

Summary: A wedding invitation from your best friend is the greatest news you’ve eve- no… no it wasn’t and you were going to change that.

Requested: No

Word Count:1.5k+

Warning(s)?: Angst, swearing, mutual pining, Friends-Lovers trope, Ex Peter!Reader (further warnings will be added…)

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(unfortunately I reached my limit on the responses so until I work out a way to setup the survey without response limits for free, taglist will be closed)


My Best Friend’s Wedding

I’m getting married!”

You had no idea how those 3 little words would turn your world on it’s axis. 3 such meaningful words yet not directed at you, of course never you. At the surface you were thrilled, ecstatic as you screamed happily into the phone at the news. Depp down, deep down a storm was brewing in the pits of your stomach to the point you were close to puking. You hiccuped to yourself, trying to quench the tornado inside which earned a worried response from him over the line. He had no idea the fear and crushing disappointment you were going through at this very moment, and if you could help it, he would never know.

“Oh Spidey… that’s amazing news!” It wasn’t. Another gulp followed by a reoccurring hiccup. That glass of wine you left moments ago to answer the phone was tempting to be consumed in it’s entirety, maybe a second bottle would be a nice chaser to the glass. However, as the ramblings of how he met his soon to be wife began, your mind became adrift.

It was an unconventional yet functional friendship between you and Peter. Both having met in high school during a recess break where Flash was pulling a prank on the brown eyed boy. You had moved in from Minnesota the fall just gone, only having made one friend in the short time of arrival, MJ. She quickly busied herself with showing you around, all her favourite spots which quickly became yours too. She was a quiet girl, no not shy, she was more than confident within herself to voice her opinions on matters that she seemed needed her input. A quality you soon grew to admire about her.

During the unfortunate incident during recess, she had left to grab you both some coffee from the local cafe which served the best caramel latte you’ve experienced in your life, which ultimately left you meeting Peter for the first time, at the hands on his nemesis. Peter’s eyes were wide and fearful, mimicking a puppy who had just got told off by their owner for peeing on their bedspread.

‘Watch it Peter, wouldn’t want to have this pretty girl watch you piss yourself, loser!“ You scoffed internally at the short boy, wanting nothing more than to make his vision blurry but chose not to move. You had a perfect attendance score and no detentions, you weren’t about to ruin that now. Once the 'Flash’ guy had left followed by tweedle dee and tweedle dum you stepped towards the boy on the ground cautiously.

’'Are you okay?” The boy coughed a couple of times before slowly standing to his feet. He was busy looking down at the grass, adjusting his glasses that sat upon his freckled nose with a huff.

“I’m fine…” He began to walk away, not once glancing up to meet your gaze. This time you huffed to yourself, watching how he quickly began jogging away before a shimmer in the sunlight caught your eye. You peaked towards the ground to see a glass jaw filled with some kind of… webbing? With measured steps, you slowly bent down to retrieve the object before calling out to the retreating boy.

“Hey, I think you dropped this!” The boy haltered, slowly turning around to glance at the glass jar in your hands. Your eyes didn’t fail to catch the shock evident on his face, though it quickly fled moments later. He paced back towards you, taking the jar softly from your hand and stuffing it into his backpack.

“You know… if you’re trying to recreate a spider’s web you’re going about it the wrong way…” His ears perked which cause him to finally look you in the eye. He had spent hours perfecting it, how in hell could you know about it? He had assumed you were new as for starters, he had never seen you before and two, no one ever interrupts Flash’s midday’s show, everyone knew that.

“H-how do you-… webbing? Why would I-i be trying to recreate that?” First thing you learnt about Peter, he was a terrible liar.

And that dearest was only just the beginning to what would soon grown into an almost 10 year friendship. Going through all of high school together, along with MJ and Ned, graduating then drifting apart for college. You all tried to keep in contact with each other the first few months but soon it turned into yearly catch-ups, something you all swore would never happen. Ned had learnt about Peter’s alter ego, soon followed by you then MJ a year later. Ned and MJ had an on again off again relationship all throughout college which drove you and Peter around the twist. One minute you’d all be organising to catch up over thanksgiving break, then they would be on the outs the third time that year, both claiming they couldn’t stand to be in the same room as each other. We all knew that was a lie because only a few weeks later, they would be in each other’s arms, proclaiming their love and how they were it for each other.

You supposed it was sweet and endearing, having someone for the rest of your life. But you knew better, that it didn’t exist. There was no 'the one’. There wasn’t someone who was going to be loyal to you forever, father your kids and bring home flowers spontaneously, kissing your cheek as you baked cookies for your children, laughter filling the warm kitchen air. Or going on vacations to Disneyland and watching your children graduate college together as you both were settling into the retirement lifestyle. There was simply here and now, and that was working.

Up until this very moment, this very phone call which happened at approximately 9:46pm on a Monday evening. Just 3 weeks shy of your 27th birthday. You had finished a long hard day editing the final touches on your project before closing your home computer, enjoying the working from home lifestyle due to the pandemic.

“Bunny… you’re still there?” Bunny. You hadn’t heard him call you that in years. Given, the last time the both of you spoke was almost a year ago, a lot can change in 12 months apparently, like getting married. Throughout college you two were always the closest, MJ and Ned giving you crap on how you both were secretly dating but wouldn’t become public because you didn’t believe in the concept of a 'boyfriend’ and Peter’s alter ego as Spider-man which could place you in danger. Had you tried? Yes, only the once and it was with the very man that was currently warming and shattering your heart over the phone.

Through your third year of college you and Peter had tried dating, seeing if there anything more than a friendship and there was. Unfortunately, it only took a month for that to turn upside down. For lack of words, Peter had confessed he loved you and you grown scared, commitment wasn’t something you grew up around, your own parents divorcing before you were 5 and making new families. You’d had soon learnt they both divorced again not too long ago, deciding to move back in with each other to save money so they could travel during their retirement. Every Christmas was awkward, especially the one just past, the first one altogether in over 20 years. You didn’t want that, to marry someone you love only for it to be all over within a handful of years. Especially given the detriment it has on the kids involved… you were never placing your kids through that kind of pain.

“Y-yeah I’m here… sorry I just… -sniffle-… I couldn’t be more happy for you Peter” It wasn’t a lie. You wanted the world for him, your younger self wanted to be that world but it just wasn’t meant to be. Blonde hair and sun kissed skin flowed through your mind, knowing that was Peter’s type not long after your breakup.

“You have no idea how much that means to me… I’m sorry it’s been so long since our last call” The sincerity flowed right through you.

“It’s okay, we’ve both been pretty busy and given the travel restrictions, couldn’t really see each other in person” Thank god that has eased up so you could travel now, but that only came in place a couple of weeks ago. Peter was on the other side of the country, currently a second hand to the most brilliant scientist on the northern hemisphere. You knew he always wanted to venture out on his own though, incorporate science with his abilities to make something magical. However, life just didn’t go that way.

“Well pack your bags, your plane leaves at 7am” Your eyes widen. Plane?

“W-what? Peter… I have work I can’t just… drop everything” You could, you were always head with your work but still.

“Come on! it’s my wedding, you have to be there… I don’t know what I would o if you weren’t here by my side…” Wedding? Wait…

“When are you getting married?” Ignoring the little skip of your heart at his previously whispered words.

“This Sunday…”


A/N:Would you guys like a mini series on this concept? Yes, massively if not, entirely 'My best friend’s wedding’ film starring the amazing Julia Roberts! I was picturing Peter x reader and wanted to give it a little bit of a 21st century kiss! Let me know below or in my inbox lovelies! xx Until next time xx


Taglist:@rainyisamazing57,@abbyvectr12,@idkbro213​,@Thebadbleep,@williamjzanders​,@iluvandrewgarfield​. (If your user is crossed out, it means I can’t tag you)

Summary: Was it cliche to have feelings for your neighbour?

Requested: No

Word Count: 4.9k

Warning(s)?: F!Reader, fluff, a little angst, SMUTTY SMUT SMUT, unprotected sex, MINORS DNI!, friends-to-lovers!, A little swearing I think (maybe), not proof read sorry

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Hi Neighbour

Peter had made his way like usual, over to the post box at the front of the units, grab his mail and any advertisements for both you and himself before going out to get his morning coffee before heading onto campus. He’d move in only a few months ago, deciding to do what his Aunt had wanted for him, and secretly he did as well but was worried he couldn’t balance College life and his… other life.

Every morning, he’d meet you at the door to the class you both shared, then went your seperate ways after as you were an english Major and he wasn’t. If he was honest, he only took this elective because you were there, he did look for others but once he saw you at the stand, going though the pamphlets those months ago, suddenly every other elective seemed boring.

It didn’t take long for feelings to develop, even after making a promise to himself that he wasn’t going to date in college, especially seeing as he didn’t have time for a relationship, studying and working was tiring him out enough.

You, however, took a little to warm up to him. You noticed his absence quite a bit, it wasn’t till you both shared an assignment together that you really began to get to know him. He was the smart, shy yet sometimes cheeky young adult that you were growing to admire everyday. It only started around a month ago, where you could feel your stomach drop when you couldn’t see his presence in class or the block of units you both lived in. Your smile would fade when he would hurriedly leave you mid conversation, not really giving any explanation. At first, you thought he had met someone and you were happy for him, of course you were. Maybe.

Was it selfish to want some more time with him? For him to hang out more and maybe even go to the movies- wait, you stopped yourself and mentally slapped your forehead. You were sounding like a jealous girlfriend!

“Hey y/n! Thought I’d missed you” Peter’s voice snapped you away from your thoughts. The smile crept across your lips as you spun around and beamed up at him, despite the sun blurring half your vision. Peter beamed back and reached his hand out to you to hand you your favourite beverage from the little cafe across campus, he had it memorised by now and you would be lying if your heart didn’t flutter each time.

“Oh, they had those cute little muffins as well, they weren’t sold out today” You wanted to squeal as he also handed you your favourite muffin. The cafe was very popular for their muffins and if you didn’t get their pretty much when the store opened, it was hard to get your hands on the crumby goodness.

“Oh my god, I love you” You took a mouthful and moaned at the warmth delicious taste enter your mouth. You probably looked absolutely ridiculous but Peter just laughed, finding it very adorable how obsessed you were over them.

Peter stared at the corner of your mouth which cause you to gulp, growing nervous as more and more people began walking into the classroom as you both just stood outside. you shyly laughed and ducked your head away from him.

“Sorry, not very lady like” You apologised and hurriedly wiped at your mouth and your cheeks, wanting to get any crumbs or evidence of muffin on your face. How embarrassing!

“You don’t need to apologise, wait… you’ve still got a-”

“Hey neighbour!” Peter was cut off by a new voice, Kevin’s. Kevin was your next door neighbour and a friend of yours, however Peter didn’t like him very much for reasons you weren’t sure of. Peter visibly shrunk away a little, glancing away from you now.

“Hey Kev” You smiled at him, wrapping your arms around his shoulders as he lent down for a hug in greeting. He was a touchy guy but it was only ever friendly so you didn’t mind, besides he did give really nice hugs. He pulled away slowly and didn’t attempt to stay back, slightly intruding in your personal space. He turned to Peter and nodded his head in greeting, giving him a look without you realising before slowly stepping away and into the classroom.

“I’ll save you a seat” Kevin said before walking away. You nodded your head and turned back to Peter, wondering what he was going to say before that encounter.

“We should get inside” Peter said and walked right past you before you could even open your mouth. It wasn’t the first time he’s acted like this, even after asking he’d give you a very vague response so you stopped. Maybe he was just as nervous about the midterm like you were.


Your warm apartment greeted you once you entered, unfortunately you didn’t get home till 8 as your manager had ask you to stay back a couple of hours to cover someone’s shift at the bookstore. You tossed your keys into the bowl and shrugged off your jacket as you walked over to the fridge and reached for a bottle of wine. You decided to quickly take a shower and jump into your pj’s before pouring the glass of wine and popping a quick meal into the microwave. Microwave dinners were popular when you had late shifts as you were usually too drained to be bothered to cook an actual meal.

Once you found yourself in your tiny living room, you had turned on the tv for some background noise as you began going over the material for the next upcoming assignment. You sipped at the red wine from time to time and got halfway through the glass before the doorbell rang, disturbing your peace. You eyes darted to the clock to see it was almost quarter to 9.

“Coming!” You called out as it rang again shortly after. You hurriedly rose up and rushed over, fixing your wet hair to the side and adjusted the pyjama shorts so they were respectfully covering your ass again.

“I think you forgot to turn your tv down… again” Kevin joked as you opened the door, surprising you slightly as he was only wearing sweats and was shirtless. You’ve seen him like that plenty of times and yes, he was attractive but to you… there wasn’t anything there. So you met his eyes and smiled sheepishly.

“I know, I keep forgetting how thin these walls are” You replied, leaning against your front door. His eyes followed your movements and he didn’t bother hiding the fact that his eyes trailed down to your legs and back up to you. Your arms crossed over your chest, concealing yourself a little as you felt nervous underneath the gaze. Your eyes darted over to the door across the hall, the one belonging to no other than Peter Parker. You could see from the window that all the lights were off, meaning he wasn’t home yet. He usually stayed out late and your thoughts grew more and more, maybe he really was seeing someone….

“Earth to Y/N, how does that sound?” Your eyes snapped back to Kevins’s. Shit, you totally spaced again, you really had to stop doing that it was rude.

“I’m sorry Kevin, long day and long shift so I’m beat, what did you say again?” You could have sworn you saw him grow slightly nervous but his normal confident grin was back within seconds. He stuffed his hands in his pocket and nodded his head towards your living room.

“I said can I come in, I’m actually a little stuck on the assignment myself and wanted to pick your smart brain for help” He lent against the door now as well, growing slightly closer towards you.

“You really should be asking Peter for help, He’s the smart one” You hand pointed over towards his empty apartment. Kevin’s eyes trailed along then quickly landed back on you.

“No offence to Peter but… he’s nowhere near as brilliant as you are” You nodded your head in response, growing shy. It was always uncomfortable when Kevin made those comments but you knew he did it because he knows how shy you are and wants to bring you out of your shell. He means well.

“You’re such a liar Kevin, but yeah, come on in and I’ll help for a little, if I can” You tried laughing awkwardly and Kevin beamed, stepping past you and into your apartment. He had been over plenty of times but for some reason this was… different. Just before you closed the door your eyes darted over towards the empty unit, though you saw a hooded figure walk over to the door and pull out a set of keys.

“Is everything alright, Peter?” You called out, sensing something was off. Why would he be wearing a hoodie when it was humid out, was he getting sick?

Peter’s eyes snapped to your direction and his lips parted. He saw your mesmerising eyes first and those full lips that looked so kissable. Then his eyes trailed down slightly but he quickly averted them, not wanting you to catch his longing stare.

“Uhh yeah… just had a bit of car trouble that’s all” Your eyes crinkled in confusion, his car had been at the shop for 2 days and you hadn’t seen him with it since.

“Oh okay… well… I may watch a movie later so… if you’re not too busy or tired you can laugh and throw popcorn at the screen with me?” You wanted to slap yourself yet again for how awkward and hopeful you sounded. Peter laughed and you could see him shake his head, though it seemed as if it was more to himself rather than you.

“I’ll think about it, I-” Peter’s words fell short as his eyes darted into your apartment, spotting the familiar set of blonde locks standing now behind you, completely shirtless. He could feel jealous begin to churn in his stomach. He had successfully unlocked the door and slightly open it while talking with you absentmindedly so his hand clutched the door so hard that he could feel the wooden splinters dig into his palm. His face turned to stone as he glared over at Kevin he just looked smugly back at him in triumph.

Peter knew Kevin liked you, so much so that he even threatened Peter to keep his distance as you were going to be his and shouldn’t have been even communicating with a nobody like himself. He was a bully and he should have stood up for himself but… when he saw how happy you were to have him in your life what could he do about it? Especially seeing as he was only ever doting and sweet on you.

Peter’s mind were conjuring numerous scenarios, all very inappropriate and hurtful that he dropped his gaze from yours and Kevin’s. Of course, he should have expected this, it was just a matter of time before Kevin made his move and you’d swoon at his feet.

He was an idiot.

“I’ll poor us some more wine and we can get back to it” Kevin said a little loudly to you, glancing over at Peter before walking into your kitchen leaving you slightly confused. Your eyes followed Kevin before turning to Peter once more across the hall. You smiled shyly and shrugged, moving bits of wet strands of hair away from your eyes.

“Y-yeah, you should go back, d-d-on’t want to keep you” Peter stuttered out, feeling his heart beat faster and faster that it began to hurt. Was this what experience a heartache felt like? The feeling of it speeding up so fast that it was going to just stop and plummet at any second and with it dragging every ounce of happiness.

“You’re never keeping me, Peter” You lent your head back, letting the strands of hair fall in front of your face as you smiled with a blush. Peter could feel his heart pick up again but this time for a completely different reason. He was close to walking right over, finally wrapping his arms around you and placing a gentle, sweet kiss to those lips he has dreamt about for months.

“You should get back to Kevin” Peter was good at that, crushing his own self-esteem and any chance he could ever have with possibly dating you. He inwardly cursed to himself for being like this. You lent your head off the door and sighed in defeat.

“Okay, say hi to the mystery girl for me” You smiled, despite your heart breaking inside as you closed the door after yourself. Peter eyes furrowed in confusion, he glanced around at either side of him before he stepped into his own apartment, closing the door behind him.

Peter wasn’t sure how long he had spent in his kitchen, drinking the same cup of water as he stared out the window over to your flat. No, he wasn’t a stalker or a pervert he was just… looking out for you. Peter cringed to himself, even though your curtains had been drawn and only light could be seen from inside.

This was none of his business who you were with, he needed to get over it. But he couldn’t shake what you had said to him… ‘say hi to the mystery girl for me?’ Who in the hell could you be referring to? His Aunt? Though there was nothing mysterious about her and with the way you said it, it almost sounded as if you were hinting at something else altogether.

His eyes widened as his brain clicked. You thought he was seeing someone, or at least actively going out and with that he he fisted his hands and bought them to his face. He stopped his mid panic once he heard your door across the hallway. Spidy senses.

“Kevin you basically knew all the answers, it’s late, I’ll see you tomorrow” Peter heard your voice. He went to his door and began to pace, his fist over his mouth as he had an inner debate with himself.

“I know, maybe I just wanted to spend some time with you” Peter rolled his eyes at Kevin’s advances. Please make him go away… please make him go away…

“Have you noticed anything strange with Peter lately?” Peter could hear your hushed voice, and he instinctively listened in closer.

“Yeah who hasn’t? look… he’s a little… you know” Peter rolled his eyes yet again.

“Peter seems distant, more then usual… l… I don’t know what to do” He hated how dejected you sounded. He wanted to go over there and tell you everything, he has wanted to a million times before but he could never go through with it. He couldn’t risk placing you in danger.

“You wanna know what I think?” Peter could hear the shuffling of feet and he was close to ripping his door open, tearing it from it’s hinges.

“I think you’re way too good for him, I think… he clutches onto you when you deserve better.. I hate to say this but he’s dragging you down… Look, let’s not talk about this, you and me, I’ll take you to a nice dinner and a movie and I’ll help you with Peter” That was it, Peter was absolutely boiling with anger at this moment. He swung the door open so harshly that the bang against the wall cause you to jump in fright. Your eyes glanced over to Peter and you could see how red his face looked. He was visibly pissed off.

“Peter, are you okay?” You asked, eyes glossing over with worry for him as he just glared at Kevin. He couldn’t have possibly heard that… did he?

“Kevin, I think you should go” You mumbled quietly to Kevin, feeling guilty. You didn’t agree with Kevin, not one bit and you were about to speak up but by the look on Peter’s face, it was too late.

“Y/N, I don’t care that he heard, you agree with me… he-” You abruptly cut Kevin off.

“Kevin, stop. Please, I’ll see you tomorrow” Kevin didn’t push anymore, he sighed and clicked his tongue, giving one last look over to Peter before making his way back to his apartment next door. His eyes lingered on yours before he closed the door.

You were about to start speaking but you saw movement out of the corner of your eye. You saw Peter walk his way around the balcony and over to you, as the gardens in the middle were in the way.

“Peter…. I-”

“Inside” It wasn’t rude but Peter just walked around you and inside your apartment, waiting for you to follow. You couldn’t control the shaking of your hands, and the beads of sweat forming across your forehead.

“He was out of line Peter, Kevin can be… Kevin and I want you to know that-”

“I don’t care about that… I do but… is that what you think?” You sighed, glancing over towards him. The raw hurt and vulnerability stood out on his face and you wanted to so badly to make it go away. your feet brought you closer to him without even realising, the front door closing softly behind you.

“No, of course not Peter, never. I… look you’re my best friend and… Yeah sometimes I worry about you, you’re out a lot, get back really late sometimes and even when I see you the next day you have fresh bruises. What’s going on Peter? I’m worried” You crossed your arms over your chest as you looked at him with worry.

“I wish I could tell you but… I can’t, I’m sorry” He shrugged his shoulder as he stuffed his hands into his pockets, his hoodie falling slighter lower at this gesture. You hadn’t meant to admire him at this moment but you did, he was absolutely handsome and you wanted him to be more, much more than your friend.

“It’s okay… I just… want you to know that I’m here for you” Your voice dropped to a mere whisper as you found yourself closer to Peter, only mere inches now. Peter glanced down and into your eyes, though they occasionally drifted from your lips and back into your eyes.

“Okay…” Peter muttered, sniffling slightly as he took a step back and slowly began removing his hoodie completely from his body. A small gasp left your body as you spotted bruises over his… wait. Your eyes widened once you saw the familiar red and blue suit. You’ve seen that all over town… Peter Parker was… no.

“Oh my god… Peter” Peter didn’t want to see the disappointment in your eyes so he looked away, anywhere but you.

“You need to take it off… those wound are going to get infected if I don’t clean them” You knew this was huge for Peter, to share that with you and you were almost left speechless. He wouldn’t look at you and all you decided to do was focus on his wounds, questions could wait.

“W-what?” Peter stumbled in shock. You looked at him as he finally glanced back at you as you nodded your head, signalling him to remove the clothing.

“I-I… I only have… my umm…”

“Oh, wait, I think I still have the shirt and track pants you left from when you crashed, hang on, I’ll be back” You knew exactly where they were, you wore his shirt to beds. Only because it was comfortable you told yourself, definitely not because it was the closest you would probably ever get to him.

Once you came back you handed the clothes to him and he left for the bathroom. You took the time to inwardly scream. Peter was fricking Spider-man! What in the…

“Look… seriously… you don’t have to, all I need is to sleep it off or something” You shook your head and grabbed your first aid kit from under the sink in the kitchen. You decided to grab another glass and pour some wine out for Peter before you started dabbing at his wounds with a cloth an alcohol. He hissed here and there and took sips of his drink but left his eyes firmly on you as you carefully tended to him. It only took a few minutes and by the time you were done, Peter had finished his glass of wine.

“Are you and Kevin… you know” Peter found himself asking when you were packing up the kit. You poured yourself another glass of wine and walked back over with a confused look on your face.

“Me and Kevin, what… no! Why would you think that?” You scoffed halfheartedly.

“I see the way he looks at you… it’s obvious what he wants” Peter said softly, looking at you then back to the ground. You sighed and walked over towards him and stood in front once again, placing your glass onto the coffee table.

“Kevin’s just a friend… he’s… I don’t like him like that… I don’t because I’m in love with someone else…” You hadn’t meant to let the last part slip but you did.

“Really?” Peter hated that the hope slipped through his tone. He was over the moon to hear that it wasn’t Kevin but slightly afraid it was someone else, some other than him. The soft noise of the tv in the background was the only thing that could be heard, though it had be turned down due to earlier evening events.

Peter rose to his feet and stood closer to you, bringing his hand up to caress your cheek, moving a few strands of hair. Your breathing slowly began to go faster, lips becoming dry as Peter bent down to your level, slowly connecting his mouth to yours. It was soft and sweet, but soon his taste was flooding your senses and you were hooked. Your arms snaked around his shoulder to pull him closer as he wrapped an arm around your waist, pulling you closer. His mouth opened against yours, his tongue exploring yours as you both begin to pant with need.

“Peter… I need you” That was all he needed to hear to grab your hips to lift you up, pressing you now into the wall as he pinned you by his waist, using his hands now to trail over your body. His touch left a flame in it’s path, igniting the pit deep down inside to begin to awake with desire. How could his touch drive you this crazy?

“Please… tell me exactly what you want…” His voice had came out hoarse, dripping with lust as you began to grind down on him, feeling his mouth trail down from your lips to your chin, neck and over to the very top of your breasts.

“Y-you… just you” Peter soon captured your lips with his once more, your heavy breaths mingling together. Peter held onto you tightly as he pulled you both away from the wall and began walking over towards you bedroom which was ajoined to the living room, a curtain creating the only barrier. He sat down on the end of your bed and pulled you down on top of him, hands still on your hips as you continued to grind down on his growing length. You had released a moan into his mouth at the contact.

Your hands were trying to touch him in anyway you could, wanting to explore as much of him as you and engrave his skin into your memory. You both had successfully rolled over so that you were now underneath, he made sure to prop himself up as he began to slow down the kissing, drawing out the kissed and slowing the movement with his tongue enticing yet another moan. He was teasing you and god you were enjoying every second of it.

You did, however, give out a little whine of want when Peter left your lips and trailed down your body, kissing the top of your breasts once again and letting his fingers slowly unbutton the silky material, showing you bare now to him. You hadn’t popped on a bra after your shower, you’ve worn that horrible underwire all day and just wanted to let them free for the evening.

“You’re so beautiful… all for me…” Peter whispered, making his way down to each, peppering them with soft kisses and little, gentle licks over the nubs causing you to buck them into his mouth at the new sensation. Your head rolled back into your pillow as his mouth now engulfed them completely, taking his time with each one. You could feel the throb in your core grow more and more.

“Please… Peter…” Peter pulled away momentarily, staring up at you as he peppered soft kisses over your exposed stomach, his hand gripping your thighs, his thumb right near your entrance causing you to gasp softly.

“If I’m doing this I need you to tell me exactly what you want…” He moved lower down, pulling away from you to lift your hips to take off your bottoms, soon followed by his own shirt. You sat up hastily and gripped his face gently between your hands, biting your bottom lip as your eyes fell from his eyes to his lips, back and forth.

“I…” Your mouth kissed his lips softly.

“Want…” Another kiss but this time to the corner of his mouth. You could feel him shaking slightly in your hands which only spurred you on.

“To show you…” This time his cheek received a lingering kiss.

“How much I love you” You pulled away shyly, not knowing how Peter was going to react. You weren’t expecting him to look back at you as if he had just struck the lottery. He sheepishly shook his head and quickly attached his lips to yours once more, crawling up again to cup your face to deepen the kiss. You could feel him nod his head against you during the kiss, his hands dropped from your face back down onto your hips, guiding you to lay back down. Peter kept his lips on yours, slowly kissing you as he made quick work in removing the remaining clothes barrier between you two. He rubbed his length against your core gently, moans filling the air from you both at the contact. He rocked himself against you a few times, feeling your wetness and heat seep onto him making him even harder if that was possible.

With one more kiss he aligned himself with your entrance and slowly entered, gasping as you whimpered, slowly filling you completely. You kept your eyes open and looked at him as he did the same, looking down at you with awe as he slowly began rocking his hips against yours. It was all too much, the teasing, the build up, you weren’t sure how long you were going to last.

Peter watched as your head lulled back as he picked up his pace, finding the rhythm that made you both want to cry out each others names.

“Not too loud baby… these are thin walls” Fuck the thin walls. You moaned louder as Peter picked up his pace again, hitting just the right spot inside of you making you see stars. Peter didn’t even attempt to quieten you as he just continued and went even faster, causing him to shake as he lowered his body against yours.

“Open your eyes, you are going to look at me as you finish around my cock okay baby? Open your eyes” You did as he asked and opened your eyes, feeling the knot in your stomach winding so tight, ready to snap at any moment. Once your eyes met his you were sure were done for. Peter lowered his head closer to your and gave you one last kiss, and with the swipe of his tongue you came undone, moaning his name so loudly that you knew you were going to wake in the morning with noise complaints from the neighbours.

Peter pulled away and watched as you came for him, causing him to as well, chasing his own high as he spilled his seed inside you, slowing down his pace for you both to ride it out together. All that could be heard after a few moments was the heavy pants from you both. Peter dropped his forehead to yours and softly kissed you, feeling you tremble within his grasp.

He slowly pulled away from you and sat you both up, pulling you onto his lap as he softly stroke your hair and your lower back, loving the way your skin felt underneath his fingertips, the slight tremor that was left over from the orgasm and the rise and fall of your chest against his as you were still catching your breath along with him. You rested your forehead against his and wrapped your arms around him, feeling impossibly close to him that you didn’t want to let him go, not just yet.

“Did you really mean what you said before?” Peter found himself asking, even though he heard you at the time and his heart was wanting to burst with joy, he had to make sure that it wasn’t just in the moment. God knows he loved you, so much, and even if you only liked him, he could work with that and hopefully it could lead to lo-

“Yes… I love you Peter… I have for a while and I should have told you sooner” Peter beamed at you and brought a hand up to caress your cheek, putting back a few strands of sweaty hair and connected his lips softly on yours, his eyes crinkling as he tried to portray as much love he had for you through the sweet kiss.

“Be my girlfriend, this is such a lame way of asking b-”

“Yes, god yes!” You cheered and kissed him once more.


A/N:Not going to lie I need ideas for fics! please feel free to inbox ideas! the more detailed the better! Hope you all enjoyed this piece! Much love xx


Summary: Peter always looked to you for help and this instance required your best friend level assistance.

Requested: No, listen to this song

Word Count: 2.1k

Warning(s)?: F!Reader, fluff, Light swearing, TASM!Peter, cheating, not proof read.

masterlist (x) requests (x)

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(my gif)


You’ve lived next door to Peter Parker for as long as you could remember. The removalists van for your family arrived to this neighbour when you were just shy of 5 years old. The boy with wide brown eyes and dark curly hair was the first friend you had made in the apartment building. He was a shy, nervous boy with too much energy for his own good which made you both the perfect best friends. He showed you around school, his favourite spots and, at the time, his favourite action figures.

You were there alongside him through the years, all the way to now, Senior year of high school. Peter had grown a couple of bullies during middle school, causing you to not once, but twice, to throw chocolate milk over them. They’d punch Peter but never went to bully or attack you, in fact, they even tried flirting with you and asking why you hung out with such a ‘loser’

Pfft, boys. Who are they kidding?

“I’m so tired, Mark’s chemistry exam is killing me” Peter yawns from across the table in his dining room. You both had currently set up your weekly study sessions, alternating between yours and his place from time to time.

Mr Yang…” You pointed.

“And it’s not that bad, you just have to… here” You continued, leaning over the table to grab his paper from under his hand. Your hand skims past his and for a moment, the familiar spark tingles your skin but you ignore it, hiding the reddening cheeks with your hair that fell to cover you.

You’ve been hopelessly in love with the idiot since middle school and to make matters worse, you knew he didn’t feel the same way back. He was dating Gwen, the nicest Senior girl who was even on the academic decathlon team. She was head of debate and when they first begun dating, she made it a mission to be your friend which was lovely. Though less so because she was dating the man of your dreams. A bitter side to you comes up when she’s around and you have to continuously remove yourself from the pair who’d greet each other with a peck or a kiss on the cheek.

“We’ll keep working on this for another half an hour, then I gotta pick Gwen up” Peter’s voice got a little quieter near the end of his sentence. You nodded and pitched him a fake smile, soon getting back into your work. You knew Peter had picked up on the fact that you didn’t like her so he didn’t mention her much when he was hanging out with you.

“You know… Zack keeps asking me about you… wants to know when you’ll finally go on that date with him” Zack was a boy in your class, you’ve spoken with him a couple of times but that was all. He had asked you a week ago to go on a date together and you hadn’t responded or talked to him since. You weren’t good with confrontation, just the same as rejection or rejecting anybody.

“I know, he’s messaged but I haven’t replied” Peter’s eyes quirk up.

“Why not? He’s been into since the start of the school year, you two should go out” It hurt to hear him say this. The last thing you want to hear is your best friends encourage you to date people, especially ones that weren’t him. But you needed to move on.

“I’m not that into him, besides… I like someone else” The last bit didn’t mean to leave your lips. you heard the sound of Peter’s chair scrape across the tiles, inching closer towards you.

“Like who?” You glanced up and saw just how close Peter had gotten to you. Your breathing hitched n your throat as you felt your lips go dry.

“Like… M-max” You nodded your head vigorously, doing anything you can for Peter t create some distance between the two of you. Peter scoffed halfheartedly.

“Come on, you hate Max, ever since he spilled his spaghetti all over your favourite blue blouse in year 7” Your ears perked up at this detail. He remembers that much?

“That’s not true…” You trailed off, your voice wavering slightly giving away the fact that you were lying. Peter chuckles and leans back in his chair slightly before leaning forward again, clasping his hands together as he leant them on his knees.

“I won’t laugh… I promise” Peter joked causing a smile to rise on your lips bashfully. Peter stared at you and fluttered his eyes, flashing you his puppy dog eyes which always made you cave in. you tensed your jaw and gave your head a firm shake, laughing to yourself as your body grew slightly warmer. You couldn’t stop your cheeks from flaming.

“Fine… I don’t like Max…” You admitted making Peter roll his eyes when he noticed you weren’t going to continue that sentence.

“Then who?” Peter asks before the shrilling of his phone broke the growing silence soon after. You cleared your throat and leant back in your chair, just now realising you had been inching closer and closer to Peter.

“Hey Gwen… yeah… no that’s okay… wait…. I can’t right now…. I’m studying with Y/N… yeah it’s due by the end of the week…. alright… yeah, see you then” The call was brief and Peter then soon hung up his phone.

“Sorry, Gwen wants to come over earlier but-”

“You didn’t say it” You pointed out, interrupting Peter mid sentence. Peter eyes widen slightly with confusion as he shrugs his shoulders.

“Say what?” You gave him a 'really’ look.

“I love you” You watched Peter’s face grow tense for a moment, his eyes glancing from your lips back to your eyes in such a quick movement you barely noticed. You watched as he seemed to visibly gulp. He glanced down and shook his head, his leg beginning to bounce up and down in it’s spot. He was getting nervous.

“Peter…?” He glances up again at you and pulls his chair closer to you.

“Umm… I saw her… with Flash… at the party….” Peter looks away from you as he rests his hand in his hand now leaning against the table.

“Yeah… so? they’ve been friends since forever, just like you and me-”

“They were kissing” Hurt for your best friend hit first before quickly been turned into anger. How dare she? How dare she go ahead and cheat on the most perfect guy? How could she throw something like that away when others could never even get anything like that kind of love for themselves. Though the anger melted away once you saw the distant look on Peter’s face.

“Oh Peter… I’m so sorry” You said in sincerity, pushing your closer so you could place an arm on his shoulder in comfort. He shook his head, glancing back at you with a sad smile.

“It’s okay, it’s nothing… it was a while ago but ever since… I mean… at the time I was really angry and hurt but I just don’t care anymore… I don’t think I ever was really in love with her in the first place” Your eyebrows furrow at this. But you saw them, how happy and in love they were together, it was as if it was a match made in heaven.

“Then why haven’t you told her that you know?” you asked curiously.

“I don’t want to break up with her… well… I don’t know how to I guess” Peter had always been very awkward with the opposite sex which was made you very useful by his side, you helped eased that awkwardness out, but it was still there around every other girl apart from yourself.

“We can role-play it if you’d like? brainstorm ideas” You suggested, though a part of you was telling yourself this was a bad idea. A very bad idea. Peter nods his head in response and stops leaning against the table to sit up.

“Sounds good, should I start or…?” Peter asks, gesturing between you both. You smile softly in return.

“I’ll go…” Peter waited expectantly.

“Peter, we haven’t gone to the movies in a while, what do you want to see, how about that new Jurassic movie?” You tried to get into character but you didn’t need to, this came naturally. Peter smiles, showing off his dimples before soon frowning, scratching the back of his head.

“Look… Gwen… I don’t think that’s a good idea” Your eyebrows furrow together.

“why not? You love the jurassic series…”

“I don’t think we should go to the movies together… I mean… I don’t want to go the movies with you…” Peter leant forward again in his chair, not breaking eye contact which was causing your heart to race.

“I don’t like you anymore… after catching you with Flash I’ve just… I don’t think we should see each other anymore… Besides, I know deep down you’re in love with your best friend…” It was almost as if he could read your mind. your mouth parted open, nervousness beginning to fill you up, worried that you were becoming transparent and Peter could see everything.

“You’ve been in love with him since middle school and you only started dating me because you thought it could help you move on… unfortunately you were wrong and it only made you care for him even more… you should have been honest with yourself and told her how you felt, maybe then you would be dating the most perfect girl in the world who’s always there for you…” Your heart skipped a bit when Peter said her.

“i’m so sorry Peter, it was an honest mistake and it’ll never happen again, i love you and only you. I have for so long and I’ve gone ahead and messed everything up…” You bit your tongue, not liking the way your hands were growing clammy and shakey. The way Peter’s eyes were staring into yours unnerved you, he was looking at you with a look you’ve never seen before.

“It doesn’t matter anymore… I want you to be happy and with Flash…” You leant forward and rose your right hand to cup his cheek, you hadn’t realised you’d done it until you heard the sharp intake of breath from Peter. Sparks and tingles flew across your palm, warmth slowly spreading through your body but you were too scared to pull away.

“I love you, Peter” And you meant every single word of that. Peter’s tongue darted out to lick his lips and your eyes followed this motion.

“You have no idea how long I’ve waited to hear you say that…” You glanced back into his eyes as Peter’s brown orbs locked with yours once again. Thank god you were sitting down otherwise with the look alone you’d probably melt into a puddle on the floor.

The air began growing thick with tension, a heavy silence filling the small room. You were too scared to move an inch closer to Peter or away from him, it was as if you were frozen in place. Peter’s eyes darted between your eyes and lips a few times, licking his own occasionally.

Peter began to lean forward slowly, inching closer and closer till his nose was brushing against yours. Your breathing hitched inside your throat when you felt his warm, minty breath fan across your lips. You felt his hands soon begin to cup your face, pulling you a little closer till you could almost feel his lips against yours, though they only merely brushed past.

This was all a role-play, this didn’t mean anything to Peter, you were just helping him figure out how to break up with Gwen…

“Can I kiss you?” Peter’s voice was so soft that it was a mere whisper to your ears. Your heart was thumping so loud you could head it inside your own mind. Your chest was heaving up and down now, the air getting harder and harder to breathe. You bit you lip as it began to tremble slightly.

All you could was nod slowly, not trusting your own voice as Peter dipped his head the final inch and slowly connected his lips with yours softly. Sparks immediately erupted from the kiss. Peter held his lips against yours for a few more moments before slowly pulling them away, only leaving a breath between the two of you. Your eyes fluttered open to see Peter intently staring at yours lips in adoration as he pulled you in for another breathtaking kiss.

This time you both moved your lips together slowly, drawing it out as long as possible. The feeling was euphoric and you felt as if you wanted to scream from the rooftops in happiness. Was this real? Were you dreaming?

The sound of the door opening broke you both swiftly apart with wide eyes as Gwen stood in the doorway, eyeing you both.

oh fuck.


A/N:I attempted a really soft, fluffy little imagine to this song, it’s been stuck in my head all day and this wouldn’t leave my mind! Much love xx

Summary: Having unrequited love for your best friend wasn’t exactly your plan, but you can’t always help who you fall for… especially when that someone was Peter Benjamin Parker.

Requested: Yes

Word Count:3.7k

Warning(s)?: Angst, F!Reader, Fluff, Swearing (a little), Light smut. Minors DNI under cut!

masterlist (x) requests (x)

previous part 



By The Water Fountain

The entire car trip to Homecoming was filled with Brad’s voice, talking about anything and everything as if he was oblivious to you sitting quietly and still in the passenger seat, your thumbs twiddling with themselves again as Peter’s words played on repeat inside your head.

‘Iloveyou’ Your heart wasn’t meant to be breaking at his words, when you pictured Peter saying that you, your heart would be soaring and you would be so overcome with joy that you’d leap into him and kiss him until you couldn’t breathe. Instead, it was as if there wasn’t enough oxygen in the world to keep you going.

Tears prickled in your eyes, a sob lodging in the back of your throat. 

“So after Homecoming we’ll head to Chad’s, then we can sneak off on our own… you know… have some fun” Brad’s voice lowered a little near the end, hinting at what he had in store for this evening. But the thought was making you feel sick to the stomach. You had no intention on going to the after party little own Homecoming anymore. You gulped nervously, your stomach churning more and more.

“Stop the car” You spoke hoarsely, your right hand hovering over your mouth as if you were about to be sick. Brad looked over to you curiously, hands gripping the steering wheel tightly.

“Are you okay?” He asked, the soft tunes from the radio dulling out. You shook your head and lent against the window, the car went over a speed bump jolting your stomach.

“Please, stop the car” Brad complied and pulled the car over. You jumped out just before he came to a stop, walking a few paces forwards and bending over, resting your hands against your knees as you trembled slightly. Air felt stuck in your throat and you couldn’t get it out. your heard Brad’s car door slam shut again in the distance, rushing footsteps behind yourself.

“Woah, woah, hey, are you alright? are you going to be sick?” He kept his distance, his hand hovering over your back.


“I just need a minute” You weren’t sure if you meant that for yourself or Brad but you soon found yourself sitting down on the ground, knees curling up into your chest as your arms wrapped around them. Brad stood in front of you, not seeming to know what to do.

“Do you want me to call your parents or…?” The first tear fell onto your cheek. Your parents? What were they going to do? Hear the heartbreak in their daughter’s voice and catch the first flight home, promise to never go on such long business trips again and rebuild their family bond? You wanted to laugh but instead sobbed.

“So what? So they can tell me their parental advice over the phone, thousands miles away as they sip champagne at some fancy restaurant?” You knew they were away for work but in the moment you didn’t care how it came out, it hurt, everything hurt too much and you wanted it to stop. 

“They don’t care Brad! They’re not here! My best friends were all I had and I went and fucked it up, I thought that maybe, after dating you everything would finally go away, i’d feel as if I wasn’t so lonely anymore and that I matter but I DON’T, I STILL FEEL EMPTY” Tears were pouring from your eyes now as you let it all out. You rose to your feet and stumbled slightly in your heels on the grass. Brad was taken aback, his eyes wide as he looked lost.

“Y/N, you need to calm down okay? Hop in the car and we can talk-” You wanted to scoff in annoyance.

“I don’t want to talk BRAD! I JUST WANT EVERYTHING TO STOP!” Your hands covered your face as you sobbed into them. Brad hesitantly walked up to you, resting a hand on your shoulder as you continued to shake.

“I’m tired of being second best all the time, to my parents, my friends…you. For once, I want me to be first, just once!”

“You’re not second best to me” Brad spoke softly. You tilted your head to the side and shook your head as tears blurred your vision.

“Yes I am, come on Brad. Admit it, I know. You asked me out not even 3 days after Sarah dumped you. Those first few weeks you deliberately sauntered me off in front of her, trying to make her jealous. I’m not judging okay, I get it, you were hurt… And at the party 2 weeks ago, when you left me in the middle of the dance floor, I saw you with her, talking. You still like her Brad, she’s still your first choice…” Your voice trailed off with a small hiccup. Brad’s face fell in defeat.

“I’m with you now” Brad probably thought that that is what you’d want to hear but it was the exact opposite.

“Not anymore Brad… I can’t…” The words tumbled out of your mouth. You fell back down onto the ground, your hands catching your fall.

“Are you serious? you’re really doing this right now?” Brad’s voice rose with anger. you whimpered and cried some more, holding onto yourself.

“Fuck… I liked you but fuck you’re impossible sometimes Y/N” Brad curses aloud, mainly to himself.

“Ever since You stopped being friends with those weirdos you became so… so afraid of everything! so fragile! I had to force you out of your shell! Hell my friends thought I was mad for dating you!” Brad bellowed. the words stung but a part of you felt too numb to care at the moment.

“I’m sorry…” You mumbled, not being able to make eye contact with him. You heard him huff then sigh.

“Just… forget it… I’m going to Homecoming, are you coming with me?” You looked up at him and shook your head, crying softly now. He shook his head angrily and stomped over towards his car, your ears perked up at the sound of a door slamming closed. Your eyes darted up as you watch him take off quickly and speed down the road till he was out of your sight. You let more tears fall, crying for almost another 10 minutes before you heard sirens in the distance. That was quite normal given it was Queens.

Your phone began buzzing in your dress pocket. You pulled it out and wiped underneath your eyes to hide the fact you had just been crying before answering the face time.

“Y/N, where are you? The dance started an hour ago” MJ’s voice glided through followed by loud music and people cheering in the background. You smiled to yourself, finding comfort in the sounds of normal teenagers goofing around at a dance.

“I’m alright, I’m running a little late…” You trailed off, not being able to find the words. MJ’s eyes furrowed on the phone screen.

“Why are you in front of a sandwich shop?” She asked. You glanced behind you and laughed humourlessly, not even realising where you were till now.

“Got hungry I guess” You could hear MJ sigh as she excused herself and walked over to a quieter area, probably the school hallways as it got much darker and only her face was lit up due to the light on her phone.

“Y/N talk to me, what happened?” It took all of 3 minutes to tell MJ everything, starting from what happened at the party 2 weeks ago till just moments ago. MJ listened to every word and quickly sent a text through to Ned, asking him to grab Peter from the gymnasium. 

“Stay there, I’m on my way-”

“MJ no, stay, dance and have fun! Seriously, I’m okay… I just needed a minute” You weren’t lying, after letting it all out you did indeed feel better. Your head felt clearer and your stomach had stopped churning.

“Well I’m still sending Peter to you” Your eyes widen in surprise and worry.

“Wait what? No, don’t send Peter, he’s dancing and hav-”

“He’s sulking in the corner, checking his phone every five minutes and watching the doors waiting for you to walk through… trust me… he’s not busy” MJ says before going off camera for a moment, whispering to someone that you couldn’t quite make out.

“Thanks Ned!” You heard MJ call out before returning back to you. Ned scurried off leaving MJ talking with you and found Peter, telling him where you were and sending him on his way to you. Peter’s own eyes grow wide as he took in the information, not knowing everything that went down with Brad but in the moment it didn’t matter. Ned gave him a knowing look, one that said to get to you as quickly as possible and that he did.

Peter was standing in front of you in under 5 minutes. That wasn’t even possible as the school was 10 minutes away by train. MJ stayed on the phone with you, chatting till Peter showed up. She quickly excused herself and ended the call, returning back to the dance with a smile with Ned.

“Peter? How did you get here so fast?” Was the first thing you said into the quiet night. The only lights being the closed shop behind you and the lamp posts from the road.

“Took a shortcut” You glanced at him, noticing his hair was slightly dishevelled as if he encountered wind. Funny, it wasn’t a windy night. 

You tilted your head to the side.

“A really short, shortcut” Peter hurried out, placing hands into his pants pockets.

“Right…” You trailed off, not believing him but that was the least of your worries for now. you’d question it later… maybe.

“I’m sorry MJ made you come all this way, I really am fine” You apologised, though you knew you needed to apologise for something else as well. The words couldn’t quite make it past your lips.

“She didn’t, I wanted to” Peter wanted to smack himself with how corny he sounded but you smiled in response, feeling your heart flutter inside your chest at the warming words.

“You must be freezing” Peter gasps, quickly shaking off his jacket and walking over to where you sat, slinging it over your shoulders. You soaked in the warmth and his smell, your head going to the side to take in a deep breath of it.

“Thank you” You spoke softly, turning to face him again as he sat beside you with his own knees bent. 

“Look about earlier… I’m sorry, I was way out of line and…” Peter softly chuckled beside you with an adoring smile.

“I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have said what I did” Peter referring to telling you not to go but your eyes widen, taking it in the way that he shouldn’t have said 'iloveyou’. 

You couldn’t do this again.

You shook your head frustrated and stood up, wiping your hands along your dress as you began walking away from him, your eyes growing blurry once again with tears. How much was your heart going to break tonight? How many tears where you going to shed before you finally fell apart?

“Wait, Y/N, where are you going?” Peter called out after you, seeming confused.

“Home, okay? I just want to be left alone, I can’t do this anymore Peter” Peter’s eyes flashed with hurt but you looked away before the guilt could consume you.

“Why do you keep walking away?” You feet stopped their movements.

“Because, Peter, I can’t keep going around the same circles with you, it’s exhausting and I’m done” You let out a deep breath, biting you lip as you willed the tears to stay at bay. There was no way you were going to let Peter see how much this all hurts.

“W-what happened, moments ago we were talking and then-” Peter starts with confusion, gesturing behind you both.

“And then you said you shouldn’t have said what you did” You finished for him, looking away once his eyes founds yours.

“Yes, exactly. H-h-how, what?” Peter grew exasperated. Did you have to spell it out for the boy?

“You told me you love me, Peter. Then you say, right after I tell you I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have said what you did” You gulped nervously, feeling your heart beat practically in your ears. Peter began shaking head head quickly.

“That wasn’t… that… no… I meant when I said 'don’t go’, well I did mean to say it, but not like that, of course you should have gone to Homecoming, I just meant that you should have been going with me, not him” peter concluded. Your eyebrows furrowed as you went deep in thought, recalling this evenings earlier events. 

“Oh…” Was all you managed to say in response. God maybe you were the idiot. You both could never say exactly what you meant and hurt each other without even realising.

“Y/N, look at me…” You expected to look at Peter, expecting him to continue but instead he took quick strides to close the distance between the two of you. His eyes fell to your lips with a look you couldn’t quite figure out yet before the fell perfectly onto them, capturing you in the most sweetest kiss. Tingles flew across your mouth, warmth from his breath mingling with your own as he deepened the kiss, his hand cupping your cheek as the other snaked around your waist to hold you even closer. 

With how fast your heart was beating you were positive it was going to explode from your chest cavity. Your hands shot up from your side at lightening speed to wrap around Peter’s neck, pulling face to to yours till yours noses were brushing. Peter lent away for a moment to suck in a breath as did you, though a gasp soon fell from your lips as he quickly devoured your lips again hungrily, biting your bottom lip teasingly. Warmth flooded over you in a wave, making you grow slightly sweaty underneath his jacket and touch. 

You had managed to forget the both of you were just standing on the side of the road where anyone could walk past at any given moment. 

Peter’s arm tightened more around you as his tongue found yours and explored your mouth, enticing a small moan to escape your throat. Peter stiffened his jaw he pulled away slowly, his eyes never leaving yours as they fluttered opened. Both of you were breathing heavily, still slightly dazed by the kiss.

Your eyes fell to his lips again, wanting more and more. You could hear your mind telling you to slow down, to think thing through rationally but it was easy to turn her out at the moment. the only that mattered was having more of Peter, in any way you could have it. 

“Will you go to homecoming with me?” Peter asks, his breath shaky as he couldn’t control the lust that sept through his voice. He’s wanted you so badly for months and he wanted to wait but he wasn’t sure how much longer he could. He was craving you.

“No” Your reply was short as your lips kissed his once more, finding the perfect rhythm once more making your knees grow weak. Heat kept creeping over you as you pulled him back down, not wanting this moment to end. Peter almost couldn’t contain himself anymore. His sense were pushing him into overdrive and it definitely didn’t help that he could sense the beginning of your own arousal. He almost groaned at the scent.

It took all his willpower to push himself away from you. He grew impatient as he intertwined his hands with yours, leading you both into the direction of his home.

The tension still hung between you both on the quick walk, only living a block away from the sandwich shop himself. Nerves and excitement danced inside the both of you, awkwardness began to creep in a little for Peter because he didn’t want this, whatever would or not even happen, to be a once off.

Once Peter fumbled with the keys in his pocket and opened the door, he let out a breath of relief once he saw all the lights were left turned off inside. You swiftly closed the door behind you and shrugged Peter’s jacket from your shoulders.

“H-hey, we can put on the t-tv and I can order us s-some p-p-izza if you want-” It didn’t take long for you to shut Peter up with your lips. Peter stopped and wrapped his arms back around you, kissing you just as hungrily. He walked you backwards till your back hit the wall. You both battled with your tongue for the lead but Peter won, forcing you to submit as his arms found your legs, hoisting you up so you could wrap them around his waist. it didn’t take ling for you to feel something hard pressing between you both, making you core tingle and get even wetter in response.

Your arms wrapped around his neck as he pushed his lower half into yours, pinning you with a gasp. He swallowed the delicious sound and moaned in reply, his hands travelling to cup your ass. your dress had risen enough for your underwear to be on full display. He swiftly took one of the strap of your dress and pushed it down your arm, helping you slip it off soon followed by the other. Pants soon filled the once quiet room, only the sound of night traffic being heard in the background.

Peters hands pulled your body more onto him as his arms soon wrapped around your back, fiddling with the zipper on the back. your own arms reached behind to help slide it all the way down. Peter placed you down back on your feet as his hands eagerly slipped it off you, lips trailing down from your lips, to your jaw then to your neck, leaving a series of love bites on his way. You lulled your head back and moaned, closing your eyes to focus on the way his lips was igniting a warmth to start in the pit of your stomach. 

Your hands soon eagerly snapped up to hid tie, loosening it with ease as your head rested against his forehead, breathing in each others pants before kissing once again. Peter nipped at your bottom lip again causing you to cry out his name in lust.

“Peter” He groaned at this and you worked your fingers faster, slipping the tie off and moving on to unbutton his shirt. Once that was successful, you helped him shrug out of it as his hands fell to his trousers, unclasping the belt.

He made quick work out of taking his pants off, leaving him in just his underwear and you in your matching bra and panties. Both of you didn’t take a moment to look, instead using your hands to discover each other’s bodies for the first time. The touches he left on your skin made your heart soar higher than before, your body trembling within his arms. His left hand cupped your cheek again as he deepened the kiss once more, walking you both to the bedroom slowly, occasionally bumping into something causing you both to pull away momentarily to chuckle.

He walked backwards in his room till the back of his legs hit his bed, causing you both to fall down onto it, you on top of him. however, your lips never left his. You used this position to your advantage and began to grind down on him, causing you both to moan at the new sensation. Peter hissed to himself as he felt himself grow even harder at the contact.

“Fuck… do that again” You did, a little harder as his hands flew out to grip your hips, dragging you across him where he fit just between your clothes lips making you whimper. You were drenched to the point where the panties weren’t holding anything back anymore. He sat back up hastily and continued moving your hips with his in sync, you both clenching your eyes at the feeling. Peter’s arm shot up to your bra strap against your back and he shakily unclasped it, letting the fabric fall from your figure slowly. For the first time, you both stopped completely and pulled away only a fraction from each other, breathing heavily.

Your eyes saw Peter’s pupils fully dilated, lust and want circling his brown orbs as they never left your own. His right hand reached to caress your chin, his thumb dragging down your bottom lip slowly, your hips still moving slowly against him.

“Are you sure this is what you want?” He asks huskily, eyes dropping to admire your breast as his left came up slowly and gently, caressing the breast followed by the nipple between his fingers. You whimpered at the touch.

“Yes… please Peter” Peter didn’t need to be told twice. He rolled you both over so that was he was now on top, he quickly took off his underwear and slipped his fingers through your panties, pulling them over your legs and threw them to the ground. He came back up and kissed your lips softly and sweetly before devouring you once again hungrily.

It didn’t take long for the rest of the night to turn into blissful romance, both of you showing just how much you meant to each other. You don’t think your eyes drifted close until the birds began chirping on the morning sun crept through the window in Peter’s room.


A/N:We have angst, we have fluff, and we have some HEAT, not full on smut but some smutty moments. Let me know what you all think, this is the end for 'By The Water Fountain’ Thank you all for reading! Till next time, much love xx

Summary: Having unrequited love for your best friend wasn’t exactly your plan, but you can’t always help who you fall for… especially when that someone was Peter Benjamin Parker.

Requested: Yes

Word Count: 4.5k

Warning(s)?:Angst, F!Reader, Fluff, Swearing (a little). 

masterlist (x) requests (x)

previous part-next part



By The Water Fountain

The next few months had flown by quickly, you and Brad had been dating almost 3 months now and he made you happy each and every day. On the first date, he bought you flowers and held doors open for you, a perfect gentleman. of course, over time that stopped but you didn’t mind much, you both were growing comfortable together, finding a rhythm. He’d hold your hand in the hallways and kiss your cheek before parting ways from you to class. He started picking you up in his car and took you to and from school, even staying after school to watch you rehearse. 

How did you get so lucky?

The loneliness lessened, though never went away completely. Wants Brad dropped you home, everything came rushing back. The big, empty house, quiet hallways and dark rooms unoccupied. Sadness and loneliness hit you each time you walked back through the front door. Brad helped with it during school, but outside of that it was still there, a sickly reminder of how unimportant you were for your parents. You knew they loved you, but it felt sometimes as if they loved their job more.

Peter hasn’t spoken to you since the fight, you thought in time he would come around and apologise and there were moments where he looked like he was close too, but something seemed to get in the and he’d take off. Eventually he seemed to stop trying, especially when Brad was growing attached to your hip. 

Your heart broke, a part of is still broken because you’ll always be madly in love with Peter. You couldn’t help it, you tried to move on but you weren’t able to fully let him go.

“Something on your mind?” Brad sits in the chair beside you in the cafeteria, Ned and Peter no longer sitting opposite you at the table. 

“Just stressed with finals, I’m looking forward to spring break though” You responded with a fake smile, leaning onto Brad as his arms snaked around your shoulders.

“Speaking of, Liz is holding a party at hers tonight, we should go” The idea sounded appealing, Brad had managed to bring you out of your shell more. You even developed a couple of friends from Brad’s social group.

“Okay” Brad smiled down at you and pecked your lips before returning back to his food, removing his arm from your shoulder. 


You stood in front of your full length mirror in your bedroom, admiring the black dress you wore with the black heels to match. You hair was straightened and parted in the middle, a simple makeup look with gloss as the finishing touches for your outfit. Brad arrived not too long later and picked you, speeding off towards the party.

The smell of sweaty bodies and alcohol hung in the air and greeted you once the front door opened to liz’s home. You dismissed the smell and followed Brad over to his friends, saying hi to them all before accepting a drink from your boyfriend. An hour went by quickly, three drinks later and Brad took you to the dance floor and swayed with you to the music. A light buzz was coursing through your body, leaving you smiling like crazy.

Brad pulled you in by your hips and pecked your lips sweetly, swaying your body along with his in sync.

Across the room stood Ned and Peter, Ned was talking with MJ as Peter stood with an untouched drink in his hand, eyes on you. They never left since you arrived, he wanted to so badly talk to you, he’s been trying to for months but something always came up with his duties. He knew things would be easier if you just knew but he wasn’t going to place you in danger, he couldn’t.

His grew heavy with each passing minute, his hands growing clammy and his chest rising and falling with anger and jealousy. It was soon replaced with sadness once he saw the huge smile on your face as you danced away without a care in the world. Who was he to take that away from you? He knew things were extremely hard for you given your living arrangements. Happiness came in fleeting moments for you and he could not bring himself to take them away when they did.

He should of told you, he should of made you stay with him instead of letting you walk away after you told him how you felt. He didn’t know at the time but he did love you, He may not have been in love with at that moment but once he was, he couldn’t stop loving you. He hoped that maybe overtime it would simmer away but it didn’t, which made him worker harder to get you. Till he saw how happy Brad was making you. He stopped trying after that.

And now here you were, at a party on the dance floor, dancing with a guy who was not him and it was all his fault. 

He watched as Brad lent to your ear and whispered something, causing a huge blush to form on your cheeks. Your eyes seemed to grow wide for a moment. 

Peter needed to stop.

“Go talk to her” MJ spoke up, cutting into Peter’s own thoughts. Peter’s eyes left you to look at MJ who had stopped talking with Ned as he had left to get a refill for them both. Peter sighed and shook his head.

“She’s happy, I can’t” MJ wanted to punch Peter.

“She’s not happy, have you seen her? Yeah, in school she may be but outside of it she’s miserable, how have you not noticed?” MJ asks incredulously. Peter though about those words, he saw how you were through school but never saw you outside. On occasion he spotted you when he was doing his daily Spider-man duties. You seemed distant and Brad was rarely with you. He knew you liked to be alone alot, right?

MJ noticed the distant look on Peter’s face.

“Right I forgot, you were an idiot and blew up in her face” Peter’s eyes widen. How did she know about that? It was then Ned had returned with the drinks, his eyes darting between his two friends as realisation soon struck.

“You told her?” Peter asked his best friend. Ned only shrugged, not getting why Peter seemed to mind. They were all friends and he had always hated secrets between friends, big or small.

“You’ve been acting strange around Y/N, MJ noticed and asked so I told her, I’m not keeping secrets anymore man, look at what happened when there were secrets” Ned pointed out to you on the dance floor, still dancing with Brad. Peter sighed once again as his eyes found you. Ned was right.

On the dance floor, Brad’s hands had dropped lower on your body making you feel slightly uncomfortable. You weren’t a fan of any kind of PDA and Brad was, a few arguments had occurred due to this but you always caved, not wanting him to hate you or get mad at you over something like that.

Instead, you pulled away slightly so his hands couldn’t reach your ass. Yes, you had been dating for a while but nothing has ever gone beyond kissing, you’ve made out once and once Brad tried to touch your breasts you pulled away quickly. Sometimes it felt as if he was growing impatient with you, wanting more but you weren’t ready to go there, at least not with him.

“Brad, there’s people everywhere, they’ll see” You tried to playfully respond, not stopping as you continued to dance with him, finishing your 4th drink for the night.

“Good, I want to show them you’re mine” Brad whispered in your ear, not letting you back away from him as he successfully managed to grope your behind. A gasp left your lips and you tried pulling away but his arms were locked around you. Brad smiled and softly laugh, seeming to take your reaction as one of surprise and enjoyment.

It wasn’t. You pushed on his chest, enough for him to know to let you go. Once he did you stepped away and stopped dancing, looking up at him. 

“Please don’t do that” You spoke softly. Unfortunately a frown soon displayed across his face, soon replaced with irritation.

“Why not? You’re my girlfriend, I’ve been patient and caring and anytime I try to get close to you you push me away, why?” Brad’s voice raises slightly, alerting the nearby dancing teenagers to what was happening. The last thing you wanted to do tonight was cause a scene.

“I-im sorry i just… I’m not ready for that yet…” You trailed off, not liking the gazes that were casting over to you both.

“I… i need a minute” Brad stormed away from you and over towards the drinks table where a few of his friends were. You sighed to yourself and your gaze dropped to the ground. The people seemed to stop looking once things had simmered down, probably because they realised they weren’t going to witness a show.

“Your right Ned, that’s it” Peter watched what happened and it was enough for his rage to go into overdrive. He placed his still untouched drink down behind him and walked off to your direction. Your head was still down your arms began to circle around your waist, as if you were trying to make your disappear into the crowd. 

Your eyes didn’t move from their spot as you felt a hand grab your arm, pulling you softly off the dance floor and over to a quieter area of the house. You didn’t miss the tingles and warmth that spread across your skin followed by goosebumps. You knew exactly who it was but yo still didn’t raise your head to look up at him, not yet.

Once you were both away from the crowd the hand let you go.

“Y/N, please, look at me” You heard Peter’s voice trail off softly. How desperately you wanted him to speak to you over the past 3 months was enough to make tears form in your eyes.

“Please…” You bit you lip, trying not to cry. You heard him let out a sigh as he took a step forward, his hands reaching out to grad you by the waist, gently pulling you closer to him. The difference with Brad was that he was never gentle, everything was rushed but with Peter, it was as if each moment was slow and gentle, delicate.

Once of his hands left your waist to cup your cheek, tilting your head up enough for him to lean his forehead against yours. Your breathing quickened at this. You knew this was wrong so you couldn’t bring yourself to look him in the eye, instead settled to look at his chin. his thumb brushed over softly, caressing you making your knees grow weak. After all this time the effect he had on you was still there, stronger then ever. the alcohol in your system was heightening your senses, his touch feeling like electricity flooding through your body, igniting you and urging you to lean forward to touch him, kiss him, anything.

But you didn’t, he wasn’t yours and you weren’t his. Brad was your boyfriend and for the most part, he treated you like a princess and you genuinely liked him. You could be with him, there would be no secrets, you knew his feelings and where you stood with him. You would be happier with him.

Peter knew this as well, Brad would probably make you happier and safer then he ever could and he hated himself for that. You deserved it so much and who was he to take that away because he was selfishly in love with you?

“I’m sorry, I’m really fucking sorry Y/N, I never should have snapped at you that afternoon, i never should have let you walk off after you told me how you felt. I never should have stopped talking to you, I should have told you why I was upset, how I felt and kept talking to you every day after that. Maybe then things would have been different” Peter finished his speech, his own breath hitching in his throat at the end due to the raw emotion he laid bare for you.

“Maybe…” You whispered back, your forehead never leaving his as your eyes dropped back down to the ground as you pulled away slowly. Peter licked his lips and frowned when he knew you weren’t going to look at him. It broke him. He had lost maybe the best thing to ever happen to him, all because he was too stupid to realise what he had right in front of him the entire time. Liz could have never compared to you, not even remotely. He saw that now.

“You should probably get back…” Peter didn’t want to say get back to Brad, your boyfriend. You sniffled and nodded, glancing at his for just a moment, forcing yourself to then quickly look away before walking back over to dance floor.

Peter wouldn’t say another word to you till 2 weeks later.


Brad had grown more and more persistent over that time, wanting to touch you more and move things to the next level. You couldn’t see the rush though, Homecoming was just around the corner. He had persuaded you into going with him, organising the car, the after party and even wanted you to stay with him for the night. You weren’t an idiot, you had a rough idea why and even though you voiced your concerns, he assured you you both wouldn’t move forward till you were ready.

He was sweet like that, you thought.

Though when the night came of homecoming you were a wreck. Your dress was all crinkled and it didn’t matter how hard you tried to fix it nothing had worked, your makeup wasn’t right and there was nothing you could do to tame your wild hair. You had desperately messaged your friends needing help but they were all already heading over. Your eyes darted to the alarm clock on your bed and homecoming was due to commence in 10 minutes.


Your eyes darted around your quiet room, eyes peeling outside your opened bedroom door to the dark hallways. If only mom was home, she’d know what to do…

You quickly dialled the only number you could think of, already sending a message to Brad to pick you up later which he was fine with as he wasn’t ready either.

“Hello?” You heard the lovely feminine voice drift through your phone, you smiled in relief to yourself.

“Hi, I need your help”

Aunt May beamed from ear to ear as she welcomed you into her home with open arms. She hugged you tightly before pulling away, inspecting your appearance. She quickly clapped her hands together once, eyes raking to see what could be done.

“Easy, I’ve got my curling wand heating as we speak, put on these for now and I’ll steam press your dress before starting on your hair” God you loved her. You thanked her sincerely before grabbing the outstretched clothes from her hands, making your way over the bathroom in the hallway. Your thoughts lingered for a few moments on Peter, wondering if he was home but knew he was probably at the dance by now or with Ned. 

You shook your head, not wanting to spend the evening thinking of them two as you hastily slipped on the shirt and boxer shorts… wait what?

Your eyes fell to yourself in the mirror and you mouth parted slightly. You recognised these clothes but not on Aunt May…

“Aunt May, have you seen my tie?!” No, no no no no no. What was he still doing here? You cursed yourself inwardly, knowing you probably should have asked Aunt May if Peter was still home. You think that woman was sly at times, seeing as she always given you a knowing look when she caught you staring at her nephew for a little longer than normal. Damn that woman.

“Hanging behind your bedroom door on the mirror!” She yelled back, her voice travelling through the small home. You heard a door close in the distance, recognising it to be Peter’s. You had been here so many times that you could tell.

With that you left the bathroom, adjusting the shirt as much as possible, walking over to Aunt May in the living room. Your left arm went over to hold your right arm anxiously, watching as she quickly finished the last little bit of your dress. Your eyes lit up, she worked magic!

“Oh my god it looks amazing! thank you” You smiled, happily giggling as you rushed up to the dress and reached for the coat-hanger.

“Uh uh not yet, it needs to sit for a few minutes, follow me and i’ll curl your hair and touch up your make-up” You followed her through to her bedroom, sitting down at her desk when she asked. It only took her 15 minutes to successfully curl your hair and add some powder to your face, fixing the blotches that appeared.

“I say we leave the hair down, especially with the smokey eye” Aunt May comments as she continues fussing over you. You saw the sparkle in her eye, almost as if she was enjoying glamming you up as much as you were excited for the dance.

“All done” With one last stroke of the brush against your cheek she pulled away, smiling happily down at you. you smiled in return and turned to face the mirror, eyes widening once you took in your appearance. Your hair was perfectly curled flowing down your back, bits and pieces pinned back to frame your face. Your make-up was natural apart from a slight smokey eye effect and lip gloss on your lips.

“Come on, photos and then you can go on your hot-date!” Aunt May raced out of the room before you could being protesting. In the last 20 minutes or so you had managed to forget that your parents weren’t here with you to enjoy this moment, that Brad was on his way to pick you up now and that you felt so alone.

“Aunt May, I’ve watched at least a thousand tutorials on youtube and I still can’t-” Your eyes left your reflection in the mirror towards the door, spotting Peter now standing there wearing a black tux, his hands twiddling with the unwrapped tie around his neck.

“Get it right” Peter finished, eyes widening once he saw you. 

“Wow…” He mumbled to himself, though unfortunately for him it was loud enough for you to hear. You laughed softly at the awkwardness, a blush coating your cheeks.

“Thanks, your Aunt helped heaps though, if it wasn’t for her magic wand I wouldn’t be going to the ball at all” You joked, trying to reference the time you and Peter binge-watched Disney together one weekend, the Cinderella moving ending up playing on repeat on T.V as you both were sound asleep, though each time the ‘pumpkin turned into a carriage’ scene came on, the music woke you both up without fail.

You quickly shook away the random memory that made your heart twinge a little in sadness. All those moments with your best friend you were never to going to experience ever again.

You both continued to look at each other before Peter cleared his throat and glanced away.

“Where’s Brad, isn’t he…?” Peter trailed off. A frown settled across your lips which was an action that didn’t go unnoticed by him. 

“He is, I told him to come here” The awkward silence soon settled in once again. Peter continued to fumble with his tie as your hands fell onto you lap, your thumbs awkwardly toying with each other. Your ears perked up when you heard Peter grumble a little in frustration.

“Need help?” You asked once you noticed he was still struggling with the tie. He dropped his hands and nodded, a slight tinge of red spreading onto his face. You bit your lip and rose, the boxer shorts raising slightly as you did catching Peter’s attention.

You were wearing his clothes! The boy could have jumped to the moon and back. He’s pictured you in them for months and yet, never thought it would happen. Peter shook his head once his thoughts went down the wrong path, slowly spreading warmth down lower. Not now Peter…

Your hands delicately wrapped around his neck, lifting up his button shirt a little to adjust the tie so that it sat flat. Peter’s heart began to race with the close proximity of you both, yours did as well but you willed it calm down before guilt came seeping through. Brad was the only guy you were mean’t to feel this way around. It hasn’t happened yet with him but you knew it would… soon. hopefully.

“You know… it’s not too late to back out, stay home, rent some DVD’s and eat candy” You laughed softly at this, thinking of the same memory he was when you would both spend weekend together, sometimes with Ned as well doing just that. It was tempting, to spend the evening with him and blow off Homecoming altogether but you couldn’t. You had moved on from that, you were now a girl who had a boyfriend and friends, who went out and socialised and had fun.

Someone who had moved on from their best friend.

“Brad should be here soon” It felt wrong saying it, licking your lips as you finished tucking in this tie correctly. You took a step back and smiled up at Peter as he glanced down, adjusting the tie slightly before looking back at you.

“Right, wouldn’t want to miss Homecoming…” Homecoming, the dance you had been dreaming of going to with him. You shook your head, probably causing Peter to look at you oddly at the action but you wanted to get rid of these intruding thoughts. Brad, you needed to think about Brad, your boyfriend who is so perfect for you. Not Peter, the guy you had been in love with since-

“Don’t go” Your heart stopped. Did you hear him right? No, no way. You tilted your head to the side in confusion, your skin beginning to prickle as you felt tension soon rise in the quiet room. What the hell was taking Aunt May so long?

“I mean… you s-s-should go, definitely but… not with him…’' 

’'My boyfriend, I shouldn’t go with my boyfriend?” You didn’t mean to let anger flow through your tone but it did hold an edge to it. You began to cross your arms over your chest as you looked pointedly at Peter. Peter sighed and dragged a hand over his face. He kept putting his foot in it.

“Uhh… no? Y-yes? I… I don’t know” Your lungs deflated as did your heart when these words left his lips. Of course he didn’t.

“That’s the thing Peter. You. Don’t. Know. I don’t think there’s been a time where you have known” You side stepped around him, wanting to just get changed and now meet Brad possibly outside.

“But please, once you figure it out do tell me… if I’m still here” Did you just give him an ultimatum? You hadn’t even realised what you meant by the words till it was too late to take them back. The words left you so quickly that your heart quickened once you saw the expression on his face. He was shocked.

You hated how petty and bitchy you sounded but now wasn’t the time to dwell. You continued past him and over to the living room where Aunt May quickly spun around, pretending to work on your dress. That sneaky woman…

“Can I go get changed?” You asked nicely, smirking to her once she looked at you. She smiled and held at the dress for you to take. Once you did, you quickly raced into the bathroom and threw it on, adjusting you hair one last time in front of the mirror before exiting the room.

“Oh my… sweetie you look amazing!” Aunt May beamed once she saw you, glancing over to Peter who had joined in his Aunt in the living room with a vacant stare. That quickly changed though once his eyes saw you.

“Doesn’t she look amazing, Peter?” She coaxed her nephew, giving him a little elbow to his stomach as discreetly as she could in front of you when he couldn’t utter a single word. Instead he stood rigid with his mouth open in what you thought was disbelief.

“Really pretty” He said more to himself aloud, a smile soon fighting his way on his lips despite the moment between you two not long ago.

The sound of the door bell soon went off alerting all 3 of you. Aunt May walked off and over to the intercom. Peter was mustering up the courage to speak to you before you inevitably left with Brad. This may be the last chance he has before he loses you forever… like you had said.

“Iloveyou” It took a total of 10 seconds to compute what flew out of Peter’s mouth as he stood in front of you, hands in front clasped together shaking slightly. Your eyes widen in surprise, your heart not even registering the words before the front door swings open, Brad sauntering in with a smirk.

“Hey gorgeous” You stood frozen, eyes still widen as Brad walks over, eyeing Peter as he pulls you in by the waist, kissing your cheek softly. Your heart began bubbling inside your chest as your own hands began getting clammy. Your breathing hitched in your throat and you felt as if the room had grown 10 degrees in heat. 

“Here, I bought this corsage cause I thought it would go perfectly with your dress” Brad snapped you out of your thoughts and brought you back to planet earth. You cleared your throat and wiped your hands on you dress, letting out a deep shakey breath.

“T-t-thank you that’s really t-thoughtful” Your eyes were still glazed over as his ar settled on your waist, holding you against himself as may snapped some photos of you both. Peter soon walked away from the pair and over towards the front door, eyes lingering on you. He bit his lip and frowned to himself, realising it was indeed too late. he closed his eyes and shook his head, trying to clear his thoughts and emotions before deciding to leave for the Homecoming, alone.


A/N:Ready for the last and final part? Much love xx


Summary: Peter had spent months searching for you, only to be seemingly in perfect health… in another dimension.

Requested: No

Word Count: 2.6k

Warning(s)?: GN!Reader, MJ being protective, NFW SPOILERS!, pure fluff, reader being clueless. 

masterlist (x) requests (x)



Searching For You

“We can confirm at least one person has been killed”

The sentence hung in the air stiffly, seeming to suck out the last remaining happiness in the air. The television was a mere echo now in the background, a reminder of the real world and what’s happened in the last 24 hours. You had the feeling in your gut something was going to go terribly wrong and it did. The fact that Peter hasn’t arrived yet or even called summed up your thoughts pretty well. You already knew what had happened before the words were uttered.

You came to two conclusions, either Peter was dead or Aunt May was. And it didn’t take long for you to figure out that it was the latter. Aunt May had been there for you since you were young, she grown on you as a mother figure when things got tough with your family, before they tragically passed away in a car accident when you were 11, unfortunately one you had no recollection of. She took you under her wing and raised both you and Peter as if you were both her own.

All day you had this gut feeling and ignored it, you completely ignored it. Warning Peter didn’t help, he refused to let both you and Aunt May stay at the hotel incase anything went wrong. You just wished you had stayed rather than her, it wasn’t fair for Peter to become an orphan, he could lose you, not a parent.

Both MJ and Ned visibly shrunk and retracted into themselves, MJ crossing her arms over as she stared the magical cube with anger. You did as well, wishing to tear the thing into a million pieces. It ruined your lives the second it was created.

“Still nothing?” MJ had asked Ned hopefully, though Ned conveyed a look with both of us that said otherwise.

“No” he slumped, leaning into his chair even more. You decided to move off the wall and over towards Ned’s dinning room table, sitting directly across from MJ and the cube. You grabbed the cube from the table and placed it directly in front of you, letting out a deep breath as you finally let the first tear roll down your cheek. You couldn’t quite process anything at the moment, you felt numb on the inside and you suspected the pain would come soon enough.

“I’m gonna press it” It was the first time you spoke up all evening. You reached forward and pick up the cube, glancing for you desired location.

“Im going to press the button, he hasn’t responded yet and I’d promise that I would-”

“No, no I just… I just wish we could see him” Ned spoke up, circling his arms as he did so. A flickering sound echoed from over near the kitchen and all three pairs of eyes turned to look. Your eyebrows furrowed together when you saw orange sparks fall from mid air, onto the ground then quickly disappear again.

“Ned” MJ spoke, lifting her head.

“Yeah” Ned responded, still entranced with what just possibly happened.

“Do that again”

“Yeah, I just wish we could see him” Your eyes focused as Ned closed his eyes and tried to repeat the same motion just moments ago. this time, a small circle appeared with a different landscape in the middle before closing with the same orange sparks. Was that… no it couldn’t be. You placed the cube back down on the table carefully and slowly turned around to face the kitchen and rise with both hands on the table.

“Did you just…?” You trailed off, not even knowing how to formulate the words. Both MJ and Ned nod their heads profusely in your direction even though you couldn’t see them.

“I just wish we could see Peter” The circle opened again with a booming sound flowing through, the circle growing bigger till it was from ceiling to ground, orange sparks flying everywhere from the opening. You took a cautious step forward, glancing in as you noticed it was quite dark, brick walls on both side and a dumpster near the back. Was this supposed to be an alleyway? What was Peter doing-

Your thoughts were cut off as a figure began approaching the entrance, your eyes widen in fear.

“Close it Ned, like, right now” Your voice shivered with fear, not liking how quickly the masked figure was approaching.

“Close it” You begged, eyes widening so fast that you forgot to blink. MJ and Ned instead called out, believing it be the masked superhero.

“Peter! Peter!” They both called out making you wince.  What if this wasn’t Peter?

Before you could say anything as the masked person walks through, causing you to take a quick step back due to the proximity. How did the person get their so quickly-

Red and blue spandex welcomed your sight, though something was different. the mask and costume was…. nothing like you’ve seen Peter wear before as spider-man.

“Hi? No, no, no, no it’s okay it’s okay, I’m nice guy I-” The unknown person was cut off by a flying pillow courtesy to Ned’s mother who stood terrified in her spot near the archway.

The mask was quickly taken off, showing a head of brown hair and chocolatey brown eyes. This man stood a good few inches taller than yourself, his eyes dancing across everyone in the room.

“Who the hell are you?” MJ asked from her spot, hands in front of her in self defense.

“i’m Peter Park- wait, Y/N?” Your eyes instantly shot up to the sound of your name falling from this stranger’s lips. The goosebumps flew across your skin at the sound of your name, a mere whisper into the air that made your breath catch in your throat.

“How do you know who I am?” You asked in confusion, taking another step back away from this so called Peter. His face seemed to have conveyed an emotion you couldn’t quite read before returning impassive.

“Sorry you just… remind me of someone” It didn’t take a genius to realise he was lying.

“I’m Peter Parker, I’m Spider-man in my world, and yesterday, I was just here… wow, string theory, multidimensional reality and matter displacement, all real?” MJ, Ned and you all looked to each other and nodded in unison before glancing back at the new guy. He seemed to have beamed to himself, throwing a fist into the air in happiness.

“This has to be because of the spell” Ned whispers loud enough for both MJ and I to hear. Mj and I turn to face him in slight confusion before following along. The spell. You quickly looked back to Peter tilted your head to the side, studying his features. He was quite tall compared to the Peter you knew, he had very dishevelled hair and a beard forming just on his chin, though it was only a stubble. His eyebrows were wide and thick which seemed to fit his appearance. Even his lips were outlined just perfectly- wait, you were not seriously beginning to think this was guy anything close to… cute?

Though you had a hard time trying to convince your heart of that, especially seeing as it picked up a pace or two, followed by a small unknown twinge. Of course, while you had absentmindedly studied Peter, the three of them got lost in conversation about magic which quickly bounced you back into reality.

“Prove it” MJ states.

“Prove what?” Peter looks at her in confusion, shrugging his shoulders before his eyes fall back onto you. They seem to linger for a little longer than they should before he glances back to Ned and mj.

“That you’re Peter Parker” you nodded your head to him in agreement, needing to see it to believe it yourself. Today has just been too much that there was no way you could take him at his word, despite deep down already believing him for some unknown reason.

“I don’t exactly carry an ID on my, kinda defeats the whole purpose of a masked superhero thing-” Peter was cut off once a loaf of bread softly hit his chest. You tried stifling a laugh when it came in contact then fell to the ground, him not moving an inch, instead just raising his eyebrows in response.

“Why’d you do that?” he asks, shrugging his shoulders.

“I was trying to see if you have the tingle thing” MJ responds, hands raised in front of her once again growing suspicious. However, you let out a genuine laugh at the absurdity of the situation altogether. Peter glanced at you and smiled, his eyes creasing at the sides slightly.

“I have the tingle thing, just for bread” You smiled and tilted your head again, eyes searching for something else to test. Your eyes landed on an apple on the dinning table in the middle of the fruit bowl. Your hand swiftly picked it up and you took a bite before throwing the apple at Peter, Peter catching it instantly in his left hand. You nodded in disbelief.

“Please don’t throw any more stuff” Peter said, mainly at you with a soft smile. Peter glanced down at the bitten into apple and proceeded to take a bite himself, smirking in your direction. You barely knew the guy though it was as if you’ve known him your entire life. Things were getting stranger by the second.

“You’re a deeply mistrusting person and… I respect it” He states, adoring a smile before jumping a little in his spot, shooting his right hand up to grip onto the ceiling. you took a step forward without realising and gasped at his spider-like reflexes.

“Crawl around” MJ instructs, holding another loaf of bread in her throwing hand. Peter faces her with disbelief.

“Crawl around?”

“Yes” MJ quickly chirps back.


“Please, Peter can so if you are him… as well… you can too” You butted in, folding your arms over your chest in a friendly way, throwing him an encouraging smile in the process. he looks at you and shakes his head with a smile, redness beginning to spread across his cheeks. He couldn’t believe that after all this time of studying and working that he was able to find you. Given you were in another dimension but that wasn’t going to stop him and it didn’t. He had wanted to tell you everything but he knew now wasn’t the time, things needed to happen first before he could begin down that confusing path.

Ned’s mother had come in again from her place of shock and asked Ned to convey a message, not wanting to speak up herself in fear, Ned sighed.

“My mother wants you to get the cob web seeing as you are up there” Peter shook his head but did it anyway, throwing his mask into his mouth as he crawled aside to the other wall and took care of the cob web, hoping down afterwards. He went to speak but was muffled with the mask so he quickly dropped it.

“Are we good?”

“For now” MJ responds, pulling Ned by his shirt to speak with him quietly. MJ was about to grab you as well but Peter had walked over to you first.

“Do you believe me?” It seemed important to him that you did and it worried you. How could you have no idea who he is but he seems to know you almost as if you were… friends? You shook your head to clear the thought.

“Maybe… if you tell me how you know me and I… don’t know you” You bit your lip. Peter’s eyes fell to this action before quickly glancing away, wiping his face.

“It’s a long story, just know that I’m not here to hurt you, in fact, I have spent the past 3 months trying to find you” 3 months?

“That doesn’t make any sense, 3 months ago I was-” Peter knew what you were about to say and dread instantly flooded him.

“In a coma, due to a falling accident off a building, you barely made it out alive” He got choked up near the end and glanced away from you, almost as if he was feeling guilty.

“How could you possibly know that?” Maybe this wasn’t Peter, maybe this was another villain in disguise. maybe this one could mind read and was trying to manipulate you and your friends.

“I can explain everything please, just trust me” He reached for your hand and clasped it with his own before letting it go hastily, scolding himself for doing that. Your eyes furrowed when you felt the heat from his touch and the tingles that were left behind. A headache was soon forming and you began to feel overwhelmed, this was all too much to handle on top of everything else.

“Look, our friend needs help and I think you can help him, but I think that… deep down, I don’t want to be around you, almost like… it hurts to be” The words were flowing out of the deepest part of you though you had no idea where they originated from. They were truthful, there was a twinge of pain when being near this Peter and it had a familiar lingering feeling. Your eyes didn’t miss the hurt that flashed across his face, the disappointment and understanding settling in. That was more painful to watch then anything.

“I understand, if that’s what you want then I’ll leave, forever, I just…” He stopped and took a step closer, bringing you both only inches apart. Your breathing hitched in your throat as your welled up with unshed tears. It was the weirdest thing to feel such heavy emotions without even knowing where they were coming from in the first place.

His hand instinctively found your cheek and his thumb lightly caressed. the same warmth and tingles came rushing back to the surface, making your cheeks go beet red. You almost wanted to look away sheepishly in embarrassment but something inside of you was refusing to let you do that.

“Need to do this before I lose you again” He swiftly bent down and closed the gap, placing his soft plump lips onto yours in a sweet, loving, chaste kiss. he pulled away soon after despite the rush you both felt once your lips made contact. Your eyes had fluttered shut for that moment, not even processing what was happening till he pulled away and dropped his hand from your cheek. The cold instantly hit once he took a few steps back, glancing behind you to MJ and Ned who watched on in complete bewilderment. You bit your bottom lip as your eyes never left his face even though he didn’t glance in your direction again. Your heart was beating like crazy now, as if it had finally awoken after a long slumber.

Who was this guy?

“Come with us, we know where to find Peter” Ned spoke.


A/N: I don’t know how to feel about this, I wanted to try a piece where the reader knows of TASM Peter but forgets about it in this world and when he arrives after searching for them for so long emotions get high but they don’t remember anything, if anyone would like me to make this a mini series or with another part let me know! I’d love to discover this possible further and unravel the story even more. Much love xx

Save Me Tonight


Or… if you don’t really care and want to read then please, carry on lovely reader

Summary: The villains were back and becoming unstoppable. How was Peter going to stop them this time? Maybe with the help of some unlikely brothers. One of which had caught your eye… this was going to be bad.

A/N: I’ve had this idea since I saw the film and honestly couldn’t stop writing. Yes, reader is Tom Hollands Peters sister and is falling for Andrews Peter, to me they’re quite different in personality (comparing TASM and HC).

A/N 2: Did I stay up till 6am writing this? absolutely not

Requested: No

Word Count: 6.7k, a longy to welcome you all back to the chaos that is my writing, if you want a second part let me know! xx

Warning(s)?: F!Reader, Slow build up, angst, fighting, Character death, NWH SPOILERS!!!, Fluff, Blood, umm… cringe?, change of writing style (briefly), Y/N being a general badass

masterlist (x) requests (x)


Save Me Tonight


It was a stupid idea, too many things could go wrong but there was nothing you could do once your brother put his mind to something. He’s been through enough, with the events that has occurred within the last week, it’s all too much. In fact, what were you even still doing here? There was a hundred places you’d rather- no.. needed to be. Organising a funeral for Aunt May being one of them…

The thought alone brought another tear to your eye. When will you stop crying? When will the pain ever cease? You let out a long sigh.

“Look… I think I can repair the devices for Dylan and Marco… the others-” Your brother, Peter Parker 1 spoke up to the Peter parker 2 and 3. That alone was something you were still trying to get used to. Ned and MJ had filled you in only moments after they arrived with them in tow when you were on the rooftop, trying to comfort Peter.

“Well I got Connor’s, I’ve already cured him once so no big deal…” Peter 3 spoke, earning a look from everyone in the room including yourself. He stopped fiddling with the device in his hands and glanced up, sheepishly with a smile.

“What? It’s no big deal” You couldn’t control the small smile that grew across your cheeks. As soon as it arrived you quickly wiped it away, now was not a time for even a peek of happiness, too many lives have been lost and you were at fault for that. You were with Aunt May in the hotel when everything went down, they both wanted you as far away as possible but that was not an option, if your family was in so were you. Ever since Peter revealed his secret to you, you made sure you were the one behind him at all times, learning everything you could and even began training in self defence to assist in any way you could. You were never anything compared to his abilities, but you were more strategic when it came to battle, he had the nerve for fighting criminals whereas you had the knack for setting the plan into motion.

You could only hope that Aunt May was looking on, proud of her nephew. You selfishly wished maybe she was proud of you too but… it didn’t matter, all that mattered at the moment was saving everyone and maybe….maybe, getting out of all of this alive.

“Good” Peter 2 spoke up with an adoring smile for both the Peter’s. Peter 3 took a few awkward steps away, scratching the back of his head as he went to a table at the back to begin. your eyes lingered after him for a moment before returning to your brother and the eldest Peter. You leant against the desk behind you with your arms crossed over your chest, desperately flooding your brain with knowledge and strategies you could use for a plan rather than… her.

“I think I can make an anti-serim for Dr Osborne… been thinking about it a long time…” The eldest Peter stopped, glanced at both Peter and I before softly sighing.

“We gotta cure all of them… right?” It was rhetorical but his eyes still traveled over us, wanting us to respond. Peter slumped his head down, you could see the way his body rocked softly with pain.

you bit your lip, glancing away not making eye contact. Of course you knew that but how? How in hell where you supposed to save the person who took the only family left in your life besides your brother. The person who has now made you orphans at their own hand. You couldn’t forgive him, even if you tried. You lost too much to this world… there was too much hurt and pain and it consumed you, Aunt May was just added to that list and you could feel the list tear apart even more. You don’t think another name could be added before it broke inside you and took you down with it once and for all.

“Right” Your brothers voice was hoarse and filled with pain that it shook you to your core. You admired his strength and will and even honour. All you could do was follow in his footsteps.

“Right” You voiced up softly, not trusting the sound of your own voice that cracked with raw emotion. Peter 2 looked over us both one last time and gave us a reassuring yet sympathetic look. I hated that look, both Peter and I have received it all our life because everyone around us died. A sad part of you knew that the look wasn’t going to go away anytime soon.

“That’s what we do” Peter 2 directed that more to your brother than yourself but he made sure to glance your way as well, you were as much part of this as he was. He stepped away to his own station and began working on his devices. Your brother glanced up to both you and MJ, who was standing right beside you looking puzzled.

“What?” he shyly asked.

“there’s three you’s” She softly laughed and you nodded your head in agreement. You were never going to get use to seeing three of him… well spider-mans. they weren’t all your brother from each universe as you learnt not too long ago, you were the only sibling to a spider-man which a part of you was relieved to hear. You’d hate for other versions of you to go through what you are currently going through.

“Hey… we haven’t had a chance to talk yet… how are you-” Mj turned to face you after a few moments and you instantly knew where this was going. It warmed your heart to hear the worry and concern in your best friends voice but you couldn’t bare any more pity, not today. you turned to face her quickly and shook your head with a knowing look, she instantly closed her mouth and shrunk away, understanding completely that you didn’t want to talk. She instead left after placing a warm hand on your shoulder in comfort towards Ned.

You needed to get out of your own head for a while so you walked around the room, glancing at all the different school science posters and knowledge boards that littered the room. it was a welcome distraction as both you and Peter shared a love for science, him more so after becoming Spider-man.

You hadn’t even realised your feet took you to the desk where Peter 3 was, so engrossed in what he was doing he didn’t notice your presence, or so you thought.

“I wouldn’t take a step further if I was you” You instantly stopped and ears perked up at the sound of his voice. He was a few years older than both you and your brother, though you didn’t dare to ask any personal questions to either of the new Peter Parker’s. Your curiosity could wait.

“What?” You hummed, too entranced on one of the posters on the wall near his desk. Peter 3 looked up from his desk momentarily and glanced down at the ground in front of you causing you to follow his faze.

One, sad little banana peel laid near inches from your left foot. Laughter bubbled up inside you, humourless laughter but laughter none of the less. Out of all the ways to get hurt, a banana peel could be your undoing in a sense. You opted for a soft smile and shook your head, bending to pick it up with a glove left on the desk, placing it softly in the bin beside.

“Out of all the ways to go… a banana peel would sure be the most illogical” Peter 3 had laughed softly at this and smiled before returning back to his work.

“There’s dumber ways to die believe me” He stopped, realising what he said and sighed before continuing on. He barely knew anyone here, including you yet he knew of the keen sting one leaves when they pass, especially in that sort of way.

“True, you could try petting a lion, or maybe eating a dart frog” You had no idea what compelled you to talk but you did, wanting the distraction. Peter 3 chuckled once more, this time glancing up at you. You locked eyes with him and nodded, not allowing yourself to study his features before quickly looking away.

He seemed to notice your distance gaze because he spoke once more.

“Do you want to help me? I could use a second pair of eyes if you’re not busy” You had wanted to scoff at this. Busy? Your entire life has been nothing but chaotic and busy within the last 24 hours. This was the first time you’ve even had a chance to catch your breath. You did a little want to reject his kind offer, but the distraction would be more than welcomed at this point.

“Sure” It wasn’t until you sat down beside him, grabbed a pair of goggles and gloves and got stuck into helping that it dawned on you. You haven’t even introduced yourself, in the craziness of everything it totally slipped your mind. Would it be weird to bring it up now?

“Sorry, I completely forgot to introduce myself earlier, my name is Y/N” A soft tinge of red spread across your cheeks once the words left your mouth. He glanced up and smiled, chuckling.

“Nice to meet you, I’m Peter P- you already knew that… right” It was still weird, your brother was Peter as well, just from this universe. Wow… there were 3 different Peter Parker’s in circulation… who knew if there could have been more?

You both had kept up with small talk, little getting-to-know-you questions that weren’t too personal for a few minutes before Ned spoke up hurriedly.

“Peter!” of course, all three heads rose quickly and each held the exact same look leaving yourself bewildered.

“Yeah? Oh sorry… did you mean… or?” Everyone apart from the three knitted their eyebrows in confusion as they all spoke in unison, as if they were the same person. in a way…. no not even close.

“Peter Peter” Ned tried but falling short. You glanced between each three as they all pointed to each other, you rolled your eyes but with a small smile.

“He means you, Peter” You spoke up, sharing a soft smile with your brother who returned it before returning his attention towards his best friend.

“The computer” He points out, Peter’s eyes shooting wide as he scurried over to see the diagnostics that was previously running had completed. After a few moments you resumed back with the current device, only needing one more piece before it was completed. Both you and Peter smiled in triumph once you were done, one step closer to putting this whole thing behind.

“Who knew you’d be a science whiz too, very impressive” It came off sounding like he was a teacher complimenting a student but you appreciated the sentiment all the same. Though, you hardly recall blushing when a teacher ever said anything like that.

“I’m not as into it as my brother, but I do know a thing or two” You both caught each other with a smile before everything finally fell into place.

“I’m ready!” Your brother called out, alerting the other two Peter’s.

“Yep, me too, okay… so now, all we gotta do is lure these guys someplace right? Try to cure them as they try to… kill us and then… send them home” Peter 3 smiled sheepishly, shrugging his shoulders after speaking.

“Using a magic box” Peter 2 joined in, still not quite sure how to process al this new… information.

“That’s the plan” Your brother spoke up followed by a small chuckle, not believing how this will work himself. Peter 3 abruptly turned, accidentally knocking you over slightly but his hands flew out to your waist before you could even stumble back. You hadn’t realised you were standing that close in the first place.

“Sorry, my bad” He stated, slowly releasing his hands from your waist before looking over to Peter 2.

“So what, are you going to go into battle dressed as a cool youth pastor? Or… you got your suit?” Peter 2 lowered his t-shirt to reveal his own spider-man suit underneath. If the circumstances were less… hectic you would have swooned by being in the presence of all the spider-mans.

“What’s that for?” Your eyes followed the conversation, noticing Ned handing over a metal attachment to your brother.

“This is my web fluid, it’s for my web shooter… why?” A loud thwipwas heard next, followed by a line of webbing from Peter 2’s arm. Your eyes widen in disbelief.

“That came outta you?” Ned speaks with excitement.

“Yeah, you can’t do that huh?” He asks, referring to both the other peter’s with a furrowed eyebrow.

“No” Your brother shook his head as the other Peter approached curiously.

“How on earth does that even-” Peter 3 was swiftly cut off.

“Anyways we’re getting sidetracked look… we need to come up with a plan” You could feel his gaze before even making eye contact. With a cautious step towards the middle table, you uncrossed your arms and lent against it, eyeing the map laying on the surface. It didn’t take long for the other two Peter’s to glance in your direction as well, one with a confused look and the other with a slight look of concern.

“Okay, here’s what we can try”


Ned slammed on the brakes once you all arrived at the destination, the statue of liberty. It wasn’t the first choice but for your plan to work you did require a landmark, and both you and your brother picked the one that symbolised second chances, which was what this was all about.

Everyone soon begins to pile out of the van, you being last as Ned tossed the car keys to you.

“Are you sure you want to be a part of this? Come with me and MJ, I’ll portal you back if needed” You shook your head, looking directly at Ned and MJ.

“I need to be at ground zero, if anything goes wrong plan B will be here, ready” I glance behind me towards the van where plan B awaits.

“I’m still not comfortable with this Y/N, you could get hurt and after what happened with Aunt May…” Your brother’s voice broke near the end as he neared you, wrapping his arms around your shoulders tightly. You hugged him back and pulled away, resting your hands now on his shoulders.

“Peter, we’ve always been there for each other, that doesn’t stop now. I know… i know it’s going to take some time…” You took a deep breath, not being able to bring yourself to mention her name at the moment.

“But… we’ve always had each other’s back, through everything. You’ve got the power to stop this and I have the power to help you stop this” You couldn’t think of a better pep talk on the spot so it was going to have to do. Peter 2 and 3 looked at the interaction between you both, realising they had missed out on a part of the plan.

“Wait… you’re not leaving?” Peter 3 asks, taking slow steps towards you both. Your brother rose an eyebrow towards him bought took a step back regardless. You inhaled deeply as you made eye contact with him, willing yourself to stop the tingles channelling through.

God… this was like your brother! Wait- no it wasn’t… this was another spider-man from a different dimension! Nothing like your brother… not even remotely.

“I’m sorry I omitted a part of the plan but if any one of these guys get inside your head-” The level of concern that was radiating from him shocked you. It almost left you paralysed in your spot.

“Do you realise that you could die?” You noticed the small step closer he took till he was only breaths away. Peter 2 was the one that stepped forwards, your brother just glancing between you two with confusion.

“Woah, let’s all take a minute, no one’s dying, the only thing that’s happening tonight is curing” You’ve come to notice he was the most optimistic between the Peter’s. Peter 2 put a hand on the other Peter’s chest and gently pushed him away, he quickly broke eye contact with you and walked over to the other side. You glanced away and towards your brother, not realising just how much your pulse had risen. Your cheeks were feeling slightly warm due to the encounter.

Your brother seemed to slowly click and he looked over to Peter, throwing a harsh look his way.

“It would be safer if you stayed with MJ and Ned, it’s going to be dangerous” Peter 2 tried to reason, if only he knew how pointless it was.

“Thank you but… no. I can take care of myself” That was the last thing you said before leaving the group behind, quickly hugging MJ and Ned before taking the scaffolding up.

Peter’s POV (your brother) #

Once my sister was out of view I looked back over at Peter, the one who was deserving of my hard glare at the moment.

“What was that all about?” The eldest Peter unfortunately was clueless. The Peter in question looked at me and shrugged.

“She’s your sister, how could you let her go? She’s not like us!-” Eldest Peter interfered again, sensing what was about to happen.

“We don’t have time for this guys, if she wants to help then let it be, besides, why does it matter to you any-” The eldest Peter’s eyes widen at the end.

“Way…” He trailed off, not really knowing what to say once he realised. A part of me, however, wanted to punch this Peter in the throat.

“Dude, she’s my sister, really? You’ve known her for literally what… not even a day?” I couldn’t believe it, how could he even consider getting close to her. He wasn’t even a part of this dimension! Let alone he was literally me!

“It’s not important right now, let’s cure some ass” Peter slaps the eldest Peter’s shoulders and gives me an encouraging smile before rounding up the scaffolding, us not too far behind him.

“I swear, he goes anywhere near me sister…” I muttered to myself, causing the eldest Parker to chuckle.

Y/N’s POV #

“Okay guys it could be any minute now” You heard your brother through the earpiece. You could see out of your peripheral vision that he was currently situated on top of the liberty’s head.

“Yep, almost done” Peter 2 spoke next, webbing being heard in the distance. The plan was coming together at the moment, it had taken you all roughly 20 minutes to make your way up, planting little traps among the scaffolding along the way. You made sure to be between the Peter’s and MJ and Ned, knowing when the time comes you’d need to be the middle man to throw through the magic cube to Ned when it was time.

“You know Max was like… the sweetest guy ever before he… fell into a pool of electric eels” It wasn’t till now that once you’ve stopped you could let everything sink in. All this waiting was giving you time for you mind to wander. A further piece of your heart broke when hearing his voice hold pain, each Peter had gone through something terrible. Fate was nothing but cruel to them.

“That’ll do it” The optimistic Peter chimed in causing a small smile to appear. A saddened chuckle passed your lips, appreciating the moment for what it was. You couldn’t see any of them from this distance but you could hear each of them clearly through your ear. However, optimistic Peter didn’t miss to notice the small smile fall onto Peter’s face as he was standing on the same platform as him.

“Ahhh- there it goes” This came through your ear piece followed by heavy groans. Your eyebrows knitted in confusion when you heard it continued and multiple Peter’s talking and cracking sounds.

“Guys, I can’t see what you’re doing but it really doesn’t sound… pleasant” Both Peter’s seemed to momentarily forget about their own earpiece and both laughed at how this must have sounded to you.

“God this is so cool, I always wanted brothers…” Your eyes drifted over to admire the view, you lent over the railing and soaked in the cool breeze. You began to feel awkward, knowing you were listening in to what was potentially going to be a private and sensitive conversation between the Peter’s.

“So you like make your own web fluid in your body” You knew exactly where this was going, you opted to stay silent, the second hand embarrassment flooding to your cheeks.

“I really don’t want to talk about this…” Optimistic Peter spoke, probably being the only one to realise all 4 people could hear this conversation, one of them being you.

“No, I don’t mean to-”

“Wait, are you teasing me?” You wanted to laugh, they sounded more like middle school boys if anything. And these boys- ahem- men were supposed to be superheroes of their respected realm?

“No no no no no no no he’s not teasing you it’s just that… we can’t do that so naturally we’re curious as to how your… web situating works, that’s all” Your brother piped up, sounding very confused himself. This conversation was taking a dangerous turn you felt.

“If it’s personal I don’t want to pry… I just think that it’s cool” Cute Peter spoke next, sounding growingly flustered. Wait, cute Peter? You didn’t have time to criticise yourself before they started talking once again.

“No… I wish I could tell you but I… I-I don’t know how… like I just do it like… I don’t do breathing I just… breathing just happens”

“Does it just come out of your wrists? Or… does it come out of anywhere else?” You dropped your head down and chuckled to yourself, the second hand embarrassment still radiating strongly.

“Only… only the wrists” Oh god please just shut up already boys.

“Have you ever had like a web blockage? Cause I run out of webs all the time… I have to make my own in a lab… and it’s a hassle” This needed to stop, you don’t think you could handle much more of this… conversation.

“Alright, I’ll just remove my earpiece guys” You heard all three Peter’s take a sharp intake of breath, forgetting you could hear them all.

“Sorry!” All three called out in sync causing you to laugh.

“It’s fine let’s just… focus on the plan then you guys can… resume… this particular conversation without eavesdroppers” sighs and laughter was the responses on the other end.

A fews moments pass by before your brother speaks up again.

“Alright guys can you feel that?” You were clueless, not feeling anything as both Peter’s agreed that they could feel something. Ah of course, Peter tingle.

Lightening began to blanket the sky. It was beginning. You quickly climbed a little higher within the scaffolding, adjusting your vest which held various equipments and even a secured weapon if needed. You had Happy to thank for that and the rigorous gun training.

“Okay guys here he comes” You quickly got yourself into position. The Peter’s soon began to begin battle with the villains, the loud sounds echoing through your ear. You kept your eye out and reached for your taser gun, lining it up. Your brother quickly swung to you, your eyes immediately noticing the new presence and your gun quickly finding him as well.

“Woah it’s just me, heads up” He throws the cube to you before quickly swinging away, Max in pursuit. You strapped your gun and caught the cube, taking off into a run towards the portal Ned held open with MJ. You safely jumped across the current scaffolding to the one just in front, a loud creak and slight swaying motion the only give away to your presence for any of the villains.

“Here” You threw the cube towards MJ, she caught with ease before she noticed you run off again within a blink.

“Just FYI, Lizards guy’s here too” You heard just before a massive collision was made just in front of you with said Lizard guy and Spider-man. You froze initially, looking at the Lizard before quickly taking out your taser, aiming it towards him. With ease, your finger pressed on the trigger to release the taser which landed on the lizards chest, once it had made contact he had let out a major dinosaur like roar that shook that platform you currently standing on.  

“Thanks” Peter 3 said out of breath slightly.

“Don’t mention it” Given the lizard was easily three times the size of you, you decided to discard your first taser gun, knowing your chances at getting it back safely were slim to none. Instead you took off up the scaffolding, getting as far away from the growingly angry lizard.

Soon the whole area was being surrounded by flying sand and you had to stop, shielding your face with your arms as you could feel sand scrape against them. Once it had died down you took off again, noting where each villain was.

Luckily Sandman was taken out of the equation once the cure had successfully reached him, 1 down, 2 to go.

“No no no no no Y/N!” Your brother’s voice yelled in your ear. You stopped climbing up and glanced to your side to see him swinging towards you while glancing down. Just 50 metres away the Lizard was storming up towards you, climbing much faster then you ever could.

“Run to the portal!” Your brother worried.

“No, there’s no way I’m leading him to them!” You quickly made it to the current platform and took off running, trying to see where you could possibly climb into the statue of liberty where the lizard couldn’t get too.

“No he won’t, I’ll kick him out of the way and you jump in just before Ned closes it” You glanced over your shoulder to the portal which was now on the same level as you. Ned was clearly struggling to close the portal, MJ trying to encourage him as best she could.

“I’m not leaving you behind” You stubbornly say, hearing the familiar loud roar yet again from behind. He seemed to have noticed the open portal as well, beginning to run after the cube. You could see the fear in both MJ’s and Ned’s eyes.

“There’s no time!” It didn’t take long for you to swiftly turn around, grabbing the wire from your vest that was handed down by Natasha. You threw it out, the piece of wire wrapping around the lizards legs tightly, making him fall on the platform. You quickly reached for your second taser gun and aimed but it was too late. The lizard has gotten free and caught the taser with ease, a sinister smile displaying on his lips.

“Run now!” You didn’t need to be told twice. you took off into the direction of the portal, hoping Peter would come in time to kick the lizard. However, you were lucky to make it as you felt the lizards claw grab your side, cutting into your flesh and throwing you backwards as he made his way towards Ned and MJ. You landed on the scaffolding with a heave thump, your entire right side shooting in pain and the massive scratch on your side to start bleeding badly.

You gave yourself three seconds to inspect the damage, the scratch wasn’t deep enough to hit any of your internal organs thank god. It still hurt like a bitch though. You scrambled to your feet as you saw Ned and MJ now running towards you, leaving the portal.

“Guys, wrong way!” The roar from the lizard silenced you as you watched him and your brother now leaving the portal as well.

“Y/n here” MJ came up to you and grabbed your hand, leading you away with Ned in front. Thankfully the lizard was now distracted with your brother giving you guys a chance to escape. Though that didn’t last long.

The lizard soon began chase with you three again as all 3 Peter’s became in battle with what looked like Max and Dr Otto.

“This way” You pulled on MJ’s hand leading her down a different direction, Ned now following very close behind. Your right hand reached for the lizards cure that was webbed just above on one of the scaffoldings, your face grimacing as you did due to your injuries as you rounded another corner. Luckily Ned was able to produce a portal with water flooding out, intercepting the lizard and pushing him back.

“Y/N” Your eyes found your brother and you quickly threw the cure over to him just before the lizards mouth tried to bite down, instead biting down on the cure itself, realising a green mist into the air.

“We have to hide this thing now” MJ says, referring to the cube in her arms. Ned nods and so do you as Ned began creating another portal. Though you did not expect for Dr Strange to step out with a look of pure anger.

“Where is he? Where is Pet-”

“Wait, wait he has a plan, and it’s working” Ned quickly buts in.

“Plan?” Dr Strange comments.

“Yes, he’s curing them and it’s working” MJ points out, leading all of our gazes to the lizard who was slowly transforming back into a man.

“Well I’ll be damned… did you just open a portal?” Dr Strange asked Ned in confusion.

“Why yes sir, yes I did” He replied breathlessly and slightly nervous with being in the presence of the wizard. He hummed in response before walking away. Ned shared a look of pure disbelief with both you and MJ as you both smiled at him proudly.

You winced soon after. Both Ned and MJ now turned to face you with worry. MJ unzipped your vest hastily and noticed the huge blood stain that was slowly growing across your shirt.

“Y/N, you need to go to a hospital” You agreed, but once everything was over. this was manageable for the time being. Mj’s voice must have been louder than you realise because you soon heard your concerned brother’s voice through your ear.

“Y/N, are you okay? Where are you I’ll come get you-” You shook your head before quickly realising he couldn’t see you.

“I’m fine Peter, don’t you dare, you need to see this out. Besides, you haven’t cured all of them yet” The dread swept into your voice with worry as there was now only one villain remaining though he was nowhere to be found.

“Y/N I can see you, I’m on my way” It wasn’t your brother this time that spoke up but another Peter. He glanced at both your brother and the eldest Peter and they both nodded to him, telling him it was okay to go.

“Has my Spider-man come out to play!?” A dooming voice lingered through the air followed by a terrifying laugh. You winced again but not out of pain this time. Why did it always have to be the worst for last?

“Strange no!” Was the last thing you heard through your earpiece before a massive explosion went off, causing the scaffolding to begin to come undone. Ned grabbed on to the nearest platform to hold on for dear life as you shoved MJ as hard as you could given your pain towards the statue, being close to one of the arms so landed safely but harshly onto it. As soon as you took off running to the nearest ledge for support the platform beneath you gave way, causing you to become off balance and trip backwards.

“Peter!” You cried out, gripping on to the edge for dear life. The pain in your was becoming too much as the sweat pooled at your palms, causing your grip to slip. You were able to hold on for two more seconds before your palms slipped right off the steel frame.

the scream was ripped from your body as you felt yourself falling through the air, the cold air engulfing you.

Your brother was quick to leap down to you, reaching out his hand as you raised yours. His hand was mere inches from your before the sinister laugh filled your ears above the wind once more, crashing into Peter and taking him away. Your eyes followed these movements, just now realising you were falling straight to your death.

You couldn’t catch your breath anymore as you felt as if you were falling faster and faster and knew you were going to reach earth any second now.

Everything slowed down for a few moments as your eyes closed, bracing for impact. Three little words danced across your lips in a whisper.

“I’m so sorry” You hadn’t paid attention to the tears that had begun streaming down your cheeks.

Within moments you felt a warm arm circle around your waist. Painfully gripping onto you as your body jolted to a stop but it was crushed against something warm, not the cold cement you were preparing to feel.

Your breathing was laboured and short, eyes still firmly squeezed shut as your body began to tremble.

Soon the arm loosened it’s hold on you a little, sensing the pain it had caused before and a hand had made it’s way to cup your cheek, coaxing you to open your eyes.

“You’re okay now, you’re safe” A sob had left you as the hand had begun wiping away your tears that had fallen onto your cheek. Your eyes had opened slowly, surprised to have seen you were standing upright instead of lying down in the cement.

Your body fell against his despite the pain it caused and he had once again caught you with ease, his arm holding you closer as his other hand stayed firmly on your cheek.

A few moments had passed before you had the strength enough to pull away slowly, begging to wipe under your eyes as your thoughts drifted to the others.

“Ned… MJ, are they safe?” Peter was surprised to hear these being the first words to leave your mouth. You had almost plummeted to your death but your concern was on your friends rather then yourself. It was a quality he was admiring and adoring more and more by the second.

“They’re safe, you pushed MJ out of the way just in time” You slowly remembered that he was on his way before everything exploded. A sigh of relief left your mouth. You finally glanced up to Peter and looked him in the eyes, just now seeing the unshed tears pooling.

“Are you okay?” You asked, your voice dropping to barely a whisper as your face moved closer to his, your own hand reaching up to touch the side of his face. All he could do was nod and close his eyes, sniffling slightly.

“I am now” Once he opened his eyes again they locked with yours. So much raw emotion was being betrayed through them it had almost turned your legs back to jelly. No one had ever, in your life, had looked at you the way he was currently looking at you and it caused a reaction in your body that you couldn’t even name or put a finger on. All you knew was that it was so intense it began to take your breath away, leaving your lips parted as they began to tingle slightly.

Soon the image of your brother being taken by the villain flooded your mind. Panic sunk in once again and your eyes widen.

“Where’s my brother?” Without thinking your legs had taken off into a painful sprint in search if him. Peter followed closely behind you.

“Peter, peter where are you!” You called out, wincing afterwards. You ran over towards the cement wall where a piece of the liberty had fallen down to.

“I’m right here! Are you okay? Where’s MJ and Ned?” As soon as you brother called out from below, Ned and MJ had rounded the corner, followed by the eldest Peter in tow.

“Oh thank god” MJ ran and threw her arms around you followed by Ned. You flinched but welcomed the hug regardless, just happy to see them both okay.

“We’re all here!” MJ sung out. All 5 of us walked over towards the cement wall and looked over, you leaning against to try and ease some of the pain in your side. You saw your brother’s eyes soften once he saw all of you guys were safe, though they soon turned murderous once he spotted out of the corner of his Dr Osbourne standing up.

Worry crept in as you watched them advance each other, looking deadly. You weren’t just about to stand down and watch as your brother gets murdered or possibly murders him. As soon as your body went to jump the wall arms had circled around your waist, ceasing your movements.

“Let go of me” Your voice wavered with pain despite the tingles that flooded all over your skin from the contact.

“You’re not going anywhere, stay here” Peter firmly spoke, pulling you back and over to the side. Both the Peter’s glanced at each other with a knowing look before heading towards the fighting pair. You watched on with hands fisted at your side, both Peter’s stopping your brother and curing the last villain in just a couple of minutes.

You let out the first deep breath since this whole battle began, a tired smile forming across your lips.

We did it. We actually did it.

All 3 Peter’s, including ex-villain Dr Osbourne made their way back to you three, Dr Strange now joining you all after been able to successfully stop the consequences from the magic cube exploding minutes ago.

MJ raced towards your brother before you could, holding onto him for dear life. You caught his eye and nodded, smiling proudly over at him as his arms held onto MJ in return. Ned slumped down to the ground, talking feverishly with Dr Strange about the magic cube and other magically wizard things related.

Optimistic Peter came over and hugged you softly, noticing the way you flinched away. He glanced down to his arm and noticed the blood that had left you and went onto his shirt. He had realised you lost too much blood.

“Guys, we need to go to a hospital now” As soon as these words were uttered you could feel your eyelids begin to grow heavy, your body growing heavier by the second. Black dots scattered over your vision.

“I think I might…” Your brother pulled away from MJ and glanced over to you worriedly, Peter reaching you just before he could. His arms caught you and lifted you up bridal style, turning you both around to the other two Peter’s.

“Ned get the keys from her vest, you’re driving” Your brother had instructed in a hurry as MJ followed swiftly behind. Peter 3 had reached you first, taking you swiftly from the optimistic Peter’s arms gently, holding you close to his chest.  Your brother chose not to say anything as everyone raced over to the car apart from Dr Strange.

The last thing you could remember before fading into darkness was the sound of the car doors slamming shut, the engine being turned on and tires screeching against the ground. You were laying across someones lap, hand on your cheek stroking softly. You felt a warmth breath fan across your face as lips gently pressed against your forehead.

You’re going to be okay


A/N:Long time no post! I hope everyone has enjoyed their time and have been happily reading, catching up on studies, enjoying your favourite hobbies! I don’t promise to write often like I did before given as I’ve somehow grown into an adult and am now responsible for my life and affording to live. I’ll try and write as much as I can though xx Thank you to each and every one of you for being here and supporting my work! You all are what makes this page possible! So cheers to you all and may 2022 treat you well! Much love xx
