#horoscope reading



hello! i’m a bisexual, neurodivergent, white-passing native american who’s currently sixteen years old and unemployed. i’m an eclectic and solitary witch who follows an undecided path but does practice divination. i’m in an abusive and toxic situation where my religion and sexuality is denied, shamed, and unaccepted. i’m struggling finically and i have mental as well as physical health issues. i’ve been diagnosed with anorexia nervosa disorder, borderline personality disorder, generalized anxiety disorder, major depressive disorder, obsessive compulsive disorder, post traumatic stress disorder, and more. (message me for details!) my goal is to leave my unhealthy household by april of next year.

i know there’s thousands of posts like this and i know mine won’t make it big because i have a humble three hundred and five followers but i need help. i’m offering multiple forms of divination as a way to earn money. prices ARE negotiable. blessed be and boost this if you can! these are the services i’m currently offering…

candle flame readings

dream interpretations

horoscope readings 

pendulum readings

sigil making

spell casting and writing

to view my prices and rules, check out my services page. to request any of my services, send me a message. to leave a review, use my submission box. for questions, send me an ask. 

☾ ask|paypal|services ☽


hello! i’m a bisexual, neurodivergent, white-passing native american who’s currently sixteen years old and unemployed. i’m an eclectic and solitary witch who follows an undecided path but does practice divination. i’m in an abusive and toxic situation where my religion and sexuality is denied, shamed, and unaccepted. i’m struggling finically and i have mental as well as physical health issues. i’ve been diagnosed with anorexia nervosa disorder, borderline personality disorder, generalized anxiety disorder, major depressive disorder, obsessive compulsive disorder, post traumatic stress disorder, and more. (message me for details!) my goal is to leave my unhealthy household by april of next year.

i know there’s thousands of posts like this and i know mine won’t make it big because i have a humble three hundred and five followers but i need help. i’m offering multiple forms of divination as a way to earn money. prices ARE negotiable. blessed be and boost this if you can! these are the services i’m currently offering…

candle flame readings

dream interpretations

horoscope readings 

pendulum readings

sigil making

spell casting and writing

to view my prices and rules, check out my services page. to request any of my services, send me a message. to leave a review, use my submission box. for questions, send me an ask. 

☾ ask|paypal|services ☽

please read and reblog this!

hello! i’m a bisexual, neurodivergent, white-passing native american who’s currently sixteen years old and unemployed. i’m an eclectic and solitary witch who follows an undecided path but does practice divination. i’m in an abusive and toxic situation where my religion and sexuality is denied, shamed, and unaccepted. i’m struggling finically and i have mental as well as physical health issues. i’ve been diagnosed with anorexia nervosa disorder, borderline personality disorder, generalized anxiety disorder, major depressive disorder, obsessive compulsive disorder, post traumatic stress disorder, and more. (message me for details!) my goal is to leave my unhealthy household by april of next year.

i know there’s thousands of posts like this and i know mine won’t make it big because i have a humble three hundred and five followers but i need help. i’m offering multiple forms of divination as a way to earn money. prices ARE negotiable. blessed be and boost this if you can! these are the services i’m currently offering…

candle flame readings

dream interpretations

horoscope readings 

pendulum readings

sigil making

spell casting and writing

to view my prices and rules, check out my services page. to request any of my services, send me a message. to leave a review, use my submission box. for questions, send me an ask. 

☾ ask|paypal|services ☽

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