#hooooooly shit

echoesoffantasy:weirdletter:In the Forest, by Julia Zhigadlo, via ArtStation. Remember the woods



In the Forest, by Julia Zhigadlo, via ArtStation.

Remember the woods? The things that you killed?
The pack in the darkness whose blood your kind swilled?

Remember the wolves? Who ran twixt the trees?
Whose dens and desires you fed to disease?

And now here you walk, in the shadow of man
Hobbling and bobbling as fast as you can

Fleeing from humans with hungering maws
Who pursue you in groups without a good cause

Not to fill up their stomachs, not to further their lives
No, humans don’t need any more food to survive

They kill for the pleasure, because their pack is impure
They’ll kill and they’ll kill, their minds make them unsure

But we see an impurity, we see something wrong
And though we are dead our teeth are quite long

So we’ll hunt the dread hunters, we’ll run one more night
So hood your lantern dear child, don’t give them your light

But keep this in mind, when your hands are red too
The forest remembers, it’s remembering you

Post link


SDCC is here! We’ve got Sonic Forces news to begin: here’s a sneak peek at the theme song for “Infinite.”

#hooooooly shit    #infinite    


over and over and over and over again

if you only knew i would do anything

for a taste of you
