#how to dragon your train

Between getting shot in the stomach and bleeding to death, getting metaphorically eaten by a dragon,

Between getting shot in the stomach and bleeding to death, getting metaphorically eaten by a dragon, getting falsely accused of mass murder, and going on the run with a pair of criminals, it’s been a rough two weeks forIrene.

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It has been a LONG time since I’ve properly gamed, and I may have over prepared, but I’m HYPE!

@almonihahzrathanzon​ Oooo, exciting! What are you playing?

We started our Train Game! So far Irene found a nearly-intact ancient building in the middle of nowhere with the potential to make her career, explored inside on her own (she left a note), and fell down a hole into an underground water tower. Good times!

The campaign is officially called End of the Line, but also known as How To Dragon Your Train.

It has been a LONG time since I’ve properly gamed, and I may have over prepared, but I’m HYPE!
