#how many second chances will we get



Read on AO3– Written for the incredible @podcastbigbang; watch out for art by @evieebun125 and a podfic by @guinevere01

Usually the only things capable of dragging Grizzop into sleep are either exhaustion or a begrudging acceptance that he has to rest for his spells to replenish. Tonight, his adrenaline is miles ahead of exhaustion, and he’s not getting his spells back either way, since they seem to be in an anti-magic cell, so he’s awake when it happens–-one moment, he’s squinting into the empty monochrome beyond the bars, and the next, everything is…wrong.

Or: No one gets lost in Rome, but there are consequences to dragging your friends back through thousands of years–-namely, reliving quarantine over, and over, and over again.


Sasha’s ears are still ringing from her bomb when the fight kicks off properly. The rush of adrenaline as the first assailant comes into view is somewhat comforting, but also starts a slight twitch in her right hand that she really can’t afford right now. She watches as Grizzop drops a soldier in one shot – can’t be a paladin then, to go down that easy – and buries three more arrows in another’s shield. His fingers are quick and light, gaze focused even as he hisses with frustration; Sasha breathes out, slow, and tightens her grip.

The shield guy seems focused on Grizzop, so Sasha digs her toes hard into the dirt and leaps the way she’s done hundreds of times before—and is blocked before she even gets halfway, thrown off with surprising ease. She drops to the ground ungracefully, instinctively curling up to defend herself from a swing, only to watch the blade go a full six inches wide of her, and then somehow miss Cicero as well.

Well, least he’s not good at both, Sasha thinks, and a moment later watches two arrows graze past the shield in quick succession, piercing the man’s flesh with a sickening  thunk . He drops, and a moment later so does another soldier. Sasha allows herself a brief grin at Grizzop; he’s not looking, which is even better.

Then bloody Cicero has to run into the next room, and the real fight starts.

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Read on AO3– Written for the incredible @podcastbigbang; watch out for art by @evieebun125 and a podfic by @guinevere01

Usually the only things capable of dragging Grizzop into sleep are either exhaustion or a begrudging acceptance that he has to rest for his spells to replenish. Tonight, his adrenaline is miles ahead of exhaustion, and he’s not getting his spells back either way, since they seem to be in an anti-magic cell, so he’s awake when it happens–-one moment, he’s squinting into the empty monochrome beyond the bars, and the next, everything is…wrong.

Or: No one gets lost in Rome, but there are consequences to dragging your friends back through thousands of years–-namely, reliving quarantine over, and over, and over again.


Sasha’s ears are still ringing from her bomb when the fight kicks off properly. The rush of adrenaline as the first assailant comes into view is somewhat comforting, but also starts a slight twitch in her right hand that she really can’t afford right now. She watches as Grizzop drops a soldier in one shot – can’t be a paladin then, to go down that easy – and buries three more arrows in another’s shield. His fingers are quick and light, gaze focused even as he hisses with frustration; Sasha breathes out, slow, and tightens her grip.

The shield guy seems focused on Grizzop, so Sasha digs her toes hard into the dirt and leaps the way she’s done hundreds of times before—and is blocked before she even gets halfway, thrown off with surprising ease. She drops to the ground ungracefully, instinctively curling up to defend herself from a swing, only to watch the blade go a full six inches wide of her, and then somehow miss Cicero as well.

Well, least he’s not good at both, Sasha thinks, and a moment later watches two arrows graze past the shield in quick succession, piercing the man’s flesh with a sickening  thunk . He drops, and a moment later so does another soldier. Sasha allows herself a brief grin at Grizzop; he’s not looking, which is even better.

Then bloody Cicero has to run into the next room, and the real fight starts.

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This is art for the Prologue of How Many Second Chances Will We Get written by @adhduck​!! for @podc

This is art for the PrologueofHow Many Second Chances Will We Get written by @adhduck​!! for @podcastbigbang​!

You can find the podfic version here  by @guinevere01


Usually the only things capable of dragging Grizzop into sleep are either exhaustion or a begrudging acceptance that he has to rest for his spells to replenish. Tonight, his adrenaline is miles ahead of exhaustion, and he’s not getting his spells back either way, since they seem to be in an anti-magic cell, so he’s awake when it happens–-one moment, he’s squinting into the empty monochrome beyond the bars, and the next, everything is…wrong.

 Or: No one gets lost in Rome, but there are consequences to dragging your friends back through thousands of years–-namely, reliving quarantine over, and over, and over again.

[ID: A digital drawing of a Hamid Saleh Haroun Al-Tahan, Grizzop Drik Acht Amsterdam, Sasha Rackett, Eldarion, and Azu. Grizzop and Sasha stand in the center of the picture, Grizzop is injured with his hand outstretched towards Sasha. They are surrounded by 4 Cult of Hades men however their attention is centered on the prone forms of Hamid, Azu and Eldarion. They are in a poorly lit tunnel.

Starting in the center of the picture; Grizzop is a gray goblin with red eyes. His green overcoat is covered in green blood. He is wearing silver Artemis armor, beige pants, and gray leather boots.  Sasha is a slim white women with a scar covering her right side. She has dark hair and is wearing a brown leather studded jacket, black shirt, pants and boots. She has a dagger clenched in her left hand.

Behind Grizzop and Sasha are 4 Cult of Hades enforcers, they are wearing roman armor of silver and red, their helmets are gold with red feathers sticking out of the tops. They are all holding red tower shields and spears.

In the foreground, Hamid is laying atop Azu. He is an Egyptian halfling with curly brown hair and brass scales. He is wearing a green suit, purple and gold robes of ancestry and brown with gold accented heels.  Azu is a Kenyan half-orc with a shaved head, her ears and nose are pierced. She is wearing a beige dress with pink patterns underneath bright pink plate armor.  Eldarion is standing in front of hamid and Azu, she is a pale elf with curly brown hair done up in a ponytail; Her dress is blue with white ruffles. /End ID]

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This is art for the Chapter 1 of How Many Second Chances Will We Get written by @adhduck​!! for @pod

This is art for the Chapter 1ofHow Many Second Chances Will We Get written by @adhduck​!! for @podcastbigbang​!

You can find the podfic version here by@guinevere01


Usually the only things capable of dragging Grizzop into sleep are either exhaustion or a begrudging acceptance that he has to rest for his spells to replenish. Tonight, his adrenaline is miles ahead of exhaustion, and he’s not getting his spells back either way, since they seem to be in an anti-magic cell, so he’s awake when it happens–-one moment, he’s squinting into the empty monochrome beyond the bars, and the next, everything is…wrong.

Or: No one gets lost in Rome, but there are consequences to dragging your friends back through thousands of years–-namely, reliving quarantine over, and over, and over again.

[ID: A digital drawing of Hamid Saleh Haroun Al-Tahan, Grizzop Drik Acht Amsterdam, Zolf Smith, Eldarion, and Azu from Rusty Quill Gaming. Hamid, Grizzop, Eldarion and Azu are behind cell bars while Zolf stands firm outside with his arms crossed. Hamid is in Azu’s arm unconscious, her and Eldarion are looking up at the ceiling as Grizzop shouts at Zolf. Grizzop is a  gray goblin with red eyes. He is wearing a green overcoat and silver Artemis armor, beige pants, and gray leather boots. Hamid is an brown skinned Egyptian halfling with curly brown hair and brass scales. He is wearing a green suit, purple and gold robes of ancestry and brown with gold accented heels. Azu is a black Kenyan half-orc with a shaved head, her ears and nose are pierced. She is wearing a beige dress with pink patterns underneath bright pink plate armor.  Eldarion is a pale elf with curly brown hair done up in a ponytail; Her dress is blue with white ruffles. Zolf is a tan dwarven man, he has short white hair and beard. He is wearing a gray trench coat over a chain mail shirt and green pants. /End ID]

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