#hot rod


Private commission for @teztime of their fenghuang Hot Rod.

More RP stuff. Torque (OC belonging to @vapzhu), Hot Rod with the Star Sabre, and a very angry SentiMore RP stuff. Torque (OC belonging to @vapzhu), Hot Rod with the Star Sabre, and a very angry Senti

More RP stuff. Torque (OC belonging to @vapzhu), Hot Rod with the Star Sabre, and a very angry Sentinel. Chibi Drift (painted red) and Hot Rod, and Liege Maximo.

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Day 2 - Rodimus (Hot Rod)Rust Narrows Snack! Leading an insurgency requires ener-moonpies.

Day 2 - Rodimus (Hot Rod)

Rust Narrows Snack! Leading an insurgency requires ener-moonpies.

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Hot Rod and Daniel seem like brothers and go fishing on the weekends

[Image ID: two sketches focusing on Hot Rod and Daniel Witwicky from G1 Transformers. The first shows Hot Rod crouching in front of the adult versions of Carly and Spike. Carly has her hand on Spike’s shoulder and he is holding a baby Daniel in his arms. The baby is wrapped in blue blankets and is excitedly reaching out his hands to hold Hot Rod’s finger as he holds it out to Daniel. Hot looks entranced by the little baby. Behind him stands Optimus Prime with his hand gently placed on Hot Rod’s shoulder. The background is reminiscent of watercolours with splashes of orange, yellow and blue.

The second picture is an uncoloured pencil sketch of Hot Rod and a now older Daniel, maybe 5 to 8, with Hot Rod at the lake. Daniel has a big grin on his face where we can see he is missing a tooth. They are excitedly holding up the fish they have caught. End ID]
