#hidden in the shadows


Hidden in the Shadows

They called me out to the fire-ridden field

A land of white and flame and snow

And told me to fight for he I didn’t know

Until his soul was finally healed

A world of experts made me a fool

But still I never should’ve trusted their words

The opportunity gone like wing-flaps of birds

I don’t wish to be their tool

Hidden in shadows, I shall remain

Until the time to finally strike comes

Until he’s gone and his power succumbs

They haven’t known yet true pain

He had been messy, a fool in his game

But I will fight with my own style

Sure, it may take quite a while

But I’ll win unlike he did all the same

I know every move, my power is greater

You will lose this forsaken fight

Hidden in shadows, away from the light

Anyone could’ve been the traitor

Learn well, heroes, I shall prevail

And perhaps I’ll win, and then you’ll see

You never should’ve forsaken me

I will end this sorry tale

You call yourself the ruler of all

But I am not so easily fooled

You thought it was I who you ruled

But now this game will be your fall

You can’t stop my masterful attack

And this game you started, I will win

Even if I become the story’s villain

Hidden in shadows, I’ll put the pieces back

