#home au


They’re finee everyone, more than fine.

I had this thought for a long time… His jacket just- engulfs her entirely if it’s the official Layton scale


Them but canon.

I call this dorky Clive because he looks so goofy. Is it the floofy hair or head scratch. Also may I add how huge he is compared to Mary?? He’s twice as wide as she is. The Layton girls really have very petite figures.

And return of the pocket watch. I like to think it’s a gift from Mary. Oh yeah Mary perhaps got a little upgrade herself, do you spot it? I gave her clock brooch on her frill thingy. She looks much more like Spring and Cogg’s adopted daughter that way and it’s cute dndn.

I liked the hug in the previous comic so much so I made a continuation.

They’re very clingy. Well what do you expect from two people that basically have lost everyone important in their life lol. And Mary just looks so huggable in that comfy sweater come on.

What do you mean you don’t kiss your best friend good night.
