#hurricane season


This month has been a trying month of worries and sleepless nights. Since the hurricane season began its been choatic for me. I live in the UK but was born in Antigua and have family in the caribbean that has been affected from these storms. I have family in Barbuda, St Croix & St Thomas and when Irma was passing I was stressed TF out, now Maria is now causing this stress. I also have friends who have family members on different islands as well.

I just want all this to be over and that my family and my friend’s family are safe.

In a tropical storm watch

So apparently Dorian is not gonna hit me anymore, but I am in a tropical storm watch. Yippie. I love storms. Bummed it won’t hit us, but glad to not be getting hit directly by a category 4/5. That’s scary


Anyone else in Dorians path?

No longer in Dorians path!

If I have to see one more post on here about how the US needs to focus on the Carribean islands, Puerto Rico and Cuba instead of Florida because it won’t be bad here I’m going to scream. We know they’ve been devastated by this storm, and we’re already prepared to help. But Jesus Christ the same storm that devastated you guys is heading towards us now and we’re fucking terrified. My whole county has been in and out of tornado warnings all morning and Irma is still hundreds of miles away. I’ve spent most of my morning in a bath tub because there were two tornado touchdowns near our house. Let us get through this before you start fucking attacking us and calling us “filthy westerners.” Just because the news is focusing on Florida right now does not mean we’ve forgotten about any of you, so give us a damn break until Irma passes.
