#home of the strange


Young The Giant’s new album came out the other day. I had to make a long drive back to my college town the other day to retrieve the keys to my new place, and I thought, “What perfect timing that their new album gets released the same day I’ll be in the car for 5 hours… and can listen to it on repeat for that entire length of time…” 

Okay, slightly kidding on that last part. I did however listen to it a few times, and found certain parts of certain songs that really resonated with me.

Tonight while driving home from my sister’s birthday celebration, the sky was painted in the most remarkable way. In a way that makes you silent; unable to find words to describe how it looks, or what it makes you feel.

All I could think about was the chorus from “Repeat”:

Show me love, fill my cup
The world’s not empty
It’s how you want it to be
Push and pull, the glass is full
Float on an ocean
We’re caught up in the motion
So we move
We just move, we’re just moving

Sometimes I think sunsets and sunrises are a secret sign and special reminder to all of us that despite the bad in the world, or the harshness of a day or time in one’s life, there is always a chance to start over; there’s always a new day, never like the last, and always it’s own canvas to construct.

We all get so busy and wrapped in our lives; we’re always moving, and often maybe lose sight of the fact that we are capable of changing anything we don’t like, don’t need, or feel is no longer building us up. You have to stop sitting in doubt, and consuming the negativity, or else you won’t achieve or fulfill your needs and desires.

The world isn’t empty; there is still so much to learn, to gain, and to grow from. Our cups are always half-full, and are always capable of being filled up even more.

Fill my cup, the world’s not empty. Young The Giant’s new album came out the other day. I had to make a long drive back to my college town the other day to retrieve the keys to my new place, and I thought, 