


this video has no business being so funny he is so much pain

December 16, 1956 17 kids take a bit of instruction from Frank Rekucki, builder of the rink on Cedar Ave. in South Minneapolis, who plans to make a hockey team out of them. Raymond Turnberg, in black coat, center, will help. Larry Schreiber, Minneapolis Star Tribune



“We exited Donbass arena. The football stadium that hosted the Champions League super match was just two minutes away. How could we miss that? We got the tickets, and the whole team went to watch the Miners vs. Chelsea. The Ukrainians won 2-1.”


“Not far from Magnitogorsk, where we go to hunt, there is a little enclosure where goats graze on the grass. I went to visit them, and we talked a little bit.”


“That’s my dog. He’s a Dogue de Bordeaux and he lives in Magnitogorsk. Have I told you already that I love animals?”


“With Maxim Vitorganom who I met on set. Then he came and watched us play hockey at the Ice Palace.”


“This is from the same film. It’s called ‘12 Months.’ I was acting with Ilya Kovalchuk in this scene. It was September and I am either October or November [note, in the film, the ‘12 months’ are represented by different guys, so Malkin is saying his character was either October or November]. According to the plot, a little boy wanted to meet two world champions, so Ilya Kovalchuk and I appear to him.”


"This picture isn’t from my family albums. I saw it on the internet and laughed for a long time. I don’t know where you people find photos from this deep into my childhood. I need to figure out the secret!”


“In August we had a charity tournament in Magnitogorsk called ‘From the Heart.’ Two-time Olympic pole vaulting champion Yelena Isinbayeva attended the opening game. We flew over together, and I asked to be photographed with such a wonderful person.”


“This is also not my photo. I downloaded it from somewhere on the internet. I liked that someone gathered the sticks of Malkin, Datsyuk, Kovalchuk, Ovechkin and Semin. You could say that it’s my five dream players.”


Lucas Raymond is a hugger and everyone needs to know. Look at him bear hugging Dyl.
