft and sweet, but soon his taste was flooding your senses and you were hooked. Your arms snaked around his shoulder to pull him closer as he wrapped an arm around your waist, pulling you closer. His mouth opened against yours, his tongue exploring yours as you both begin to pant with need.

“Peter… I need you” That was all he needed to hear to grab your hips to lift you up, pressing you now into the wall as he pinned you by his waist, using his hands now to trail over your body. His touch left a flame in it’s path, igniting the pit deep down inside to begin to awake with desire. How could his touch drive you this crazy?

“Please… tell me exactly what you want…” His voice had came out hoarse, dripping with lust as you began to grind down on him, feeling his mouth trail down from your lips to your chin, neck and over to the very top of your breasts.

“Y-you… just you” Peter soon captured your lips with his once more, your heavy breaths mingling together. Peter held onto you tightly as he pulled you both away from the wall and began walking over towards you bedroom which was ajoined to the living room, a curtain creating the only barrier. He sat down on the end of your bed and pulled you down on top of him, hands still on your hips as you continued to grind down on his growing length. You had released a moan into his mouth at the contact.

Your hands were trying to touch him in anyway you could, wanting to explore as much of him as you and engrave his skin into your memory. You both had successfully rolled over so that you were now underneath, he made sure to prop himself up as he began to slow down the kissing, drawing out the kissed and slowing the movement with his tongue enticing yet another moan. He was teasing you and god you were enjoying every second of it.

You did, however, give out a little whine of want when Peter left your lips and trailed down your body, kissing the top of your breasts once again and letting his fingers slowly unbutton the silky material, showing you bare now to him. You hadn’t popped on a bra after your shower, you’ve worn that horrible underwire all day and just wanted to let them free for the evening.

“You’re so beautiful… all for me…” Peter whispered, making his way down to each, peppering them with soft kisses and little, gentle licks over the nubs causing you to buck them into his mouth at the new sensation. Your head rolled back into your pillow as his mouth now engulfed them completely, taking his time with each one. You could feel the throb in your core grow more and more.

“Please… Peter…” Peter pulled away momentarily, staring up at you as he peppered soft kisses over your exposed stomach, his hand gripping your thighs, his thumb right near your entrance causing you to gasp softly.

“If I’m doing this I need you to tell me exactly what you want…” He moved lower down, pulling away from you to lift your hips to take off your bottoms, soon followed by his own shirt. You sat up hastily and gripped his face gently between your hands, biting your bottom lip as your eyes fell from his eyes to his lips, back and forth.

“I…” Your mouth kissed his lips softly.

“Want…” Another kiss but this time to the corner of his mouth. You could feel him shaking slightly in your hands which only spurred you on.

“To show you…” This time his cheek received a lingering kiss.

“How much I love you” You pulled away shyly, not knowing how Peter was going to react. You weren’t expecting him to look back at you as if he had just struck the lottery. He sheepishly shook his head and quickly attached his lips to yours once more, crawling up again to cup your face to deepen the kiss. You could feel him nod his head against you during the kiss, his hands dropped from your face back down onto your hips, guiding you to lay back down. Peter kept his lips on yours, slowly kissing you as he made quick work in removing the remaining clothes barrier between you two. He rubbed his length against your core gently, moans filling the air from you both at the contact. He rocked himself against you a few times, feeling your wetness and heat seep onto him making him even harder if that was possible.

With one more kiss he aligned himself with your entrance and slowly entered, gasping as you whimpered, slowly filling you completely. You kept your eyes open and looked at him as he did the same, looking down at you with awe as he slowly began rocking his hips against yours. It was all too much, the teasing, the build up, you weren’t sure how long you were going to last.

Peter watched as your head lulled back as he picked up his pace, finding the rhythm that made you both want to cry out each others names.

“Not too loud baby… these are thin walls” Fuck the thin walls. You moaned louder as Peter picked up his pace again, hitting just the right spot inside of you making you see stars. Peter didn’t even attempt to quieten you as he just continued and went even faster, causing him to shake as he lowered his body against yours.

“Open your eyes, you are going to look at me as you finish around my cock okay baby? Open your eyes” You did as he asked and opened your eyes, feeling the knot in your stomach winding so tight, ready to snap at any moment. Once your eyes met his you were sure were done for. Peter lowered his head closer to your and gave you one last kiss, and with the swipe of his tongue you came undone, moaning his name so loudly that you knew you were going to wake in the morning with noise complaints from the neighbours.

Peter pulled away and watched as you came for him, causing him to as well, chasing his own high as he spilled his seed inside you, slowing down his pace for you both to ride it out together. All that could be heard after a few moments was the heavy pants from you both. Peter dropped his forehead to yours and softly kissed you, feeling you tremble within his grasp.

He slowly pulled away from you and sat you both up, pulling you onto his lap as he softly stroke your hair and your lower back, loving the way your skin felt underneath his fingertips, the slight tremor that was left over from the orgasm and the rise and fall of your chest against his as you were still catching your breath along with him. You rested your forehead against his and wrapped your arms around him, feeling impossibly close to him that you didn’t want to let him go, not just yet.

“Did you really mean what you said before?” Peter found himself asking, even though he heard you at the time and his heart was wanting to burst with joy, he had to make sure that it wasn’t just in the moment. God knows he loved you, so much, and even if you only liked him, he could work with that and hopefully it could lead to lo-

“Yes… I love you Peter… I have for a while and I should have told you sooner” Peter beamed at you and brought a hand up to caress your cheek, putting back a few strands of sweaty hair and connected his lips softly on yours, his eyes crinkling as he tried to portray as much love he had for you through the sweet kiss.

“Be my girlfriend, this is such a lame way of asking b-”

“Yes, god yes!” You cheered and kissed him once more.


A/N:Not going to lie I need ideas for fics! please feel free to inbox ideas! the more detailed the better! Hope you all enjoyed this piece! Much love xx
