#horace knightley

Halfbody simple drawings of two characters from Ace Attorney Investigations 2. On the left is Nicole Swift, smirking with her arms out in front of her. The palette is muted green, brown, and yellow. On the right is Horace Knightley, with his nose peeking out over his neck brace. He's looking grouchy. The palette is muted teal and yellow.

AAI2 doodles. This game has fun designs so far (id in alt text)

outoftoucherlocksholmes:anyone else?? anyone else getting some kind of vibe??


anyone else?? anyone else getting some kind of vibe??

Post link


So true bestie!

*I proceed to sob into my hands*


So true bestie!

*I proceed to sob into my hands*


a love letter to all my friends who watched me make a fool of myself over that fathers and sons picture


manosouta but memes. memesouta
