#holy shit this is gorgeous

eneada: Tumblr makes strange things with picture, that’s why I cut it in two pieces. If someone is ieneada: Tumblr makes strange things with picture, that’s why I cut it in two pieces. If someone is i


Tumblr makes strange things with picture, that’s why I cut it in two pieces. If someone is interested here is full version

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pandora-young:Today is the first birthday of my painting ‘Ribbons,’ which posting redoubled the joy pandora-young:Today is the first birthday of my painting ‘Ribbons,’ which posting redoubled the joy pandora-young:Today is the first birthday of my painting ‘Ribbons,’ which posting redoubled the joy


Today is the first birthday of my painting ‘Ribbons,’ which posting redoubled the joy of the Untamed for me by sparking an outpouring of stories from you all! You’ve shared with me stories of love, love lost, love found, of ordeal, of strength grown of wounds, of meaning. It genuinely changed my life, and gave what I do so much purpose <3

In reposting it today I realized with shock that I’d never actually posted its companion paintings!!! So many folks cried out for Wei Wuxian’s portrait to hang along Lan Wangji’s —lest they never be parted again— that I could not help but oblige:P Then yet more of you voiced the hope of seeing them in a happier moment, safe and aglow in one another’s embrace. Especially during these last few years, when so many of us have been starved for the closeness of our loved ones or lost them altogether, I realized the importance of getting to see our beloved characters be *together*.

‘Ribbons,’ ‘Binds,’ and ‘Sing to Me.’ Digital paint, 2021.

(P.S. If anyone is asking, yes I have prints of all in my Etsy:) )

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taz-ids: mike-does-weird-things: Sunset Kisses [ID] A full color drawing of agent Stern and Barclay,



Sunset Kisses

[ID] A full color drawing of agent Stern and Barclay, sitting together in a hot tub. Barclay is behind Stern, kissing his cheek. Stern is a man with medium complexion skin and slicked back black hair that’s graying slightly. He has a small scar over one arm, and is smiling and blushing slightly. Barclay is a muscular man with hair over his chests and arms, with scars over his body. He has dark brown hair and a large beard, and is blushing as well as he kisses Stern’s cheek. Steam is rising up from the hot springs, and there are towels sitting by the edge. The background shows a sunset over trees off in the distance. [end ID]

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pinkplanes:I actually finished something for once


I actually finished something for once

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