
The Good Stuff Poster (plus work in progress screenshots) Off the back of my Wheezy Waiter poster, CThe Good Stuff Poster (plus work in progress screenshots) Off the back of my Wheezy Waiter poster, CThe Good Stuff Poster (plus work in progress screenshots) Off the back of my Wheezy Waiter poster, C

The Good Stuff Poster (plus work in progress screenshots)

Off the back of my Wheezy Waiter poster, Craig kindly asked me to make a poster to use for their Subbable campaign! After a few sketches, we settled on the idea of a World of Stuff sort of thing. This was just a thumbnail sketch done in felt tips. I find felt tips really great for hashing out quick ideas. I do it for pretty much every design I make.

I blocked out the objects and things in Cinema 4D. These were just black and white to get everything in place first. Then once it was approved by the gang, I went ahead and started texturing. Cinema 4D is fantastic for quickly creating and editing textures. I’m used to working in Maya, and it can be quite difficult to easily make and edit lighting setups. Love it.

Then after that its using photoshop to build up the background and the layers of light a smoke. I used a Depth Map from C4D to mask out the several layers of the poster, so I didn’t end up erasing layers I might need later, or have to do any rotoscoping, or magic wand guff.

Thought I’d share a bit of process, as I rarely do that :)

You can get this poster as part of The Good Stuff’s Subbable Campaign. Donate over $30 and get a signed one of these.


Post link

Here’s a compilation of videos from influencers on YouTube who are speaking up about the presidential elections in the United States and its effects.



Harley Morenstein:

Craig Benzine (a.k.a Wheezy Waiter):

Laci Green:

Philip DeFranco:


Sleep. My great frontier.

Hey, if you want to try to not derail any sort of health goal you might have during the holidays, I made this here video to help.

Were we able to go Zero Waste for a Month? Well um…

#wheezywaiter    #wheezy waiter    #zero waste    #garbage    #environment    

10,000 steps day. How hard is it to get? Is it good for you? What does it feel like? What are some tips for doing it? We tried to answer all of these questions AND my parents are in it, too.

#wheezywaiter    #walking    #fitness    #exercise    

Is college worth it? I give you the definitive (not so definitive) answer.

minimal caption

Yep. I did it. And I’m still doing it cuz it’s really working and making me feel good. Oops. Was that a spoiler?

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Why do People Like Beards?

#wheezywaiter    #wheezy waiter    #beards    

Been meditating for well over a month now and I truly think it’s one of the best things I’ve done for myself. A bit of a learning curve and it takes practice, but for real, I HIGHLY recommend it.

Tried to figure out why I’m so into doing all this self-improvement stuff lately and made a video about it.

I started trying to sit and stand with good posture. Here’s what I’ve learned on my adventure.

#wheezywaiter    #wheezy waiter    #posture    

Today I identify several reasons why people like Apple and take a hard middle stance about it.

Dear Tumblr,

I thought before buying a house it would be a good idea to make a video talking to a bunch of people about whether or not it’s a wise decision. Oops, never got around to that until AFTER we bought the house.

Craig Homeowner Benzine

Dear Tumblr,

Chyna and my marriage is OVER!

Let me finish…

-joyed to be put through the ringer and take a survey of 36 questions that supposedly make people fall in love, or their relationships even stronger.

I probably should have worded that differently.

We’re doing great. Just thought it would be fun to ask each other these 36 Questions and see what happens.


Craig LET ME FINISH! Benzine

17 Ways to Stop Wasting Time on the Internet

There’s this insane trend going around the tubes about getting up super early. Now, I know many of you probably already get up super early for your job or your school or your knitting club or whatever. But I’m talking about getting up EXTRA early. Like hours before you’re even supposed to.

For me that’s 4:30am because our little Ada wakes up about about 6 or 6:30 every day. Anyway, I’ve decided to try it and I blather on about it in a video!

I did a pilot for a web series called The Mall Runner. It’s good weird fun.

So my channel has been doing much better these days. Here’s some of the things I did to help make that happen.
