

His chicken’s been cooked.

Come for me all you want, but these crack ships are better than most of the canon ships on the show.


On the topic of Hope and her humanity: I want to preface by saying it’s interesting just how long the show has already allowed her to keep her humanity off. It was implied on TVD by both Rose and Damon that keeping your humanity off indefinitely is not an option and that eventually, even if it’s one by one, the emotions start to seep back in. With that in mind: I think it’s undeniable the closest we’ve seen Hope to switching the flip was Lizzie’s love confession. My biggest points for why that didn’t work would probably be A) Hope simply didn’t believe her, which I don’t think is a stretch & could come into play later or B) Hope doesn’t want Lizzie to be in love with her. We’ve seen many no humanity vampires (Stefan, Elena, Caroline) actively fight against the love emotion above the others because no humanity is often triggered by love being loss, especially in Hopes case I think it’s no surprise she would be fighting to keep her emotions off harder if anything after Lizzie’s confession.

Now, on her killing Lizzie and the sire bond. A lot of people have taken Hope killing Lizzie to mean she cares about her less than others but I take it to mean quite the opposite. If lizzie actually died there this was a major risk for Hope. There is no way Josie, Caroline, or the rest of the Salvatore school would ever let her rest after that and she had just gotten them off her back. Plus she has no idea how many other red oak stakes Lizzie had made ( we obviously know there’s more). Killing Lizzie was the most emotional reaction Hope could have had there and I think she took that risk because she was worried about what would happen keeping Lizzie around otherwise. I think there’s even a chance while in Auroras body she felt the emotions seeping back in because of Lizzie so after returning to her own she did a hard reset and decided killing Lizzie was worth the risk. If there’s any emotion we’ve kind of seen Hope displaying already it’s fear and that is definitely a possible reaction to Lizzie’s love.

What do I think this means for the future of Hopes humanity and her bond with Lizzie? I think the fact their working/traveling together is already a pretty dangerous situation for Hopes humanity, every other times we’ve seen a vamp with no humanity around someone they love/loves them they usually run off the moment it gets too much (we saw it with delena, steroline, damon even admits it started to get to him talking with Lexi about Katherine so much) because of the sire bond Hope doesn’t get the excuse of “i’m running off because you’re boring/annoying” bc she can make Lizzie do whatever she wants and yet we’ve already seen her try and ditch lizzie which seems like the most illogical/emotional thing to do?? She has a heretic willing to do anything she says and Hope tries to ditch her, specifically because Lizzie is being too emotional?? Hmm wonder why that would be a problem…

Anyway, I kind of see this playing out a few ways. My Hizzie pipe dream would actively love to see Hopes humanity slip on in a subtle way of Hope falling in love with Lizzie and that being the first emotion to return. I think pre turning it off Hope definitely cared about/loved Lizzie a lot, felt the attraction there, but was against exploring it further because of Landon and her fear of letting people in so it would be very interesting to see a no humanity vampire turning it on through the course of falling in love in this story. I think this could easily be demonstrated with a Hope risking her own life with the red oak/Aurora to save Lizzie thing orthe more likely route I think we might see Hope try to use the sire bond for Lizzie’s outright benefit in a way that could only be for love. For example, ending the bond for Lizzie’s sake even though it puts her own life at risk, letting Lizzie go to keep her out of danger, or forcing Lizzie to turn it off and sort of flipping the script here. Whatever happens I generally don’t see a way out of this for Hope that doesn’t involve Lizzie and I think it’s very telling they haven’t discussed the sire bond and what it means emotionally. Obviously it’s an awkward/embarrassing topic for Lizzie but why haven’t we seen Hope mess with her about it at all?? We saw Elena, Caroline, Stefan, and Damon all use the “lol you’re in love with/love me loser” sort of speech when they had no humanity to mess with someone so why hasn’t Hope tried that? I think the show has intentionally left just enough unsaid and Hope is intentionally not pushing because we’re building up to a more blatant outward love display/confession from Lizzie that Hope can’t ignore and might finally push her over the edge

Been doing a lot of thinking after Brett’s interview about Hizzie’s sirebond being different from those on TVD and all these people on Twitter pointing out how different it is from Delena’s and I think i’ve been convinced…is it actually confirmed Delena’s sirebond was romantic? I don’t know y’all they kind of give me familial vibes and they don’t have that same epic love energy as Hizzie do we know Damon didn’t just use the bond to trick Elena into being with him??? Kind of getting the vibe she just loved him as a brother✨ Need some confirmation on this @julieplec thanks

(p.s. i’m so sorry this is funnier in my head but seriously I feel like the only pro-hizzie/delena-anti out there hekdkfne)

Loving the fact that the sire bond between Hope and Lizzie is barely noticeable because even no!humanity Hope respects consent and Lizzie loves doing what Hope says anyway. Like Hope mentions it more to mess with Lizzie then she’s even been show to actually use it so far and the fact it is now confirmed she can compel vampires means the sire bond is just a cute symbol of their love because Hope could really just compel Lizzie to do what she wants so it is not necessary for the show/plot UNLESS it is to highlight how in love Lizzie is with Hope

I will post more concrete thoughts on 4x10 when I get home but my final Hizzie rant post: I hate the sire bond and I always have (to be fair, I am indeed a delena-anti) but if I see anyone suggesting Lizzie is sired to Hope for any reason other than the fact she is literally in love with her i’ll just assume you’re homophobic or delusion like THIS LITERALLY HAPPENED RIGHT AFTER LIZZIE CONFESSED HER LOVE TO HOPE. And I mean I stole this off of twitter but just:

There is literally no non Lizzie is in love with Hope explanation that makes sense in canon??? People saying she’s “gRaTeFuL bEcAuSe oF tHe mErGe” make zero sense because

1) that literally implies Lizzie actively wanted to turn which she did not??? she freaked out completely when Sebastian tried to turn her not that long ago and just because she has thought about it doesn’t mean it’s something she wanted?? also

2) GRATITUDE SIRE BONDS ONLY HAPPEN WITH WEREWOLVES AND WHY WOULD LIZZIE BE GRATEFUL HOPE MURDERED HER???? She didn’t know it was Hope’s blood and Hope literally thought she would die??? Tyler and other werewolves sired to Klaus were immediately positive towards him because of gratitude (there was a whole storyline about Caroline finding it weird tyler liked the originals) but Lizzie woke up angry at Hope??? Not to mention being a werewolf is a curse and Klaus’ blood is the one and only unheard of before it was used solution??? How is that at all comparable to Hope turning Lizzie which Lizzie always knew was an option and was hoping to prevent?? It could have been anyones blood that turned her Hope doing it is not special like with Klaus blood for hybrids. PEOPLE ARE REACHING SO FAR AT THIS POINT AND ITS SHOWING

Okay, I was mostly just blindly theorizing in the wind about Lizzie faking a sire bond but after this episode…i’m kind of thinking there’s a chance im right???? Everyone started freaking out about Hizzie sire bond because of the 4x12 description so like why is it already confirmed in 4x10??? Why not make fans wait longer if this sire bond storyline is so important??? Why is “hope commanding lizzie to do things” relevant UNLESS LIZZIE DOESN’T DO THEM. And I know some people like the Hizzie sire bond thing because of the ️‍ implications but I raise you Lizzie has already confessed her love to Hope so imagine her faking a sire bond just so Hope can keep her around and she can work on getting her to flip her switch??? What if in 4x12 Lizzie slips up or refuses to do something that Hope asks and Hope starts getting suspicious?? AND PICTURE THIS what if Hope asks Lizzie to kiss her to test it out and Lizzie refused and we get a scene like pre-Ness first kiss on New Girl

[for context and also yes I do hate the sire bond storyline and it as a concept but I love Hizzie so let me pretend this is real bc I am in fact a believer in the Hizzie 4x12 kiss]

Hope: *Literally has no humanity and the power to make Lizzie do literally anything *

Hope: Hang out with me

Lizzie: what ???

Hope: And be my ✨partner✨ in crime on an adventurous road trip with me

Lizzie: WHAT?????????

Hope: Oh and also we’re going on a date to a carnival despite all the people plotting my death


With a lot of stuff circulating for a while now about a Hizzie sire bond (I totally include myself in pushing that narrative BC yeah ) I have a fun new theory that maybe (probably) won’t happen but what if Lizzie fakes being sire bonded to Hope so that she’ll keep her around and she can work on getting Hope’s humanity back on? Because of the body swap Hope would have no way of knowing if her blood turned Lizzie and i’m sure they’ve both learned enough about a sire bond for Lizzie to try and pull one off? It would be such a big brain play on her part and a hilarious gotcha moment after Hope tricked her with the humanity thing not to mention it makes them hanging out together for so many episodes after Hope killed her make a lot more sense.

ALTERNATIVELY if Lizzie really is sired to Hope the only way to “fix” that (as far as we know) would be Lizzie flipping her humanity switch, maybe being compelled by an original out of the sire bond (if that makes sense?), or abandoning each other entirely so like imaging Hope after hanging out with Lizzie for too long and realizing she’s sired just compelling Lizzie to turn it off or leave her alone for good and Lizzie realizing in the split second before she does that Hope would only did this if her humanity is back on because she cares what happens to Lizzie and like JUST IMAGINE THE ANGST


the nice thing about lizzie, hope, and ethan’s weird love triangle that’s kind of explored in 2x06 and 3x15 and 3x16 and whatnot is…

pick any combination of two of them and they can both be read as pining for the third. hope and lizzie both pining over ethan? completely viable. hope and ethan both in love with lizzie? understandable and at times seems canon even. lizzie and ethan both in love with hope? i mean yeah, everyone is!

i just love the dynamic and i would love to see this trio work together! 

I’d like to add to this that it is a crime against humanity that Hope and Ethan haven’t had a real conversation this season after he was in her therapy box and after he had to listen to Lizzie talk about how great Hope is for hours. Like how was Ethan not more confused when Lizzie was on her “let’s kill Hope” tirade after that? How has Hope gone from most to least concerned about Ethan’s well being? I WANT THESE THREE IN A SCENE PLEASE

So here you have it, the totally long awaited (by no one but myself) Methan/Hizzie fic it’s taken me ages to write ✨ Would very much appreciate if y’all give it a read, it is very Hizzie and Methan heavy but I also have some fun plans to work in Maya/Josie, Kaleb/Jed, and Cleo/Landon with a lot of Lizzie/Ethan as besties if that piques your interest too Takes place post 3X16 except Malivore stuff doesn’t exist because I say so PLEASE CHECK IT OUT

Lizzie really went from thinking Hope would never want to be her friend…

to Hope telling Lizzie she wants to fight a god with her (and only her)
