#how to adult


Turning 18 often comes with new opportunities and responsibilities, but you got this! Rachel has some tips.

We’ve talked about different kinds of debt, so now let’s discuss some strategies to get out of it.

#how to adult    #adulting    #finance    #hank green    

The more you know about borrowing money, the more you can shape your financial future!

If you’re trying to stick to a budget, this can be a difficult time of the year. We have some tips to help you avoid breaking the bank!

#how to adult    #adulting    #budget    #holidays    #finances    #hank green    #saving    #saving money    

Tying a necktie is hard and NO ONE knows how to do it. Well, probably some people do, but for everyone else, here’s a video you can refer to every time you have to do a fancy thing!

#how to adult    #adulting    #clothes    #fashion    #skills    #life skills    #hank green    

Chelsea Fagan of The Financial Diet stopped by to give some helpful advice about how to budget money!

If you’ve ever looked at a fire extinguisher and thought, “I should really learn how to use that,” now is the time!!

#how to adult    #adulting    #safety    

Dealing with death isn’t easy, but it’s an important part of life. Today, we’re giving you an idea of what to expect when there’s a death in your close family.

#mourning    #adulting    #how to adult    

We learned so much from this conversation with an expert on preconception, pregnancy, and birth!

#how to adult    #adulting    #pregnancy    #maternity    #health    #healthcare    #hank green    

Hey, party people!!! Want to host a shindig and make sure your guests have a rad time? Here are some tips!

#how to adult    #adulting    

Thinking about getting a tattoo? We have tips!

There are subtle distinctions in beer, and enthusiasts can spot them with just a couple sips. Craig Benzine, Megan Toenyes, and Matthew Gaydos put their beer-tasting skills to the test!

Cleaning your car might seem like too daunting a task to even take on, but Rachel guides us through the process!

#how to adult    #car maintenance    #cleaning    #adulting    

Sometimes work can be overwhelming. Here are six tips to combat work stress!

We put together a glossary of cooking terms to help you understand the strange things recipes call for!

Is there anything more adult than having sophisticated wine knowledge to share? Yes, but it’s still useful!
