#histoire damour


“I loved you, so much. I loved you wih the only good part of me, and now it’s gone. You took it with you when you left, and I never found any good parts in myself anymore.

-Maybe… Maybe I can give it back.

-No, you cant’. Because it won’t ever be mine anymore. And I can’t accept to be attached to you harder than I used to be. I’d rather live bad forever, then only live good when I’m with you. Because no matter how good you can make me, I will always be bad inside, and I’ll always fuck everything up. I can’t let you, let happiness destroy me anymore.”

“Qu’est-ce que t’aimes bien? 


C’était mon premier “vrai” copain. C’était avant qu’on sorte ensemble, quand il me draguait. Et je voulais juste faire un commentaire par rapport à ça: attention aux belles paroles. Ces belles paroles ont duré 3 mois. Après, j’ai été son esclave et il n’y avait plus rien de gentil chez lui. Les preuves et pas les mots.

Se eu sonho viver um grande amor? Claro que sim! Com uma mulher sensível que ame a beleza, a simplic

Se eu sonho viver um grande amor? Claro que sim! Com uma mulher sensível que ame a beleza, a simplicidade e ser fodida por nossos amigos de frente para o mar.

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